Crawford County Coalition

August 15, 2017|9:00 am| Meeting called to order byAnnette Koster

Annette Koster, BVCS Early Childhood Iowa; Retta Mitchell, Child Care Resource & Referral; Mollie Scott, Decat/CPPC; Amanda McCullough, Region XII Housing; Nicki Ahart, 1st Five; Chris Lee, Child Care Nurse Consultant; Janette Clausen, Crossroads of Crawford County; Mollie Scott, Decat/CPPC; Julie Florian Health Promotion Strategies; Rachel Prodanovich, Jackson Recovery; Glen Barngrover, Juvenile Court Officer; Dawn Luetge, Foster Care & Adoption; Emmalee Bolin U Sarah Robertson, Parent Partners; Amy Hull, Plains Area Mental Health; Lisa Smith & Sherri Vaughn Iowa Workforce Devleopment; Janet Pedroza, Lutheran Services in Iowa Bilingual Therapist; Jodie Holm, West Central Community Action/Outreach.

The minutes were emailed out to participants from the June 20, 2017 meeting. No additions or corrections were made.

CPPC Updates

Mollie Scott presented the schedules Regional meeting will be held in Denison on Sept 20th at Cronk’s Café in Denison. Updates about new initiatives and/or presenters on hot topics at the state level. The Statewide meeting will held on Nov 2ndin Des Moines, all are welcome to attend.

Grants for FY 18 include: Baby Boutique, Crawford County Home Health Hospice & Public Health; Denison Library; Family Team Meetings, Therapy Place. Have unallocated funding in the amount of $5,000.00, contact Mollie Scott.

Coalition Attendee Updates

Amy Hull: Plains Area Mental Health she serves Denison and Ida Counties. PCIT and Play Therapy have rooms set up and are available for services. Staff at the agency include: Jamie Rush LMSW on Th-Fri, Amanda Esco, and Deb Hausi. Consult with Denison Job Corp high suicide rate, trained in DBT. Asked by Strom Lake for school based mental health, the Region allocated funds to serve both Denison and Storm Lake. Funds from Decat protected job at Denison. Amanda and Jamie high & middle school for therapy, trying to field questions and concerns until Lynsey returns from maternity leave. Working on being co-occurring for substance abuse and mental health agency is certified Sept and Oct. Expectation all clinical will be trained.

Angie McCullogh: Regional Housing waiting list is approximately two to three months. Question was asked at the Sac County Coalition about homeless person being high priority. Confirmed that Domestic Violence is the only priority. Currently accepting applications, will be a the WIC clinic on Thursday September 12th from 10:00 to 12:00. Lower level Broadway. Please hang tear off sheet at your organization or where people can see.

Family Self Sufficiency is a program families on HUD assistance can access to learn how to be self-sufficient. Looking for landlords that are willing to accept HUD. Reasonable requirements for the landlord to meet. Discussion was held on homelessness in the area.

Lisa Smith & Sheri Von: Iowa Workforce Office out of the Carroll office. Employer Educator Summit will be held from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm on Wed, Oct 4th at the Stables at Copper Ridge Denison, Iowa RSVP

Connection with employer in house workshops in office, willing to take on the road (see handout). Workshop on August 28 if staff or co-workers address how to get into community. Pursing free space in Denison to continue services location, hours to come.

Match employment with job seekers can be disabled, felony, etc. Enroll in workshops Employer Council of Iowa, next one Diversity in the Workplace presenter will be John W with ISU Extension. Working with ethnic populations. Provided a handout for Unemployment Insurance Rates by County Crawford at 3.8 unemployment rate.

Janet Pedroza: Bilingual Licensed Practitioner of the Healing Arts LMSW employed at Lutheran Services in Iowa. Currently therapy sessions in Storm Lake and Carroll. Looking forward to group therapy – substance abuse. Feel free to call LSI office phone 712-263-9341. Currently taking Title 19 and other insurances.

Dawn L: Lutheran Service in Iowa holds the contract for Foster Care and Adoption Recruitment. Caseloads now have a limit to 35 (past 80). Lisa Colby will be covering Crawford, Shelby, Audubon, and Sac Counties. Hiring for the Carroll, Guthrie, Greene, and Sac Counties. Referrals can be made to the Denison office or by calling 844-574-7787. Please take a flyer and display at your office or in community. 30 County area open referrals in July had 66 open with 58 kids placed. In need of Foster Homes to serve sibling groups, teen homes, even struggle with babies. With the Every Student Succeeds Act need families in order for kids to stay in their school district. Class is a 10 week session, class starting Tuesday Aug 22nd. If someone wants to be a Foster Parent have 60 days or 60 miles for class. Skype may be an option. Information sessions to talk to group, record checks and finger prints, enhanced homes in Oct. DHS will call LSI for placement. LSI weekly visits.

Rachel Prodanovich: Jackson Recovery serving seven counties with a grant from IDPH. Prevention, life skills middle, high schools, transitional. Family Education series in Sioux City (2 hours), addiction who is affected, how affects kids. Can come out to train at in-house or individuals (1 hour) 2 to 4 sessions.

Nicki Ahart: 1st Five Coordinator. Has licensing rights to show the Resilience documentary. It is 45 minutes long. Recommend to everyone. Coordinated Intake meeting will be held on September 15th 10:00 to 11:30 in Harlan at the Library. First in state to have all clinics singed.

Ivy Nelson: not present but sent an update. Looking for 55 and older workers and places to place the people. 20 hours a week, need supervision and income.

Jodi Holm: West Central Community Action agency in process of school supplies, currently helped 53 families and 165 children. Still have some supplies, is on income based. Marketing was done by word of mouth and Facebook.

LIHEAP will start October 1st60 years, SSI and SSID. Need SS number, birthdate, last 3 months income, if someone in the home is documented they are eligible. Goes through the end of April. If you know of someone with overdue utility bills have them contact Jodi.

Julie Florian: Tobacco Prevention Services, Reported on the Iowa Mapper and Youth Survey to the Coalition. Youth Survey last year Crawford County was #56 this year #59 (1 is bad 99 is good). Alcohol use high for both male (52%) and female (59%) 11 graders at high percentages. Other data shared included: tobacco use, smokeless tobacco, and electronic cigarette. Crawford County showed 2% to 3% for Water pipe or Hookah use, not seen in very many counties. Tobacco retailers identified on the mapper, one goal could be to have tobacco retailers located further apart.

Incorporating tobacco free and nicotine free policies into practice. Looking to work with day care centers and or businesses.

Retta Mitchell: Child Care Resource & Referral is looking for childcare providers. Denison is lucky to have Children Imagination Station. Smaller communities looking to open centers. A person who is not registered can have five (5) children in their care. It does not matter if they have an associate or helpers, it is Iowa law. If they are Registered Child Development Homes they can care for up to 8 – 12 children depending on if they are registered as an A, B, or C home. Centers go by ratio for the site. Looking for any suggestions for new providers. Benefits to Registration include: Child Care Assistance is a higher rate, Food Program monthly check, work from home, new recruitment-retention staff Rebecca Hungate for CCR&R. Child care hotline is available to report over numbers, lack of supervision, or any other concerns 1-844-786-1296. The hotline wasput in place so the Child Abuse Hotline is not flooded with these type of calls. They have the ability to transfer calls when necessary. Discussion held on employers looking to relocate to areas ask about the availability of child care.

Attended Playground Safety Class this summer. Public parks fall under the same safety standards.

Chris Lee: Child Care Nurse Consultant for Crawford County. Address health and safety of children in preschools and homes. Handwashing is an item taught with child care providers and children. Provide information on CPR mask, hot/cold packs, fevers, childhood disease. Sometimes hear preschools are not part of the school nurses duties. Assist with child record reviews, dental and medical homes. Also attended the Playground safety training.

Jennifer Macke: Chris Lee reported an update from Jen Macke about i-Smile program. September will start the screenings in preschools. Delta Dental asked Jennifer to serve on a committee to identify if another dentist is needed in town to help serve Medicaid. Many dentist only take a certain amount of patients per month, or already on patient list. More information to come in October.

Annette Koster: BVCS Early Childhood Iowa, shared FY 17 Annual Report items included financial information, board attendance, Executive Summary, Community Plan Update and programs; Family STEPS, Oral Health, Child Care Consultant, Child Care Nurse Consultant, and Preschool Scholarships, Support, Coordination.

Child Abuse Prevention

September 8th will be a Regional meeting in Storm Lake and September 11th in Atlantic registration at 8:30 am. 9:00 to 4:00 training participants may pay a $15.00 fee for lunch. Anyone is welcome to attend; participation is strongly encouraged for ICAPP & CBCAP grantees. Registration is on the Prevent Child Abuse Iowa website. On the PCA website under the Resources tab, Training, Regional Meetings list of location to choose from. Business topic: what to expect with merger of ICAPP & CBCAP programs. Also being reviewed are MOU’s that will need to be in place to identify recipients of prevention funding. Training/topics: Data In the Real World, Cultural Competency, Connection Matters, Focus Groups, and Steward of Children. $10.00 for Steward of Children the rest are free.

FY 18 quarterly reporting, attempting to get into the system. Transition to DAISY for long and short term home visitation programs. Will still be using the Protective Factors survey. Had some issues related to HIPPA but has been signed off. No more reporting on Iowa Family Survey. Still keep collecting data until DAISEY site is up and running.

With the ICAPP & CBAPP merger the admin has been completed. One entity per county to receive funding. Currently possibility was PCA Council and Decat/CPPC (CBCAP) funds. MOU to identify who communities will be working together, figure out what is best for community to identify what needs funding. Fiscal ability to accept funds either 501 c-3 or Fiscal agent.

Contract for FY 18, Family STEPS Program

Current Balance $214.47

Discussed fundraiser at Pizza Ranch to raise money for pinwheels. Check school calendar for conflicting dates. Mollie will check with Pizza Ranch. Will need volunteers to “bus” tables.

Adjourned at 3:40 pm

Next Meeting

October 17th, ISU Extension and Outreach

Speaker Jacklyn Naurkal, CCR&R

Meeting adjourned at 3:40 pm

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