IESA Awards 2018 – Recognising the best in Indian Electric Vehicle Industry

Application Form

Award Category: Electric Vehicle Company of the Year

This award recognizes the EV manufacturer, Equipment manufacturer or Service/Solutions provider in Indian Electric Vehicle space for their outstanding contribution/offering.
Important rules for participation
  1. All questions must be answered. Incomplete forms may not be considered. You may use additional space, if required, however please ensure that you adhere to a word limit of 500 wordsfor each question.
  2. In case you don’t have an answer for any question, please write ‘NA’ for that question
  3. Mandatory supporting documents are to be provided as required. Applications without mandatory supporting documents may not be considered for the Awards
  4. The declaration (at the end of this form) must be signed by a senior functionary of the organization (MD/Owner/Director/Any other senior functionary with signing authority)
  5. The form may be submitted by emailing the completed application to
The completed form must reach the Awards Management by 15thNovember, 2017
  1. Please maintain one copy of the form with you for your records.
  2. If you have any questions, or require any clarifications, please contact Mr. Debi Dash at .
  3. The final eligibility of the nominees is subject to the discretion and approval of the Award management and Jury
  4. Submission of this application will be deemed acceptance of the Award’s terms and conditions as available on the website :
  5. Information provided in this form will be confidential and will be used only for the limited purpose of evaluating the entry to these Awards

Name of the Applicant (Individual)
Name of the organisation
Year of Establishment
Registered office address
Contact details / Telephone:
Company website:
Number of Employees
Are you an IESA Member? / YES / NO
Section / FY 15 / FY 16 / FY 17
Total Revenue
  1. Describe the role of your company in electric vehicle space.
(EV manufacturer, Equipment manufacturer, Service/Solutions provider,Others)
  1. Describe your products offering in the EV space?Also explain your target markets?

  1. How are you differentiating yourself from others in terms of the Business model?

4. How many vehicles/ products have been sold in the last 3 financial years in each segment?
5. Describe the company’s market presencein regions (states) across India?
6. What is your manufacturing capacity and what you do in manufacturing process at your plant?
7. Explain your key technology innovations in the EV space?
8. How are you differentiating your product from your key competitors?
9. What is your penetration target by 2020?
10. Explain your penetration strategy to achieve the target?
I declare that the information provided in this application form is correct, accurate and pertains to my business. I agree to abide by the rules and regulations of participation.
Sign / Date
Company Stamp

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