Title:Shell Make the Future SG_160816_Social

Duration: 1:47 minutes


We believe the answers to tomorrow’s energy challenges lie in the power of people’s ingenuity, and that together we can #makethefuture today.

Shell Make the Future SG_160816_Social Film Transcript

[Background music plays]

Upbeat electronic music

[Text displays]

Every bright idea starts with a question

Because it’s those who question the world that end up changing it

[Video footage]

Old black-and-white footage of a very early wood-framed twin-propeller aircraft. The pilot stands behind the engine while two men simultaneously give each propeller a spin to start the motor.

A still portrait-style photograph of Albert Einstein.

[Text displays]

That’s why we’ve created

Make the Future Singapore

[Video footage]

Time-lapse footage of a green square within Singapore. People stroll along a central footpath as the camera slowly approaches an attractive single-storey building at the head of the path.

Time-lapse footage of a river spanned by a road bridge which runs alongside the Helix Bridge in Singapore. The cityscape and visible buildings look futuristic in style.

[Text displays]

A festival of ideas and innovation for Asia

[Video footage]

Time-lapse footage of a busy inner-city intersection of freeways and offramps in Singapore. City lights come on as the light fades.

[Text displays]

So bright young minds from around the region...

[Video footage]

A small group of young people working on a small experimental type vehicle.

A small group of grinning young people stand behind the vehicle.

A small group of young men lower the canopy onto the experimental type vehicle. The driver has to adopt an almost supine position inside it.

[Text displays]

...can come together...

[Video footage]

Close-up of a grinning teenager. She is spinning a wheel on a display in front of her to create a vortex of water within a large glass tube.

Close-up of a teenager wearing virtual reality goggles. She turns to face the camera so that we can see that the words Virtual Reality Experience and the Shell emblem on the device.

[Text displays]

...to ask the questions...

[Video footage]

Three teenagers gathered around a 3D human anatomy model. They are placing the model’s internal organs back in the abdominal cavity.

[Text displays]

...that really matter

[Video footage]

Four teenagers standing in front of a large touchscreen display. Two of the girls reach forward to touch the screen.

[Text displays]

By 2060 Shell estimates energy demand could rise by 2/3 from its level today

[Video footage]

Time-lapse footage showing a slowly revolving earth. The sun illuminates more and more of the earth’s surface as it appears to rise from behind it.

Time-lapse aerial footage of night-time Singapore. River traffic speeds along between the brightly and colourfully lit city.

[Text displays]

So how can the world generate more energy whilst producing less CO2?

[Video footage]

Time-lapse footage of night-time Singapore. Traffic speeds along between the brightly-lit buildings.

Time-lapse footage of the intersection of a busy multi-level freeway.

Congested commuter traffic – three-wheeler taxis and scooters – zip close by to the camera vantage point.

[Text displays]

Together the world must meet this challenge

[Video footage]

A young girl stands in front of a digital interactive display. The display of a swirling green vortex responds as she waves her raised arms above her head.

A young boy stands in front of a digital interactive display. The display of floating geometric shapes respond as he waves his raised arms in front of him.

Close-up of a group of young people poring over a display in front of them.

Close-up of the screen. It asks: How would you make air travel more efficient?, and lists several ideas for doing so.

[Text displays]

Through collaboration...

[Video footage]

Three young men working together carefully slide a large black box through the open door of a pod-like structure or vehicle in front of them.

[Text displays]


[Video footage]

Two young men and a woman in a lab setting. They are examining a test-tube of golden liquid which one of the men holds up for a closer look.

[Text displays]

...and partners...

[Video footage]

A group of young people holding aloft the national flag of Singapore cheer and celebrate around a small experimental-type vehicle.

[Text displays]

...and partnership

[Video footage]

Camera zooms into a group of cheering young people. They are holding the national flag of Singapore in front of them.

[Text displays]

And it’s already happening

[Video footage]

People milling about in a darkened room. A screen against the far wall shows a video of a large spinning fan. Superimposed against it is a grid divided into quadrants, marked A, B, C and D. A countdown from 10 is in the centre of the grid.

[Text displays]

For 30 years...

[Video footage]

A series of extreme close-ups of a mechanic working on a vehicle’s engine.

[Text displays]

...students have been coming up with bright energy ideas

[Video footage]

A race-track: two people carrying a small vehicle canopy.

Overhead shot of the race-track, showing people milling about, some gathered around several small vehicle canopies.

Close-up of students in a lecture room.

Extreme close-up of a mechanical contraption featuring a bicycle wheel and wires.

[Text displays]

And next year at the festival...

[Video footage]

Cars on a race-track whizz by the camera.

[Text displays]

...you can experience the ultimate energy-efficient challenge at Shell Eco-marathon Asia

[Video footage]

Cars on a race-track speed towards the camera as they pass the finish line.

Close-up of a hand spinning a gear or dynamo on the side of a small experimental-type vehicle.

A driver seated in what appears to be a modified wheelchair. A man adjusts a control or steering mechanism in the driver’s lap.

Small experimental-type vehicles on the race-track speed towards the camera.

[Text displays]

Nearly 1,000 students...

[Video footage]

A crowd of cheering students and race-car teams gathered on the race-track. They are all facing the camera.

Close-up of a small experimental vehicle on the race-track zips by the camera.

[Text displays]

...from over 15 countries...

[Video footage]

A crowd of cheering students and race-car teams gathered on the race-track. They are all facing the camera.

[Text displays]

...are coming to Singapore...

[Video footage]

Time-lapse footage of the Merlion Statue at Merlion Park waterfront in Singapore. Clouds scud overhead and pedestrians move about the waterfront.

[Text displays]

...to share their innovations

[Video footage]

Close-up of a young woman kneeling alongside the wheel of one of the small experimental vehicles. She is grinning up at an unseen person and then at the camera.

Close-up of people making adjustments to the wiring in an engine.

Extreme close-up of hands lifting a cellphone and pen off a hand-drawn series of diagrams and calculations.

[Text displays]

See Shell Eco-marathon Asia...

[Video footage]

Several close-ups of a few of the small experimental vehicles on the race-track.

[Text displays]

...at Make the Future Singapore

[Video footage]

Time-lapse night-time footage of a brightly illuminated Singapore skyline.

Time-lapse night-time footage of busy freeways flowing through the city centre.

[Text displays]

Experience bright energy ideas in action...

[Video footage]

Two men standing in front of a large interactive digital display. They move their arms slowly to get the image to respond to them.

Close-up of a young man inside a large plastic bubble bristling with what looks like suckers. He uses his body weight to move the bubble.

[Text displays]

...test them...

[Video footage]

Lateral view of the hands of a row of people. Each person is paying attention to the console in front of him or her.

Lateral view of the row of young people standing in front of the consoles. Each one is looking down at the console in front of him or her.

[Text displays]

...contribute your own...

[Video footage]

Close-up of a cluster of white and yellow Post-It notes on which have been drawn concept vehicles of all descriptions.

[Text displays]

...and explore the journey to a low carbon future

[Video footage]

People milling about in a darkened exhibition area. Three of the giant plastic bubbles can be seen on the far side of the room.

A group of young children dancing on an LED dance floor in the exhibition area.

Time-lapse footage of people in the exhibition area. A huge interactive globe of the world is located centrally.

[Graphic displays]

Shell logo: Pecten

[Text displays]

Make the Future Singapore

Changi Exhibition Centre


March 16-19, 2017

Hashtag, makethefuture

[Graphic displays]

Shell logo : Pecten

[Text displays]

Copyright, Shell International Limited 2016

[Music ends]