MNARC – Mini Hamfest

Thursday Nov. 1 , 2007 - 7:00 – 9:00 PM

Doors Open 6:30 PM

Table Attendees :

1 SWL - Dan Cashin

2 SKYWARN - Hal Frantz

3 SPARK lodge - Richard Blank

4 MARS - Joe Rzucidlo

5 ARES - Dan McMonigle

6 ARRL - Eric Olena

7 CQ or other - Bob Josuweit – WA3PZO

8 DELCODUG - Jim Goldman

9 MNARC - Handouts with Club info

10 MARC - Lori Jones 610- 324 -5207

11 DCARA - Bob Fields

12 Mobile Sixers - John Dykman

13 FRC - Nick Roscoe



Walter Faust Jim Goldman

Jim Biddle Edwina Amoroso

Dan Amoroso Lois Faust

Bill Bowers Neil

Tom Tenaglia ?


Door prize - MNARC members – 2 – Digital upgradeable HT

3 - Eton FR 250

All attending - 1 - Eton FR 250

- 2 - 1 year subscriptions to CQ

Must fill our Info Card – name, address, phone, e mail, call

To get a ticket for Door Prize - Different color Ticket for Members

1. Each person setting up an information table will be asked to speak on

their topic for 2- minutes [ tops ] – Announce future programs

Dec – Annual Auction

2008 programs SKYWARN – TV 12 on Analog & Digital TV

2. Each person is urged to bring handouts

3. Members prizes 2 HT’s 3 – FR 250 All other prizes for everyone

4. Must be present to claim Door prize [to be called out at 8:45 approx]

5. Must be 2008 paid up MNARC member to qualify for member prize

How do we make list of paid members for drawing ?

6. Refreshments ? Cookies, donuts, soda, coffee

7. Someone to stay in Club station to answer questions ?

8. Make all equipment in club station operational ?

9. Advertise “Info – Fest” How ?

10. Start at 7 PM with business meeting- go right into program

11. Mailing labels – completed and given to Bill with postcards

12. Toys for Tots Gifts

13. Steve Quinn – Marines for Toys

Need for Info- Fest:

1 or 2 people to get 3 X 5 cards at door [ paper name tag ?]

2 people to take dues for 2008 - Keep record of all [ Bill Bowers +

1 person to man Club station

1 person to set up and watch refreshment table

1 person to man MNARC table

Pictures for QST, CQ, local papers – Who can take pictures ?