“Son of God”: Repurposing Jesus Christ

Margo Houts, March 2014

“The Bible,” therecord-breakingTV miniseries that aired in March 2013 on the History Channel, was repurposed into the “Son of God” feature film, released on February 28, 2014. But what about the repurposing of the original source material? Are we merely looking at artistic license? Or have the Holy Bible and theonly begotten Son of God been repurposed into New Age propaganda, setting the stage for what Daniel describes in Daniel 7 and John records in Revelation 13?

Consider the closing shot of the miniseries finale. On 3-31-13 (Easter/Ishtar), this 10th episode was broadcast in the United States. From4:17 to 4:34 on thisvideo clip, the camera zooms in on the LEFT eye of the risen Christ figure, then enters his eye, and comes out the other side into a planetary vista of earth rotating and the sun “rising,” spreading its illumination upon the earth. The miniseries thus ends not with Jesus Christ, but with the sun, and more than a wink at sun god illumination.

Texts like Habakkuk 3:4 that compare God’s splendor with the sun focus on God, not the sun, and certainly not on God’s left eye. What does the left eye of the sun god Horus, aka Tammuz (Ezekiel 8:14), aka Apollo (Revelation 9:11), signify? I hope that after reading this article, you will want to research that for yourself.

According to pastor Rick Warren, “Son of God” is the first theatre-release movie on the full life of Jesus in 49 years (“O.C. pastor expects big things from ‘Son of God,’” Orange Co. Register, 3-1-14, Local section, p. 6). It’s no wonder, then, that believers who rarely get to see a story of their beloved Lord and Savior on the big screen would flock to see “Son of God” and bring along their family and friends, hoping to spark conversation about Jesus.

Despite such high anticipation, however, thisfeature film continues to be controversial among followers of the Lord Jesus Christ. Some Christians enthusiastically endorse it (e.g., Rick Warren and Joel Osteen). Others endorse it with reservations (e.g., Ben Kayser, “Is ‘Son of God’ Biblical?” in Pastor Kilborn’s 3-7-14 newsletter).

Still others, myself included,believe that “a different Jesus” (2 Corinthians 11:4), a different “son of god,”a cleverly-disguised imposter, has been substituted for the biblical Jesus, and that this has been achieved through omissions, additions, words taken out of context, and distorted chronology.

Inasmuch as we are livingin the last days, with false Christs and false prophets abounding, each believer must carefully examine every portrayal of Jesus Christ by comparing it with Scripture. For Scripture has amply warned us that a “substitute Christ” (the Greek word anti,in antichrist,means in place of), concealed in the enemy’s theatre wings until the right moment, will suddenly be thrust upon the world stage, brightly illumined with convincing signs and wonders, and that most of the world will believe the deception. Even devout Christians are being meticulously set upby “the ruler of the power of the air” (Ephesians 2:2) to embracethis substitute Christ.

When Pastor Kilborn invited me to write this article, Ireplied that I am unqualified toreview the film “Son of God” insofar as I do not plan to see it.So we agreed that I willinsteadrefer you toweb articleswritten by believers who for the most partdid see the film andare familiar withthe TV miniseries from which the film was edited together.

My purpose is twofold: first, to encourage youto do your own research; and second, to help frame the discussion so that we do not miss the bigger picture. If, after doing your own research,you agree that Hollywood filmssuch as this one areactually advancing the enemy’s end-time agendathrough their distorted views of Jesus Christ, then more questions follow: What steps can believers take to protect ourselves and others from this deception? And if some decide to go ahead and use such a film as a discussion tool for pre-Christians and immature believers, what pitfalls must be avoided? After a contaminated ice cube melts into my glass of water, how can I take a sip without being adversely affected?

Warnings fromGod’s Word

In 2 Thessalonians 2:7, the Apostle Paul warns believers that the “mystērion of lawlessness” is already at work, that is, already gearing up for the day that the lawless one, a substitute Christ, will be revealed. The Greek noun mystērion indicates a hidden activity, an agenda carefully kept secret from the masses. It is derived from the verb muō, meaning “to shut the mouth.” Think “mute.” Think “mum’s the word.” Often hiding his plans in plain sight, the devil deceives and ensnares the world through counterfeiting, substitution and replacement, steadily leading up to the final disclosure event.

I provide below asampling ofadditional relevant Scriptures (NRSV) in order to amplify themultiple warnings the church has already been given about the pervasiveness of the coming antichrist deception. This deception is “already at work” in all forms of media—e.g., feature films, songs, music videos, children’s books, cartoons, TV and radio shows, ads, magazines, newspapers, theme parks, and internet websites—and promises to keep increasing until our Lord’s return.

  • In Matthew 7:15-16, Jesus warns, “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits.”
  • In Matthew 7:21-23, Jesus shocks us with his stark warning that certain evildoers will call him “Lord” and prophesy using his name, and produce displays of power using his name, but that none of these charlatans who call themselves “Christian” will have a saving relationship with him.
  • In Matthew 24:11, concerning the end of days, Jesus warns, “Many false prophets will arise and lead many astray.”
  • In Matthew 24:24, Jesus continues, “For false christs and false prophets will appear and produce great signs and omens, to lead astray, if possible, even the elect.”
  • In 2 Corinthians 11:3-4, Paul warns the church about false representations of Jesus, false representations of the spirit, and false versions of the gospel. Therefore, we must keep asking, “Which Jesus is this? Is this the New Age Christ? Which spirit is behind this production? Whose good news is being advanced?”
  • In 2 Corinthians 11:13, Paul warns that false apostles and deceitful workers have infiltrated the church and they wear clever disguises to try to convince us that they are on assignment from Jesus Christ.
  • In 2 Corinthians 11:14, “satan disguises himself as an angel of light, so it is not strange if his ministers also disguise themselves as ministers of righteousness.”
  • In 2 Corinthians 11:26, in listing the dangers he has faced in ministry, Paul includes the danger from false brothers and sisters—that is, individuals who lay claim to being Christian but are not.
  • 1 John 5:19-20, “We know that we are God’s children, and that the whole world lies under the power of the evil one. And we know that the Son of God has come and has given us understanding so that we may know him who is true … the true God and eternal life.”
  • 2 Peter 2:13 warns that false believers, who have infiltrated the church, “feast with” true believers.
  • Jude verse 12 repeats the above warning that false believers engage with unsuspecting true believers duringChristian love-feasts.
  • In Revelation 13:11, the end-times false prophet is described as a lamb with horns—clearly imitating the image of the true Christ, a lamb with horns (Rev. 5:6)—but this false lamb has the voice of the dragon.

In light of these strong biblical warnings, I encourage you to do your own careful research into the spiritual background of the film’stwo leading producers, Roma Downey and Mark Burnett, the film, and its soundtrack.To aid in your search, suggested links below are provided for you, and I encourage you to supplement these with your own investigation.

If you find a quote that is not in its original context, hold it lightlyuntil you are sure of the context. We honor our God when we toseek to understand all quoted material, written and spoken, in its original context—something the “Son of God” film sometimes fails to do, according to students of the Bible who have seen it.

Roma Downey’s New AgeAllegiance

My own research has uncovered evidence that despite explicit claims to be a devout Roman Catholic Christian, Downey has been publicly engaging inspiritual activities forbidden to God’s people, namely, spiritism and necromancy (2002), has aligned herself with a private New Age school (2004 Master’s degree), has made a CD recordingthat accompanies books by a psychic medium (2005, 2010), selects books-on-tape by New Age teacher Eckhart Tolle (2010), and wrote an endorsement for a New Age book (2011).

As the late Walter Martin warned, New Age terminology borrows heavily from Christian terminology, redefining and twisting biblical words that are so precious to Christians, e.g.,“born again,” “Jesus,” “Christ,” and “angel.” New Agers are preparing for a coming cosmic Christ, and they routinelyrefer to that imposter as “Christ” and “Jesus.” We are deceived if we think they mean what we mean by those terms. On p. 432 of The Kingdom of the Cults (Bethany House, 1965, rev. 2003), Martin writes, “…we ought to remember that Christians sometimes can be influenced and even led astray by New Age thinking.”

According to Martinand others, the spiritual root of New Age beliefs is Theosophy, the same spirituality that empowered Nazi Germany and Hitler’s search for Übermensch, a super race of genetically and spiritually enhanced god-men. Not surprisingly, this same spirituality is drivingthe present-day transhumanist agenda, e.g., the “2045 Strategic Social Initiative.” Check out and this is new to you.

Suggested Internet Links

The links provided below are intended to help you explore concerns raised by somebelievers about “The Bible” (TV miniseries, 2013) and its spin-off, “Son of God” (feature film, 2014). As you research, keep asking yourself whether “the Jesus” who was dramatized in the Burnett-Downey productions of 2013 and 2014 is the Jesus of the Bible, and what the alterations could signify. For example, when Jesus enters the tomb of Lazarus, stands behind and over his lifeless head to kiss it from above, causing Lazarus’s eyes to pop open—none of which happens in the biblical account—what might these actions signify to a New Age devotee?

While I do not endorse all the content in the Wikipedia articles or the Christian blogs listed hereunder, nor indeed the sometimessarcastic tone they carry, I believe the authors raise valid questions. (All of the links in this article were active as of 3-15-14.) I admonish you to chew the meat and spit out the bones.

Reality show producer Mark Burnett’s self-described Protestant-Catholic background may be found here. There is very little on the internet about his spiritual practices.

Aspects of Burnett’s personal and professional life, including the reality shows he has produced, may be found here. In addition to Burnett and Downey (who founded LightWorkers Media Productions), three more producers were involved: Richard Bedser and the History Channel’s Dirk Hoogstra and Julian P. Hobbs. The spiritual background of each of these could be worth looking into, but I could find no links to recommend.

Here, Roma Downey is quoted as saying, “If you haven’t figured out your source is within yourself, it’s a recipe for unhappiness.” Interestingly, the title of the feature film’s accompanying study materials, authored by Rick Warren as requested by Burnett and Downey, is “The Life of Jesus in You.” There is certainly biblical warrant for “Jesus in you” language, e.g., Romans 8:11. At the same time, let’s not overlook that “finding the Christ within” is an explicit goal of New Age spirituality.

According to this article, Downey has a master’s degree in spiritual psychology (June 2010) fromthe University of Santa Monica,a private New Age institution founded by John-Roger Hinkins (born Roger Delano Hinkins).

Who is John-Roger Hinkins? The LA TIMES profiled him in 1988. “John-Roger : The Story Behind His Remarkable Journey From Rosemead Teacher to Spiritual Leader of a New Age Empire”(8-14-88).

What is spiritual psychology? According to the USM website, “Spiritual Psychology is the study and practice of the art and science of human evolution in consciousness. … Put another way, Spiritual Psychology is a technology that empowers students to convert their everyday life experiences into rungs on the ladder of Spiritual Evolution.” The mission of USM is to spread the dogma of their parent organization, Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA).

What is the purpose of MSIA? “The purpose of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA) is to teach Soul Transcendence, which is becoming aware of yourself as a Soul and as one with God, not as a theory but as a living reality. Your Soul is who you truly are; it is more than your body, your thoughts, or your feelings. It is the highest aspect of yourself, where you and God are one. MSIA provides a variety of tools and techniques that allow you to experience your Soul and, therefore, your own Divinity.”

lists some deviations from Scripture in “The Bible” miniseries, under the subheading, “Differences from the Bible.”

In this blog, among other things, you will learn that in 2002, Roma Downey twice received a psychic “reading” on the TV show “Crossing Over,” hosted by themedium John Edward, and that during hersecond appearance, Downey contactedwhat she believed was the disembodied spirit of herdeceased mother. Leviticus 19:31 commands, “Do not turn to mediums or wizards; do not seek them out, to be defiled by them: I am the LORD your God.”

Downey’s first televised psychic reading occurred on 4-9-02; her second reading on 4-29-02.


In 2005 and 2010, Downey linked herself with psychic John Edward’s books on praying the rosary. In Practical Praying (2005) and Practical Praying: Using the Rosary to Enhance Your Life (2010), Edward encourages readers to “pray the rosary,” in which repetitive chants are directed to Mary, the mother of Jesus. Roma Downey prays the entire rosary on the CD which comes with the books. (Search within each of these links for “Roma Downey.”)

Todd McCarthy’s review of “Son of God,” dated 2-27-14, in The Hollywood Reporter, expresses concern about the way Jesus is caricatured as a miracle man: “… this is also a Jesus film that makes him look like some sort of conjurer or illusionist, a ‘miracle man,’ as Caiaphas derisively puts it, who stages incredible feats for the express purpose of gaining an audience and stirring up talk. … The film feels terribly unbalanced as a result of paying undue attention to these miracles while minimizing Jesus’ teachings and omitting other aspects of his life.” Let us recall that according to Matthew 24:24 and Revelation 13:13-14, the coming of the substitute Christ will be accompanied by mighty miracles, signs and wonders, including his own spectacular resurrection.

On CNN on 2-26-14, Roma Downey and Piers Morgan discussed the reasons that satan was intentionally“airbrushed” from Jesus’ story. “MORGAN: So Roma Downey has single-handedly air brushed Satan from a Son of God story.DOWNEY: Well we cut him and he's on the cutting room floor. … and it gave me a lot of pleasure to do it, I can tell you.” Students of the Bible must ask, “What does Jesus’ costly sacrifice on the cross accomplish, if not the defeat of the strongman (satan), so that those held in his graspmay go free?” Indeed, 1 John 3:8does not shy away from assigning satan the recognitionthat Scripture affords him, from Genesis to Revelation: “The devil has been sinning from the beginning. The Son of God was revealed for this purpose—to destroy the works of the devil.”

Anymedia source that “airbrushes” God’s ancient foe out of the life, death and resurrection of the true Lord Jesus Christ suggests we are looking at a substitute Christ figure. For the role of satan in the New Age, see chapter 11, “The New Age Cults,” subheading “Sin and Satan,” pp. 447-448, at this link. This pdf document is a 1997 revision and expansion of Walter Martin’s Kingdom of the Cults. Chapter 11, “The New Age Cults,” was written by Richard Abanes and edited by Gretcher Passantino. Martin’s original Chapter 15, “The New Age Cult,” has been completely rewritten by Abanes.

In this blog, you’ll find a link to Roma Downey’s enthusiastic endorsement of a 2011 New Age book on spiritual psychology.

This blogger, Marsha West, lists several helpful links at the end of her March 11, 2014 article.

This blog is titled, “Questions to ask while watching ‘The Son of God,’” by Randy White (3-7-14). Under the subheading, “What I expect to see,” White’s insights into false media portrayals of the nature and work of Jesus Christ are insightful.

Justin Peters, who saw the film, is Brannon Howse’s guest in part two (March 11, 2014) of a two-part interview. Peters calls attention to the film’s alterations in biblical context, chronology and content.(The link to part one, recorded on March 10, 2014, appears to be broken.)