Office of the Public Relation Officer
MCL-Hq, Jagruti Vihar, Sambalpur
Ref:- MCL/HQ/PRO/2017-18/616 Date:- 15/09/2017
All the Area General Managers/CMS-NSCH
All HODs, MCL-Hq / TS to CMD/DT(O)/D(P)/CVO/DT(PP)
General Manager(BBSR)/ Ch.Manager(Fin)-Kol
Sub:- Questionnaire for CPSEs for Debate/ Discussion among Employees on exercise for redefining the Role and Functioning of CPSEs
Dear Sir,
As per directive of MOC, CIL and subsequent Video conference held on 15/09/2017 (3.30 pm) under the Chairmanship of Secretary Coal, GOI, on the exercise for “Redefining the Role of Functioning of CPSEs” pls find enclosed a Questionnaire/Agenda to be circulated for response from among the Employees/ Union Representatives/ Executives as per following schedule.
01.Distribution of Questionnaire by 16th Sep’ 2017.
02.Receipt/Collection of Indiv. Response by 19th Sept’ 2017.
( Please ensure Indv. Suggestion per Question should not exceed more than 50 words.)
03.Compilation of Suggestions/Responses.
(While compiling data similar suggestions to be clubbed under One head. A sample format
Is illustrated below.)
Q.2-Sharing of best practices between CPSEs.Sl. / Suggestions / Nos.of Respondants
01 / AAAAA
02 / BBBB
03 / CCCC
04.Forwarding of Compiled data in Softcopy to MCL-Hq. by 20th Sept’ 2017.
( )
05. Completion of Compilation of Area data by MCL-Hq. by 21th Sept’ 2017.
06.Forwarding of MCL compiled data to MOC/CIL by 22th Sept’ 2017.
01. NAME:-
02. Designation:-
03. Employee No:-
04. ADHAR No:-
05. UNIT/AREA/Hq.:-
( Indv. Suggestion per Question should not exceed more than 50 words.)
Q.1-What have been the efforts in CPSEs to promote exports and to encourage import substitution?
Q.2-Sharing of best practices between CPSEs.
Q.3- The need for consolidation where more than one CPSE is doing work of similar nature.
Q.4- What are the similarities/differences in Human Resource Management (HRM) policies between Government and CPSEs?
Q.5-What efforts have been made by them to reduce wasteful expenditure? What should be the targets for the same?
Q.6-What steps need to be taken to improve the efficiency of CPSEs?
Q.7- Do they have any interaction with young students? Do they have any policy for offering internships?
Q.8- -Review the activities under CSR. Can a common CSR fund be established? Can theme based activities be chosen every year for concerned efforts? For e.g 2018 could be chosen as the year for construction of Schools etc.
Q.9-What efforts have been made for up gradation of technology in CPSEs and what more needs to be done?
Q.10- What efforts have been made to promote Digital Indiaby CPSEs and what more can be done?
Q.11- Why can’t the residential colonies of CPSES be developed as mini smart cities?
Q.12-What role can CPSE’s play in promoting the flagship schemes of Government like Start Up India, Make in India, Innovation, Zero Defect Manufacturing etc.?
Q.13-Can CPSEs establish a Common Research Centre, Share their R&D facilities/labs with one another, and utilize CSIR labs/IITs etc. more effectively?
Q.14-What should be the monitoring mechanism to oversee these efforts?
Q.15- What the CPSE can contribute to the development of the Ministry/ Department; of the government and of the country.
Q.16- Strategic importance of CPSEs ( products) in specific sectors.
Q.17-Targets to be achieved by 75thyear of independence (2022).
Q.18-Any other suggestions to improve the functioning of CPSEs
(Signature )