Weekly Clinical Evaluation – Level IV –Psychiatric Week 3

Student Name: Date:

Pt initials: / Age: / Gender: / MS: / Admit Date
Admit Psychiatric diagnosis: / # of admits: / Type of Admit:
Other psych diagnosis:
Medical diagnosis:

1)  Safety: What potential safety issues did you notice today? What did you do about them?

2)  Clinical Judgment:

a.  Which priority psychological/psychosocial concept applies to the patients seen this week. Indicate rationale for your choice.

b.  Based on this week’s experiences, think of one clinical decision you made regarding your patient and describe the effectiveness of that decision on that patient and/or others.

c.  Share an “ah-ha” moment of insight you experienced or witnessed today in clinical and provide rationale


3)  Teamwork and collaboration: Describe your perceptions relevant to your visit to the Family Center, the Museum, and the Wildwood Cemetery. Describe the teamwork and collaboration it takes to make the different resources available to the patients while they are at Terrell State Hospital.

4) Legal/Ethical: Identify and explain legal/ethical issues that were inherent in the cinema script (see below)

and if none, utilize your assigned patient on the unit today.

CINEMA CASE STUDY: Be able to discuss in post conference the following:

5) Clinical Judgment:

a. Provide a brief synopsis of the cinema and describe the main character’s psychosocial attempts to cope.

b. Identifies the disease process with diagnostic criteria (signs and symptoms the character exhibited) and compares them with those of the psychiatric textbook.

c. Identifies and describes two priority concept problems exhibited by the main character.

d. Identifies a minimum of five nursing interventions with consideration of the main character’s acuity level.

e. Identifies two medications that the movie character is administered or two medications that the textbook reports are utilized for the movie character’s psychiatric illness. Discuss the classification, action, nursing implications, side effects, contraindications of the medications.

6) Professionalism: Student is prepared and able to answer relevant questions regarding film. Contributes equally to discussion.

Component/Concept / Possible Points / Faculty Evaluation / Comments
(Required for score of 75% or less)
1. Safety / 2
2. Clinical Judgment:
a. Priority psychosocial concept / 2
b. Clinical decision / 1
c. “Ah-ha” moment / 2
3. Teamwork Collaboration / 1
4. Legal/Ethical / 2
Cinema Case Study Post Conference Activity;
5. Clinical Judgment:
a. Synopsis of cinema/coping
efforts / 2
b. Diagnostic criteria / Disease
process / 2
c. Concepts / 2
d. Nursing Care / 2
e. Medication / 1
6. Professionalism / 1
Behavioral Objectives:
Wears non-revealing, loose business casual clothing with rubber sole shoes.
Wears clothes without strings or hoods.
Wears no jewelry that can be grasped.
Locks all doors appropriately.
Keeps key on person at all times.
Provides safe environment for patients.
Reports any unsafe conditions to instructor/appropriate personnel.
Seeks assistance when needed. / 1
Patient Centered Care:
Engages with patients in a safe manner.
Initiates nurse approved activities with patients. / 1
Effectively communicates to patient/staff.
Utilizes therapeutic communication techniques.
Terminates relationship on last day of clinical with patient.
Receives report prior to interacting with any patient on unit. / 1
Treats all individuals with respect.
Arrives on time and follows TVCC dress code policy.
Demonstrates caring and empathy.
Seeks learning opportunities.
Practices in a legal and ethical manner. / 1
TOTAL / 24

Feedback from Instructor:

Instructor Signature: Date:

TSH Week 3 page 2