Oakwood Natural Horsemanship – Newsletter – March 2005

Hello all,

Isn’t it great to think that spring is just around the corner !

There has been a great deal happening over the winter months and this newsletter is full of exciting developments.

Those of you who are Savvy Club members will be aware of the exciting and huge changes currently happening in the British equestrian market through greater acceptance of natural horsemanship and the establishment of a new register of instructors for Equine Ethology. For those who have not heard about it, Equine Ethology is the name for natural horsemanship in France where it is a recognised subject now required by the French Equestrian Federation for study by Instructors and students alike.

This is hoped to be repeated in the UK through the British Equestrian Federation, and should that happen the study of elements of Equine Ethology we hope will become a requirement for all new instructors in this country. Availability of these methods will be increased through the creation on ‘La Cense Centres’ based on current riding schools where this education will be available to people with and without their own horse.

In addition, this subject has now received recognition through the Open College Network (OCN) and has achieved an NVQ level 2 equivalence (with higher levels to follow), which can now be taught through schools and colleges and which will attract government funding for course fees.

The formation of a new Equine Ethology Instructors Register is underway and if you are interested in training to become a registered instructor, or know a school, college or riding school that would be interested in getting involved then do get in touch with me or The Savvy Club on 0870 0781254 for further details.

As many of you know I have been working independently for the last couple of years and focussed much of my attention to integrating natural horsemanship principles into the mainstream riding school sector through recognised BHS training centres, so I welcome this development and am particularly pleased to be registered as an Equine Ethology Instructor, which supports the direction I have been taking and lends great weight to effecting massive change to the fabric of British equestrianism.

And so to more domestic news….

The long awaited 20m x 40m Fibresand arena is now finished which means we are now set up for teaching here all year round.

In addition to this we have 12 acres of play paddock with obstacles and challenges, roundpen facilities, permanent electrified horse pens for visitors, a large barn for lectures and meal times and separate grass livery paddock for visiting horses in training…..all this stands in a beautiful and isolated position, with direct bridleway access onto the proposed Southdown National Park, yet is only 2 miles from the centre of Chichester…..so if you have not been here before why not come along to see what we are all about – perhaps watch one of our play days ?

As many of you know we take in liveries now and then – usually cases that are special for some reason, and the latest is no exception. Nine month old Thoroughbred foal ‘Smarty’ arrived a few weeks ago all the way from Ireland to be nearer his owner, vet John Little who works at Arundel Equine Hospital. Smarty was born with legs that were not straight. As he is from good racing blood everything is being done to try and straighten him out. He has already had operations on his knees, which is a pretty rough start for one so young so he has come here for some rest and recuperation. The rest of the herd have accepted him well and taken him under their wing, and Venus, the foal who was born here last summer is very pleased to have a playmate of the same age…though she is quick to point out that she was here first !!

Both’ Mums to be’ …Spirit and Kalia, are in great shape and Chagall and Esteem are both fit and well.

I’ve recently had the pleasure of starting a 3 yr old Andalusian stallion, fresh from the mountains in Spain and virtually untouched by humans. Standing some 17.2hh he is quite stunning with a fabulous temperament and has adapted very well to life in ‘Humansville’. He is now going well under saddle with his new rider, Ben from Lavant House Stables.

Dates for your diary….

Play days will begin on Sunday 3rd April and be on the first Sunday in the month thereafter. 11am till 4pm. £35 for the day. Only for those who have already had at least two lessons. Please book in advance so we have an idea of numbers. For our second play day of the year which is Sunday 1st May, we will be using Compton Cross Country Course for training over jumps and natural obstacles (on-line and ridden for those who want to) This will be great fun so do book early and come along (£15 extra per horse for course hire).

Hoplands Equestrian Centre, Kings Somborne, Hampshire. I will be teaching here starting on April 11th and thereafter on the first Monday in the month. Please ring me or Sarah Gordon Jones at Hoplands on 01794 389085 or look on their website to find out more details.

Demonstration Wokingham and Bearwood BHS Riding Club - Saturday 18th June. This is an afternoon of various different demos and talks and is open to non-members. For more information please contact Liz Mackay on 01189 760554.

For further details on any of the above, or to book a lesson or demonstration please don’t hesitate to get in touch

All the best
