17 Woodside Drive

Sterling, MA 01564


EDUCATION BS.Ed, M.Ed, Worcester State College, 1965, 1968.

Presently on the Master’s +45 salary scale.

TEACHING Hudson High School; Hudson, MA, 1965-present.

Macelester College; St. Paul, MN, Institute of Math team coaches, one week in June 1985 to help Minnesota start Math League.

Mid Pacific Institute; Oahu, HI, July 1995 (summer school program).

Taught almost all courses in a high school curriculum; Department Head/ Math Coordinator K-12, 1969-1989; AP Calculus teacher 1980-2001.

Officially retired in September 2001 but asked back to teach part-time and to continue coaching math team. Finally retired in 2007.

PROFESSIONAL President Association of Teachers of Mathematics in MA

ACTIVITIES (ATMIM), 1985-1987.

Board Member 1976-1995,1998-present

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) Conference Chairman-NCTM Regional, Boston, MA, 1988, 2002

ATMNE Conference Co Chair 2007

ATMIM Spring Conference Chairman, 1990-1995, 98-2001

ATMIM NCTM Representative 1998-2004

Advanced Placement Calculus Grader at Ft. Collins, CO 1999 - 2001

I have attended 37 NCTM Annual Conferences since 1972- Speaker at 4. I have never missed an ATMNE Conference since 1972.

Writer for MOES (Math Olympiad for Elementary Schools) 1997-2007. (Nationwide Competition)

Director, Math ADD-Ventures Program funded by Intel Corp since 2001


Hudson Varsity and Freshmen Coach since 1972

President of WOCOMAL (area math league)- 1973-74

Secretary for 1997-1999.

MAML (MA Olympiad) Contest Director 1975

President 1976

Public Relations Chair 1977-present

Head Coach of Western Ma team, which has competed in ARML 1976-present

ARML Executive Board member 1985-present

Competition Site Director at Penn State University 1998-2004

ARML President 2004 - prsent

HONORS MA Presidential Award Winner for Excellence in Teaching Math/Science, 1983.

Tandy Technology Scholar, 1993.

STAR- “Special Teachers Are Recognized” – Cornell University, 1994.

”DREAMS COUNT”- One of Five Math Teachers nation-wide selected to be featured in a video by NCTM 1995

Traveled to Moscow/St. Petersburg for 3 weeks in 1993. Two other teachers and I accompanied 20 U.S. students who attended a Math Camp with 20 Russian Students.

ARML Founders Award – 1995

Honored as one of five coaches since ARML began at the 25th anniversity-Penn State 2000

Special invitation as a guest of Astronaut Charles Precourt to the launch of the shuttle to the MIR in 1995. Charlie is a 1976 grad of HHS

Inducted into Massachusetts Mathematics Hall of Fame 2002(Program began in 2001 and has 32 inductees)

Married with two children.