Goffs Oak Primary and Nursery School
Staff Handbook
September 2015
Welcome to Goffs Oak Primaryand Nursery School. We hope that you will be happy here and find a warm welcome from the staff and children.
We have tried to include some useful information in this pack. If there is anything else you wish to know, please ask.
Please note that the Induction Guidelines and Health and Safety Policy form part of this pack.
Christopher Tofallis
Our Mission Statement
To provide a safe, caring environment in which every member of the school community can develop to their maximum potential.
“Learning together is a life long skill for all our children, staff, parents, and governors.”
What are the Aims of the School?
To create a happy school environment and to encourage children to live in harmony with home, school, the immediate and wider community.
To help children develop lively and enquiring minds, to foster their ability to question and argue rationally and to encourage them to have a positive attitude towards tasks.
To develop in each child a good command and understanding of English Language, both written and spoken, to facilitate effective communication.
To encourage the enjoyment of reading.
To develop a sound knowledge and understanding of mathematical skills and the ability to use them in a variety of situations.
To develop confidence in autonomous learning through activities which involve reasoning and problem solving skills.
To encourage in each child, courtesy and good manners, a respect for other people, their religions and cultures and to prepare children for life in our multicultural society.
To encourage scientific curiosity and an awareness of, and interest in, animals, plants and the environment around us.
To encourage and develop basic technological skills.
To develop an awareness of the world around us through historical, geographical and religious education studies.
To develop the skills and encourage enjoyment of the creative arts, including music, dance, drama and art.
To provide the opportunity for the enjoyment of physical activities, to teach basic games and skills and to foster an attitude of fair play.
To ensure that the special needs of children in our care are catered for as fully as possible, in accordance with the Code of Practise.
Daily Routine
By 8.45Check staff communication whiteboard.
8.50Person on duty will open the doors for the children to come into school – ensure that early morning work is available.
9.00Registration – send registers to the Office when complete.
10.20Playtime – ask Key stage co-ordinator for routines (Rota arranged Termly).
10.35End of Playtime.
11.50amEnd of Morning Nursery.
12.15KS1 Lunch time.
12.25KS2 Lunch time.
1.15Afternoon school.
3.15End of school.
KS1 children handed over to parents/carers at classroom door.
Any children not collected by 3.25 to be taken to the school hall where they sit on the stage and wait for their parents/carers. Please ensure that an adult remains with the children. Please ensure late book is used for anyone collected after 3.25pm.
Classroom Organisation
Timetables/Please display them prominently in the classroom.
Class Code Agree code for your class with the children and
Of Conductdisplay it- linked to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. Code should be in a positive tone.
Golden rules
Do be gentle / Don’t hurt anyoneDo be kind and helpful / Don’t hurt people’s feelings
Do be honest / Don’t cover up the truth
Do work hard / Don’t waste time
Do look after property / Don’t waste or damage
Do listen to people / Don’t interrupt
BooksChildren should be encouraged to take care ofall books– exercise, reading etc.
No finished books or folders may be taken home until the end of the year. Certain completed books are sent to the next teacher for reference purposes. Always check first with the headteacher before sending books home. Books are sent home for the weekend prior to consultation meetings but must be returned to school by the following Monday.
PaperEvery classroom should have a supply of scrap paper for wet play. Please ensure that good quality paper is not used for this purpose.
ScissorsChildren must be under the supervision of an adult when using scissors.
CalculatorsAll classes have calculators. Please see the Maths co-ordinator if you require a class set.
ComputersEach class has a computer system and there is a Computing suite which will support a whole class. There is also a trolley with laptops.
ClassroomsNo class must be left unattended at any time. Ensure that you have all you need for the lesson before it begins. If you need assistance please send for a TA.
FruitKS1 children have fruit and story straight after playtime. The children should rinse their own fruit and put peel etc in the small bin and it will be collected for composting.
PaintingFor painting and other messy activities all children’s clothing should be protected. KS1 should wear a plastic apron with their sleeves rolled up and KS2 children should wear an old shirt/apron. Tables should be covered with suitable newspaper (not tabloid). Please clean all art material after use and return it to the correct place.
Book AreasOrganise in sections/boxes for themes (fiction, non-fiction, genres, authors, book of the week
etc. please do not keep damaged books in your library (speak to Literacy co-ordinator).
DisplayThese must reflect the curriculum. Ensure that they support learning – vocabulary, diagrams etc. displays can be plannedfor your TA, parent or children.
TidinessPlease encourage children to keep the rooms tidy and ensure that they are tidy at the end of the day. The cleaner is responsible for cleaning the room and not for cleaning up after us. If you have had an activity that leaves your tables messy please get the children to clean them. Do not put glue down the sink. Ensure that sand, sawdust etc is cleaned up every day. Tippex and spirit markers must not be used by children.
CloakroomsThere are sufficient pegs for each child with names beside each peg to help the children. Please insist that they are kept tidy and that the boxes underneath contain nothing but shoes, these should be tidied out weekly.
BagsChildren’s bags should be left in the cloakroom area because they take up classroom space.
MoneyChildren should not bring money to school unless asked for. If they do have money or other valuables please send them to the school office for safe keeping. Do not leave valuables in your desk.
DocumentsEach class has a filing cabinet. The cohort file has information about children in your class – assessments, special needs etc. All policies are on the school network- the policy file is in the school office.
ClassroomThe classroom resources should be stored in a way that allows children independent access as well as being tidy. This tidiness includes the art table and cloak room areas. The learning environment has a major impact on the quality of learning.
AsthmaChildren in KS2 are responsible for managing their own medication. Spare inhalers are kept in the school office.
LettersAll letters must be checked by the Headteacher before they are sent out.
Children should be encouraged to take a pride in the appearance of their classroom. Have monitors for jobs to ensure the classroom is kept tidy.
School Procedures
Fire regulationsThere is an unannounced practice each term. Details for evacuation are displayed in each classroom
AssembliesThese take place every day and are a mixture of class, whole school and Key stage. The Friday assembly is a merit assembly where the class teacher nominates two members of the class for exceptional work, behaviour or attitude.
LibraryFiction/non-fiction books are kept in the library/Computing suite. KS1 home readers are kept in the hall and are N.C. banded. Guided reading books are kept in the classrooms in KS1 and outside the technology rook in KS2
ResourcesResources for specific class topics are kept in the classroom cupboard. Please familiarise yourself with the materials in this cupboard. You will find English, Maths, Humanities (including some R.E.) materials. History and DT resources are shared – Years 1 and 2, 3 and 4, 5 and 6; if the folders are not in your cupboard ask a colleague. The cupboard beside the staffroom has Maths and Science equipment. The cupboard by the alarm has work books and art resources for EY/KS1. In the Y3 Kiln room there are KS2 work books and art resources. The technology room beside the Year 3 / 4 entrance has DT equipment and materials. Co-ordinators are responsible for maintaining their equipment but please return all equipment to the correct place and store tidily.
StockMrs Musk orders stock weekly. Please let Mrs Musk know if you think items are running low and especially if you take the last of something. Mrs James will help organise KS2 art stock.
JewelleryNo jewellery is allowed except for watches and studs in pierced ears (but not for P.E.). Watches are the responsibility of the children. Please ask children to remove any other jewellery and send them to the office for an envelope which will be sealed and named. It can then be collected at the end of the school day.
News lettersThere is a weekly newsletter which the eldest child takes home.Please make sure all children receive any other letters which are sent home. Put a name on a letter for any absent children and pin onto your notice board until their return.
Health and safetyAn inspection is carried out each term. All staff are asked to be alert to any possible health risks and to inform the Headteacher immediately. A log book for hazards is kept in the school office (please read Health and Safety Policy).
Mobile phonesThese are not allowed. Any child who brings one must take it to the school office. Mobile phones should not be used by staff during lesson time. Only pupils in Y5 or 6 that have permission to walk home can bring a mobile phone to school and then hand it in to the office.
Wet PlaytimesThe class must not be left unattended. Arrange with your TA to have a ‘comfort’ break. All classes must have equipment in the ‘wet play’ cupboard and a list of what the children may do. Writing on the boards, or having sharp objects (sewing or scissors) are not allowed, if in doubt ask.
DisciplineRefer to the school’s behaviour policy. The class code of conduct must be displayed – UN Convention on Rights of the Child- and children must be aware of rewards and sanctions. All classes have an incident book which will be discussed at the beginning of the year.
School CouncilTwo children are elected by their peers Y1-6 to represent their class for one year. Please display minutes on your class notice board.
NoticesA daily bulletin board is maintained – please check it each day. All staff have a named tray for correspondence and this should be checked daily.
DinnertimeChildren should not be in school at dinnertime without a proper reason. If a teacher says that a child may stay in the classroom the teacher must stay with the children throughout dinner time – children must not be in the classroom unattended.
MedicalNo teachers must administer medicine. If a child or parent brings medicine to school they must be sent to the school office where the appropriate paperwork will be filled out (full details in Health and Safety Policy).
PEAll children must participate in PE lessons. They should change into shorts and T-shirts (not wear the polo shirt they wear all day). Indoor PE is done in bare feet. No jewellery must be worn and hair must be tied back. Persistent lack of kit results in a letter being sent to parents. Staff should dress appropriately, at least changing their shoes.
SecurityThe security of the school is important. Please ensure that the door beside the technology room is closed at the end of home time. All visitors should use the main entrance and not walk into school. If a parent ‘turns up’ in your class during the school day please ask them if they have reported to the office. All visitors to the school, including parent helpers, must sign the visitor’s book (needed for fire regulations). Please challenge and report anyone around the school not wearing a visitor badge. All staff should wear their identity badges.
DressThe children are expected to wear school uniform and not leisure wear. It is important that staff act as a role model so the dress code at this school is no jeans/denim and tops which do not expose tummies.
Child protectionThe Deputy Head, SENCO and the HT are the teachers designated for Child Protection. Please inform them of any concerns you may have. Please read the Child Protection Policy. All matters of child protection are bound by strict rules of confidentiality.
StaffroomTea and coffee are available in the staffroom. There is a rota for keeping the staffroom tidy. Any cups you take out of the staffroom should be returned ASAP.
AssemblyThe list is kept in the staffroom. Please enter the details of any assemblies you have responsibility for.
First AidFirst Aid kits are kept in the first aid cupboard, in the technology room and in the Year 2 and 6 classrooms. Your year group’s TA should be contacted if a child in your class needs medical attention during lesson time. All TAs are trained in First Aid for schools.
School TripsIf you wish to organise an outing your TA will be able to do this. Mrs O’Sullivan has a list of approved coaches and Mr Tofallis will advise on which staff will be able to go. A risk assessment must be carried out. There is a procedure in the risk assessment file in the school office, please refer to risk assessment file.
RegistersThese are a legal document and may be required in court. Please therefore complete them accurately. Do not use ‘tippex’. Instructions will be given at the beginning of each year. Please call the dinner register.
AIOThe Attendance Improvement Officer visits school each half-term to discuss registers, any pupil giving concern about attendance and lateness may be discussed.
PEPlease familiarise yourself with the safe handling of all PE equipment. If you are unfamiliar with the wall apparatus please consult the PE co-ordinator who will show you the correct way to use it.
SwimmingChildren in years 3 and 4 (and those who cannot swim 25 metres in year 5) attend swimming in the Spring term at Grundy Park, please see Risk Assessment in the school office. Any child who cannot attend must be sent to another teacher with work. They must never be left unsupervised.
VisitsVisits are encouraged to support and enhance the curriculum. Please speak to the headteacher who will explain the procedure – including risk assessments.
WalkingPlease reinforce the rule of walking at all times in and around the school.
Leaving the No child is allowed to leave the premises during the
Premisesschool day without permission from the Headteacher. A signing out book is kept in the school office and must be completed by the person collecting the child. Do not send children to the school office if they say they have an appointment, they will be collected when their parent/carer arrives.
ParentsWe encourage children to come into school by themselves so unless they have an urgent need, parents do not speak to teachers at the start of the day. We do, however welcome parents into the school at all other times. There are regular meetings to discuss children’s progress and to set targets for work and behaviour. Please ensure that you meet with parents regularly if there is a need, do not give them a shock at consultation meetings. Parents are also encouraged to help in classes, with visits etc.
Staff AbsenceIf you are ill please telephone the schoolas soon as possible but before 8.00a.m. Phone again in the afternoon by 2.30p.m.so that further supply cover can be arranged if necessary. It is expected that all routine appointments will be made outside school time wherever possible. Always inform the Deputy Head or the Hedateacher for any absence.
TimetablesAs well as a copy of your timetable being clearly displayed in your classroom, please give a copy to the headteacher. Please inform the headteacher of any alterations.
PhotocopierThere is a photocopier in the hall. There is also a Riso in the staffroom which is to be used for 12 copies or more. Please do not let children use these machines. TAs will bulk photocopy – please make sure that you are organised for this.
SafePlease bring any valuables to the school office where the admin officer will lock them in the safe.
Staff LockersStaff lockers are available in the staff cloakroom. Please ask at the office.