Animal Use Protocol – Hazardous AgentAddendum (Radioactive Materials)

IACUC # ______

Animals injected with radioactive materials are NOT to be returned to housing in the animal facility and alternate arrangements must be discussed with regards to animal housing and handling of bedding, excretions, and caging post-exposure. Please consult the EHS Radiation Safety Officer (410-706-7055) for guidance and/or assistance.

  1. Identify the radioactive material to be administered: Click here to enter text.
  2. Briefly describe purpose: Click here to enter text.
  3. Specify the amount administered (e.g., dose, concentration, volume): Click here to enter text.
  4. Indicate the route of administration (include range of needle gauge if applicable): Click here to enter text.
  5. Indicate the frequency of administration: Click here to enter text.
  6. Indicate the maximum duration of exposure: Click here to enter text.
  7. Identify the location (Building / Room) where the radioactive material will be administered: Click here to enter text.
  8. Discuss any special husbandry requirements (e.g., singly housed animals). Click here to enter text.
  1. Describe the predicted effects of the radioactive material on the host, i.e. toxicity to animal.
  1. Describe how the radioactive materialis metabolized in the animal.
  1. Describe the safety procedures and personnel protective equipment research staff will use while administering these agents and while handling animals and animal bedding.
  2. Will administration occur using any of the following types of equipment?

☐ Chemical fume hood

☐ Class II Biosafety Cabinet connected to an exhaust system (hard-ducted

or canopy-connected)

☐ Class II Biosafety Cabinet exhausted into the room

☐ Other, please specify: Click here to enter text.

  1. Which pieces of personal protective equipment will be required for administration and handling of animals and animal bedding?

☐ Gloves

☐ Dust mask (used for protection against animal dander, not the hazardous agent)

☐ N95 respirator (enrollment in EHS fit testing program required)

☐ Face Shield

☐ Protective laboratory eyewear

☐ Shoe Covers

☐ Laboratory coat, gown or uniform

☐ Additional PPE, please specify: Click here to enter text.

  1. Discuss the length of time the animals will be kept following exposure to the radioactive material.
  1. Animal housing post-exposure:
  2. Following treatment, does the animal or its bedding pose a hazard to other animals, staff or the environment? ☐ Yes ☐ No

If yes, explain your answer. Click here to enter text.

  1. Identify location(s) of animal housing post-exposure: Click here to enter text.
  2. Identify location where the whole animal and/or organs are stored after euthanasia:Click here to enter text.
  1. Describe the final disposition of the radioactive animal carcass, bedding and excrement (e.g. storage location prior to pick-up by EHS).
  1. Discuss how dirty equipment (including cages and injection area) will be handled and/or decontaminated after the end of the experiment.
  1. Consult the Veterinary Resources Facilities Manager (r 410-960-2723) or the Deputy Director (r 443-677-9030) to ensure proper handling procedures for animals and appropriate measures to handle cages and bedding after use.

Date of consult: Click or tap to enter a date.

AUP Hazardous Agent Addendum (Radioactive Materials) OAWA Version Date: 10/2017