October 5, 2013

Hilton Lac-Leamy (Gatineau)

The REVP welcomed participants.

Aboriginal elder

The REVP introduced aboriginal elder Albert Dumont who opened the meeting.

Opening remarks by Larry Rousseau, REVP

PSAC Statement on harassment

Sister Sandra DiGnagbo and Brother Francis Chartrand read the statement. Pierre Parker and Sandra DiGnagbo were harassment coordinators.

Moment of silence

Kyle Nash, local 70059

Randy Irear

Judy Anderson, local 70030

David Woodard, OC Transpo driver

There was a moment of silence in memory of Ms. Deloges, Foreign Affairs employee and PAFSO member, who was assassinated in Kenya.

Report of the Credentials Committee

54 delegates

8 observers

7 staff

M/S/C S. DiGnagbo / F. Chartrand

The Report of the Credentials Committee was adopted.

Review and adoption of proposed agenda

M/S/C D. Lanthier / C. Rajotte

Minutes adopted.

Review and adoption of the January 26, 2013 minutes

M/S/C D. Lanthier / L. Blouin

Minutes were adopted with amendments made.

Report of the REVP

P/A L. Rousseau / C. Rajotte

The REVP reminded everyone that the Workforce Adjustment Campaign was launched a year ago. Unfortunately, many union activists have lost their job over the last few months.

He added that the Ottawa Regional Office has moved and is now located on the 7th floor.

The REVP urged members to check out the new PSAC Website.

Over the summer, FB and TC members were involved in bargaining. In August, the TC Group reached an agreement with Treasury Board. Unfortunately, the FB Group was not as successful because the employer was bargaining in bad faith. Next October 8, the union and Treasury Board will resume negotiations to reach a collective agreement.

The REVP encouraged brothers and sisters of other Components to show solidarity and mobilize to support FB members during bargaining. A demonstration will be held on October 10 at the Ottawa Public Library to put pressure on the employer.

Our region has delivered several courses on workforce adjustment.

The REVP indicated that the government is shutting down many Veterans Affairs offices.

The chair of the Membership Benefit Fund presented a summary financial statement and will be asking members to contribute more money to the Fund.

Report from the Alternate REVP

M/S D. Charron / S. Dignagbo

The alternate REVP presented a report of his activities over the summer. He participated in the Executive Retreat in Maniwaki. He also took part in the TC rally on Sparks Street. Along with the Pride Committee, he participated in two rallies to protest against anti-gay legislation in Russia. He will also be attending the Equity Conferences in Toronto in November.

The report was adopted.

The Chair was turned over to the Alternate REVP.

Report of the Regional Coordinator

The Coordinator announced that two courses will be delivered in October: the Steward Clinic (19) and Unions Work for Women (2226). He also mentioned the new Union Development Program for emerging leaders.

There are 60 CSST cases and the coordinator reminded everyone of the procedure to be followed when a workplace accident occurs.

He mentioned that Treasury Board and Parks Canada are beginning the bargaining process.

Alain Cossette, communications officer, is now working at the Gatineau Regional Office. He is responsible for political action and setting up lobbying teams with the CRAPO and the OAC.

Pledge card campaign update

The regional coordinator presented a summary of the campaign. He indicated that the union has distributed 20,000 pledge cards in workplaces and received 1,800. He reminded everyone that it is important to have these cards signed by members.

Presentation of the Young Workers Committee’s video


ALLIANCE FACILITATORS’ NETWORK Prezi presentation (Louise Blouin and Amber Miller)

Joint Learning Program (JLP) Presentation (Linda Iezzi)

“Rides for Dad” Presentation

Report of the Credentials Committee

54 delegates

5 observers

5 staff

5 guests who just left.

M/S/C S. DiGnagbo / F. Chartrand

The Credentials Committee Report was adopted.

Regional Triennial Convention (May 8-11, 2014))

Convention will be held at the Hilton Lac-Leamy Hotel (Mozart meeting hall).

The convention call should be sent by mid-November at members’ personal email address.

François Laroche is in charge of the Resolutions Committee.


After a small point of order, resolutions were presented as motions, because resolutions can only be submitted at AGMs and Conventions.

1st motion: NCR PSAC Publicity Campaigns

BE IT RESOLVED THAT the PSAC NCR consider the ongoing efforts of Canadian Labour Congress and their local district labour councils in order to improve the consistency and impact of future campaigns

M/S/C L. Lavitt / P. Lillies

Motion rejected.

2nd motion: Affiliation with provincial labour federations and local labour councils

BE IT RESOLVED THAT NCR PSAC meet its obligations to solidarity by encouraging its 118 NCR union locals to join the Ottawa and District Labour Council (ODLC) and the Ontario Federation of Labour (OFL) or the FTQ-Outaouais and the Fédération des travailleurs et travailleuses du Québec (FTQ), as appropriate.

M/S/C L. Lavitt / P. Lillies

Motion rejected.

3rd motion: Unions as the Champions of Fairness

BE IT RESOLVED THAT the PSAC NCR encourage all committees and event planning bodies to consider how the understanding and promotion of the concept of fairness can be incorporated into their actions, workshops, publicity campaigns, and other activities.

M/S/C L. Lavitt / P. Lillies

Motion rejected.

4th motion: Change auditor

BE IT RESOLVED THAT the PSAC NCR call for tenders to find another accounting firm to audit the 2013 financial statements.

M/S/C C. Khoury / P. Hyduk

The motion was adopted.

Committee Reports – presented orally

NCR Francophone Women’s Committee (CRFF)

Presented by Sandrine Oka.

Communications Committee

Presented by Larry Lavitt.

Conseil régional action politique de l’Outaouais (CRAPO)

Presented by Chantal Rajotte

Education Committee

Written report. Nothing to add.

Health and Safety Committee

No oral or written report.

Aboriginal Action Circle

Presented by John Henri Commanda.

Young Workers Committee

Presented by Sandra DiGnabgo.

Members with Disabilities Action Committee (MMAC)

Presented by Claudette Guibord.

Men’s Action and Support Committee

Presented by Peter Hyduk.

Ottawa Area Council (OAC)

Presented by David Lanthier.

Ottawa Regional Women’s Committee

Presented by Amber Miller.

Pride Committee

Presented by Jacques Marengère.

Racially Visible Action Committee (RVAC)

Presented by Zelma Buckley.

Directly Chartered Locals and Separate Employers

Presented by Sara Cousins.


The REVP adjourned the meeting and thanked Nankoréa Keita for the exceptional work she did as acting assistant to the REVP. He also thanked the interpreters and ELC for their work.

M/S/C S. DiGnagbo / L. Blouin.

ATTENDANCE LIST – Regional Council

October 5, 2013 - Hilton Lac-Leamy

Surname / Given name / Component / Title / Local
Attwell / Carlyn / NRU | SRN / Observer / 70084
Barker / Paulette / UNDE | UEDN / Delegate / 70607
Bittar / Samy / UTE | SEI / Delegate / 70004
Black / Debbie / UNDE | UEDN / Observer / 70611
Blouin / Louise / USGE | SESG / Delegate / 70093
Bolton / Carrie / NRU | SRN / Delegate / 70082
Bordage / Jocelyne / CEIU | SEIC / Observer / 70708
Brault / François / CEIU | SEIC / Observer / 70708
Brown / Dianna / UNE | SEN / Delegate / 70130
Brown / Beverly / UNE | SEN / Delegate / 70181
Brown / Darlene / UCTE | UCET / Delegate / 70703
Buckley / Zelma / UNDE | UEDN / Delegate / 70608
Camara / Daniel / UTE | SEI / Delegate / 70035
Campbell / Gesine / UTE | SEI / Delegate / 70010
Cardinal / Kim / UTE | SEI / Observer / 70010
Chartrand / Francis / UNE | SEN / Delegate / 70172
Chernow / Sharon / UNDE | UEDN / Delegate / 70682
Chevalier / Marie-Claude / AGR / Delegate / 70138
Kelly / Christopher / USGE | SESG / Delegate / 70007
Collins / Christine / UCTE | UCET / Observer / 70703
Commanda / John Henri / CEIU | SEIC / Delegate / 70709
Cousins / Sara / UTE | SEI / Delegate / 70000
Deschênes / François / UNE | SEN / Delegate / 70410
DiGnagbo / Sandra / USGE | SESG / Delegate / 70005
Ellis / Sandra / USGE | SESG / Delegate / 70006
Floyd / Harold / UNE | SEN / Delegate / 70101
Gauthier / Tania / UNE | SEN / Observer / 73867
Gavillucci / Angelo / CEIU | SEIC / Delegate / 70009
Gregory / Lisa / UNE | SEN / Delegate / 70381
Griffith-Bonaparte / Sandra / UNDE | UEDN / Delegate / 70607
Guibord / Claudette / UCTE | UCET / Delegate / 70703
Henderson / Donna / UNDE | UEDN / Delegate / 70603
Hyduk / Peter / UNDE | UEDN / Delegate / 70605
Imbeault / Marc / GSU | SSG / Delegate / 70055
Jedrasik / John / GSU | SSG / Delegate / 70013
Keshavjee / Amyn / GSU | SSG / Delegate / 70707
Khoury / Charles / CIU | SDI / Delegate
Kirkham / Gerard / UTE | SEI / Delegate / 70030
Koenders / Linda / UTE | SEI / Delegate / 70000
Lamoureux / Martine / UNDE | UEDN / Observer / 70608
Lanthier / David / UTE | SEI / Delegate / 70000
Laramée / Roch / CEIU | SEIC / Delegate / 70702
Laroche / François / GSU | SSG / Delegate / 70707
Larocque / Lyne / CIU | SDI / Delegate / 70006
Lauzon / Nathalie / UNE | SEN / Delegate / 70027
Lavitt / Larry / AGR / Delegate / 70155
Lillies / Philip / AGR / Delegate / 70155
Lindsay / Christine / USGE | SESG / Delegate / 70041
Lynn / Richard / UNE | SEN / Delegate / 70148
Marengère / Jacques / UTE | SEI / Delegate / 70030
Martin / Denis / UNE | SEN / Delegate / 70027
Martin / Suzanne / UNDE | UEDN / Observer / 70608
McQuaid / Jim / GSU | SSG / Delegate / 70017
Miller / Amber / GSU | SSG / Delegate / 70019
Munday / Jo-An / UNDE | UEDN / Observer / 70611
Nicolas / Tony / CEIU | SEIC / Delegate / 70704
Oka / Sandrine / UNE | SEN / Delegate / 70172
Racicot / Steve / UNE | SEN / Delegate / 70148
Rajotte / Chantal / CIU | SDI / Delegate / 70006
Ricci / Enza / UNDE | UEDN / Delegate / 70607
Rochon / Annie / CIU | SDI / Delegate / 70006
Smith / Vicki-Lynn / UTE | SEI / Delegate / 70030
Spinney / Robert / UNDE | UEDN / Delegate / 70611
Taylor / Shirley / GSU | SSG / Delegate / 70015
Truswell / Louise / UNE | SEN / Delegate / 70044
Vanneste / Stephen / UEW | STE / Delegate / 70712
Villeneuve / Joan / NRU | SRN / Delegate / 70084
Walker / Shawn / UNE | SEN / Delegate / 70130
Wallace / Robert / UNDE | UEDN / Delegate / 70605
Wrinn / Jeffory / UNDE | UEDN / Delegate / 70603
McAllister / Gordon / UNE | SEN / Delegate / 70125
Clement / Michael / CEIU | SEIC / Delegate / 70702
Charron / Daniel / GSU - SSG / Delegate / 700??
Rousseau / Larry