Fannett-Metal School District
Coach Handbook
Code of Ethics for Coaches
1. Understand and communicate the philosophy of Fannett-Metal Athletics to coaching staff, players, parents, and general public.
2. Exemplify good conduct for team members, students, and general public.
3. Be courteous to visiting teams and officials.
4. Strive for a good working relationship with the opposing coaches and schools.
5. Stress the values derived from fair play.
6. Show respect for the integrity and judgment calls of officials.
7. Become familiar with the rules of the game and PIAA and district standards for eligibility.
8. View each athletic contest in perspective, as a game rather than a “do” or “die” effort.
9. Downplay those contingencies, which tend to lessen the highest values of the game.
10. Stress the highest ideals of ethical conduct, sportsmanship, and fair play.
11. Encourage the development of leadership, initiative, and good judgment in all team members.
12. Encourage students to maintain high academic achievement in their instruction program.
General Administrative Policies for Coaches
It is the belief of the administration department that in order for coaching staff to have a complete responsibility of its players the following guidelines must be implemented:
1. Athletes having possession of or using drugs, alcohol, or tobacco during school activities or are proven to have used outside of school will be suspended from sports for the remainder of that season and on probation for the remainder of the school year in athletics. If the infraction occurs beyond the halfway point of the season, the suspension will extend to the next season of any sport in which the athlete participates.
2. Athletic contract with athletes are required. These rules must be enforced. Any disciplinary action taken as a result of the contract must be communicated with the athletic director. It is the coaches responsibility to keep track of discipline of an athlete on the tracking form (located on page 10-11 of coaches handbook)
3. Student athletes are only permitted to practice or condition in one hallway after 4:30 p.m. under direct supervision by the coach.
4. Student athletes are to be supervised at all times by the coach or adult designee.
5. PIAA regulations state that student athletes are not permitted to practice and participate in events more than six (6) days in a row.
6. Student athletes will not be permitted on campus after dismissal until scheduled practices/games unless supervised by the coach or adult designee.
7. Major problems or incidents must be communicated with assistant coaches and brought to the attention of the athletic director. After a decision concerning the consequence has been made, it must be supported by all involved. Everyone must be on the same team.
8. Good sportsmanship will be expected from all coaches and players. All coaches are responsible for the conduct of their players while on the playing field and the bench. No derogatory comments to the officials or opposing team will be permitted. It is the coach’s responsibility to see that their team does not display poor sportsmanship at any time.
9. All Varsity and Junior Varsity Coaches are required to attend the all sport banquet.
10. Coaches are expected to dress in attire that presents a positive image for the district and yourself. We expect that all inside sports require professional attire. Acceptable attire would be coaching polo or dress shirt and tie. All inside coaches should wear dress pants. All outside sports coaches must either adhere to sporting rules or wear professional attire according to your sport and depending on weather. Regardless, outside sports attire must be Fannett-Metal wear.
11. Student athletes should be neatly groomed and properly dressed when traveling to any contest. It is preferable that students dress professional to away contests. Uniforms need to meet school board or administration dress code. Consult the Athletic Director if you are unsure of this requirement.
12. Respect for school property must be demonstrated at all times. Training facilities and equipment must be kept in proper working order and treated with respect.
13. Respect for family time is encouraged. Sunday practices must be between the hours of 12:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. with prior approval by athletic director, or if necessary, the board.
14. Promote school spirit among team and team members and display loyalty to the school.
15. Encourage athletes to get adequate rest and have a well-balanced diet.
16. Encourage athletes to develop good study habits and work to maximum ability.
Pre-Season Preparation Requirements
The following points need to be completed prior to your first official practice session.
1. A meeting should be held for all students interested in participating for your sport, in accordance with P.I.A.A. regulations. PIAA physical forms should be distributed to ensure parental permission for each student.
2. Practice starting dates will be determined by P.I.A.A. Consult with your athletic director if in doubt about dates.
3. A member of your coaching staff is required to attend the preseason rules interpretation meeting for their sport. Information concerning time/date/location of such meetings can be obtained from the athletic director and from the PIAA website. The Head Coach of each sport must attend!
4. Request for Equipment and Supplies - - The head coach is responsible for ordering all equipment and supplies for his sport (at all levels of play) by submitting this requisition included in the packet
5. Any student wishing to participate in a sport MUST have a physical card signed by a physician before practicing or playing in any contest.
6. Students that miss or unable to receive the physical exam provided by the school district will require a physical (at the families) expense for the sport.
7. Player contracts (page 10-11) should distributed for explanation and distribution by the first day of legal practices so that your players know from the very beginning the expectations and the consequences of misbehavior.
8. All coaches including volunteers must complete the required online courses. Certificates of completion must be printed and kept on file in the athletic office. If coaches do not have the technology necessary to complete the courses, make arrangements with the athletic secretary to complete the online courses at the school. These courses are valid for one year. This means if you coach more than one sport in the same year, you only have to take the online course once in a calendar year. The two courses below are free courses.
Sudden Cardiac Arrest Course –
Concussion Course –
There is no cost to these courses. Coaches have to register an account online to take the course. Contact the athletic office if you require assistance.
The following continuing educational courses will be required for coaches engaged at a PIAA Member School (Effective July 1, 2016*):
Core Courses(complete a coaching education course and a First Aid course from either of the two providers below):
NFHS (access info
· Fundamentals of Coaching ($50)
· First Aid, Health and Safety for Coaches ($45)
ASEP (access info @Human Kinetics)
· Coaching Principles (fee depends on instructor)
· Sport First Aid (fee depends on instructor)
*NOTE: All coaches currently employed or engaged by a PIAA member school must complete two courses as provided above no later than June 30, 2018. Coaches hired after July 1, 2016, will have two years from their date of hire to complete this requirement.
7. Schedule practice times and communicate times/dates to coaching staff, players and parents in advance. Communication with other coaches with which you must share practice space with is a must. Any conflicts should be discussed with the athletic director.
8. Distribute player contracts to players and collect with all necessary signatures. Follow through with all disciplinary measures set forth in the contract.
9. Be advised that the cutting of team players, in regards to try-outs, is highly discouraged. However, the cutting of team players for disciplinary infractions, if such measure is indicated, is necessary.
10. If a coach is promoting a ninth grade athlete from junior high to varsity, the appropriate forms are found on pages12-13 and must be completed and submitted to the athletic director.
End of Season Requirements
Completion of “The End of Season Packet” is mandatory in order to receive the stipend awarded for the completion of your sporting season. The stipend shall be based upon the current professional contract. It is the coaching staff’s responsibility to complete this packet and return it to the athletic director. The packet includes:
1. End of year Coaching Evaluation must be completed by the athletic director before submitting for your coaching stipend. (Included in the back of the handbook pages 17-23)
2. Inventory of Equipment and Supplies - -all equipment, supplies, and uniforms should be inventoried at the close of the season. The coaching staff of that sport must record all equipment issued to players. It is the coach’s responsibility to ensure that those items are returned in good condition and all equipment is properly stored.
3. Summary Report for Season - Coaches will submit a written summary of your sporting season, including win/loss record, any team achievements, and individual player achievements. Also, any officiating requests should be made at this time.
4. Player Awards (varsity letter winners) – coaches shall recommend the members of his squad whom have met requirements necessary to receive a varsity award. Requirements for receiving this award should be determined in advance of the sporting season (The general rule of thumb for lettering is participation in half of the game time, i.e. innings or quarters). If problems arise due to extenuating circumstances, a committee composed of the principal, athletic director, and the coaching staff involved shall make the final decision.
a. Please note: In order (or student athletes to be eligible for a varsity letter or team award, it is required that he/she completes the entire scheduled sports season. No awards will be given to any student athlete suspended and/or dismissed from a sporting team for the remainder of a season, or to an athlete who fails to show up at a game or leaves a game without prior, written, excused permission from the coach. The only exception will be illness and/or injury, which disable a person from finishing a season or limits participation.
i. Any school purchased or owned uniforms, equipment, and/or supplies that are issued to players during the course of the sporting season must be collected (in a timely manner) in order to receive your coaching stipend. It is the coach’s responsibility to ensure that any and all student issued items are returned in good condition. That player should pay for any “lost” items.
ii. All equipment, uniforms, and supplies should be clean and properly prepared for storage before being placed in your respective storage area. Coaches are responsible for putting equipment, etc. in the appropriate place(s).
Once all of the above criteria are completed satisfactorily, a request for your coaching stipend will be sent from the athletic director to the business office. They will then perform the necessary tasks to ensure you receive your stipend.
Out of Season Activities
1. Any activities held by the coaching staff occurring out of your regular playing season must be done so in accordance with current P.I.A.A. and school district regulations.
1. Use of any school facilities must be presented to the district for prior approval by athletic director or, if necessary, the board.
2. Any out of season activities should not interfere with players that are involved in a regularly scheduled sporting season. Those players involved in a regular sporting season should not be expected to participate in activities from another sport that is currently not in season.
Miscellaneous Points of Interest
The head coaches shall make all interscholastic scrimmages with prior approval of the athletic director. The number of scrimmages and available dates will be determined according to P.I.A.A. guidelines. No scrimmages or mandatory practices are to be scheduled for Sundays.
The athletic director will schedule busing to and from away athletic events. Departure times will be arranged prior to the start of your season. It is the coach’s responsibility to have team members ready to board bus at the designated time. Players are expected to ride to away athletic events on the team bus. Players should be encouraged to ride the bus home with the team. However, players can ride home with their parents or another adult provided they have written parental permission. Parents are required to sign out on the student release log (page 16) before departing with a parent. Players should be picked up at the school once the bus arrives from away athletic contests.
If necessary, coaches may be asked to drive the school van to away athletic contests if there is inadequate space for players and equipment on the bus. Any coach who drives the district van must sign a motor vehicle record disclosure and release form. This form is located in the district office.
Purchase of Clothing:
Before any order has been placed with a vendor, all art-work for any clothing representing any sport at Fannett-Metal School District must be approved by the athletic director.
Eligibility of Athletes
In order to compete in interscholastic athletics or practices, the athlete must fulfill completely all the regulations and requirements set forth by the P.I.A.A., the Fannett-Metal Administration, and the respective coaching staff. Grades are checked every Friday at noon. A list of non-eligible players will be emailed to the coach and athletic director. The coach must inform the athlete that they cannot participate beginning Monday and until grades are checked on the following Friday. Athletes are permitted one F, however if that F is not brought to a passing grade by the next week, that consecutive grade will put the athlete on the non-eligible list. More than 1 “F” will put the athlete on the non-eligible list.
Injured Players:
When an accident occurs the coach must complete an accident report (located on page 9) under the supervision of the school nurse. Coaches should follow-up to ensure that all accidents are reported and proper procedures carried through. If, when the injury occurs, any of the following criteria are met then an accident report form must be completed and submitted in a timely manner: