Marching Dynamics
Marching Fundamentals> (Occurring daily throughout the school year)
Texts / Formative Assessments / Summative Assessments / Schoolwide Learning ExpectationsLancer Marching Band handbook / Assignments (#given)
-Forming the band block
-Body posture and Instrument carriage
-Face commands
-Marking time
-Marching step-offs
-8 to 5 stride
-Backwards marching
-Lateral Slides
-Oblique marching
-To the rear
-Proper breathing and breath control
-Marching and playing / Quizzes (0)
Tests (0)
Students will march in a band block while playing various instrumental exercises and marching band repertoire.
Band Commands Drill Down / Proficient learners who demonstrate knowledge of their curricular areas of study.
Responsible citizens who respect themselves and others.
Student Learning Objectives / Common Core California Standard (or State Standard) / Vocabulary
Students will be able to execute the fundamental band commands by demonstrating the following
-Standing at attention
-Covering down
-Parade rest
-Left face
-Half-left face
-Right face
-Half-right face
-About face
-Dress center
-Dress left
-Dress right
Students will be able to execute the following fundamental marching and maneuvering techniques while playing their musical instruments:
-Marking time
-Marching step-offs
-8 to 5 stride
-Backwards marching
-Lateral Slides
-Oblique marching
-To the rear / California State Standards
1.1Combine and apply movement patterns, simple to complex, in aquatic, rhythms/dance, and individual and dual activities.
1.2Demonstrate proficient movement skills in aquatic, rhythms/dance, and individual anddual activities.
1.7Analyze and evaluate feedback from proprioception, from others, and from the performance of complex motor (movement) activities to improve performance in aquatic, rhythms/dance, individualactivities, and dual activities.
1.8Analyze and explain which training and conditioning practices have the greatest impact on skill acquisition and performance in aquatic, rhythms/dance, and individual and dual activities.
1.9Create or modify practice/training plans based on evaluative feedback of skill acquisition and performance in aquatic, rhythms/dance, and individual and dual activities.
1.10Analyze situations and determine appropriate strategies for improved performance in aquatic, rhythms/dance, and individual and dual activities
1.11Assess the effect/outcome of a particular performance strategy in aquatic, rhythms/dance, andindividual and dual activities.
1.12Demonstrate independent learning of movement skills / Alignment, As You Were, At Ease, At Rest, Atten-hut, Attention, Backwards March, By The Numbers, Cadence, Carriage, Column,Cover, Cover Down, Diagonals, Dress, Dress Center, Dress Left, Dress Right, Eight to Five, Face, File, Flank, Forward March, Glide Step, Guide, Hut, Interval, Left Flank, Mark Time, Oblique, Parade Rest, Posture, Rank, Right Flank, Rotation, Slide, Step Off, Tempo
Assignment Descriptions
Band Commands – Students must execute all stand still band commands such as “Atten-Hut” “About Face”, “Left Face”, “Right Face”, etc…
Marching Block – Students must execute marching techniques while playing their musical instruments.
Field Show)> (16 weeks)
Texts / Formative Assessments / Summative Assessments / Schoolwide Learning ExpectationsField show drill charts
Field show dot books / Assignments (#given)
-Field Show Opener
-Field Show Ballad/Production Number
-Field Show Closer / Quizzes (0)
Tests (0)
Students must march and play through a 6-9 minute field show. / Proficient learners who demonstrate knowledge of their curricular areas of study.
Responsible citizens who respect themselves and others.
Student Learning Objectives / Common Core California Standard (or State Standard) / Vocabulary
Students will apply fundamental marching and maneuvering techniques to marching a 6-9 minute marching band field show. / California State Standards
1.1, 1.2, 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, 1.10, 1.11, 1.12
. / Alignment, As You Were, At Ease, At Rest, Atten-hut, Attention, Backwards March, Box, Box Level, By The Numbers, Cadence, Carriage, Column, Company Front,Cover, Cover Down, Diagonals, Dress, Dress Center, Dress Left, Dress Right, Eight to Five, Face, File, Flank, Flat-to Forward March, Glide Step, Guide, Hut, Interval, Left Flank, Mark Time, Oblique, Parade Rest, Posture, Rank, Right Flank, Rotation, Slide, Step Off, Tempo
Assignment Descriptions
Field Show Opener – Students will learn and perform the opening number for the field show
Field Show Ballad/Production Number – Students will learn and perform the ballad and/or production number for the field show
Field Show Closer – Students will learn and perform the closing number for the field show
Physical Training and Conditioning> (Occuring)
Texts / Formative Assessments / Summative Assessments / Schoolwide Learning ExpectationsAssignments (#given)
- Daily workout routine
- Cardio / Quizzes (0)
Tests (0)
Pushups test
Situps test
Planking test
Mile run / Proficient learners who demonstrate knowledge of their curricular areas of study.
Responsible citizens who respect themselves and others.
Student Learning Objectives / Common Core California Standard (or State Standard) / Vocabulary
Students will develop upper body, core, and lower body strength so that they can maintain proper instrument carriage and posture while performing their field show.
Students will develop stamina and endurance through cardio vascular exercises. / <Enter common core abbreviation & standard>
2.1 Participate in moderate to vigorous physical activity at least four days each week.
2.2 Participate in enjoyable and challenging physical activities that develop and maintain the five components of physical fitness.
Assignment Descriptions
Cardio – Mile run/bleachers
Daily workout routine–Stretching, pushups, situps, planking, squats, lunges