Las introducciones – Presentación Oral

With a partner you will participate in a conversation in which you introduce yourselves and provide some basic information. You can pretend that you’re in a medical office and a receptionist must get some basic info. One person will ask the questions and the other will respond and then you will switch roles. You must include the following in your presentation: greeting, name, spelling of name, statement that it’s nice to meet each other, how you are (good, bad, etc.), where from, age, and then good-bye. The conversation will look this this:

Partner 1:Partner 2:

Greet the other person (hello, Respond with a greeting

good morning, etc.)

Ask for nameGive name

Respond with your name, and then Respond that it’s nice to meet

say it’s nice to meet

Ask for spelling of nameRespond with spelling

Ask how the person is (how are you?)Respond

Ask where fromRespond

Ask ageRespond

Say good-byeRespond

Then you will switch roles. Partner 1 will have a copy of the dialogue outline, partner 2 will not. Your partner will be chosen at random immediately before the presentation. You will have 2-3 minutes to prepare in the hallway. However, all students will have ample time to practice the conversation in class with several different partners. If you are unsatisfied with your official presentation you may ask to do it again with a different partner. Please be advised that students may be asked to present more than once.

GradingRubric: Las Introducciones – Presentación Oral

Partner 1 / Partner 2
50 / completes all of task;
excellent fluency and pronunciation / responds appropriately to all prompts (at least 7 asked) with excellent fluency and pronunciation
45 / completes almost all of task (missing one prompt) with very good fluency and pronunciation / responds appropriately to all prompts asked with very good fluency and pronunciation
40 / completes most of task (6 prompts) with very good fluency and pronunciation; may pause a bit / responds appropriately to at least 6 prompts with very good fluency and pronunciation; may pause a bit
25 / incomplete (5 prompts) with fair fluency / pronunciation; significant pausing / responds appropriately to 5 prompts with fair fluency / pronunciation; significant pausing
0 / not complete – fewer than 5 prompts; incomprehensible or lack of any fluency / responds appropriately to fewer than 5 prompts; incomprehensible or lack of fluency