Task E
Assesses and Manages Professional Growth
Intern Name:Mark Ryan Meenach / Date: 9/20/11 / Cycle: 1
Kentucky Teacher Standards Self-Assessment
To initiate the development of your Professional Growth Plan, prior to the Orientation Meeting, assess your level of performance on each of the indicators by entering a number between one (1) and four (4) in the blanks to the left of each indicator. The scale to be used is: (1) limited, (2) some, (3) adequate and (4) extensive. You may wish to examine the rubric for each indicator on the Intern Performance Record (IPR) to see the range of performance.
You will repeat this self-assessment process in Cycle 3 as part of your final assessment of professional growth and identification of future areas for professional growth.
STANDARD 1: The Teacher Demonstrates Applied Content Knowledge
The teacher demonstrates a current and sufficient academic knowledge of certified content areas to develop student knowledge and performance in those areas.
Performance Criteria: The extent to which you:
Orientation Cycle 3
Self-Assessment Self-Assessment
123412341.1 Communicate concepts, processes, and knowledge.
123412341.2 Connect content to life experiences of students.
123412341.3 Demonstrate instructional strategies that are appropriate for
content and contribute to student learning.
123412341.4 Guide students to understand content from various perspectives.
123412341.5 Identify and address students’ misconceptions of content.
STANDARD 2: The Teacher Designs and Plans Instruction
The teacher designs and plans instruction that develops students’ abilities to use communication skills, apply core concepts, become self-sufficient individuals, become responsible team members, think, and solve problems and integrate knowledge.
Performance Criteria: The extent to which the planning demonstrates that you:
Orientation Cycle 3
Self-Assessment Self-Assessment
123412342.1 Develop significant objectives aligned with standards.
123412342.2 Use contextual data to design instruction relevant to students.
123412342.3 Plan assessments to guide instruction and measure learning
123412342.4 Plan instructional strategies and activities that address learning
objectives for all students.
123412342.5 Plan instructional strategies and activities that facilitate multiple
levels of learning
STANDARD 3: The Teacher Creates and Maintains Learning Climate
The teacher creates a learning climate that supports the development of students’ abilities to use communication skills, apply core concepts, become self-sufficient individuals, become responsible team members, think and solve problems, and integrate knowledge.
Performance Criteria: The extent to which you:
Orientation Cycle 3
Self-Assessment Self-Assessment
123412343.1 Communicate high expectations.
123412343.2 Establish a positive learning environment.
123412343.3 Value and support student diversity and addresses individual needs.
123412343.4 Foster mutual respect between teacher and students and among
123412343.5 Provide a safe environment for learning.
STANDARD 4: The Teacher Implements and Manages Instruction
The teacher introduces implements and manages instruction that develops students’ abilities to use communication skills, apply core concepts, become self-sufficient individuals, become responsible team members, think and solve problems, and integrate knowledge.
Performance Criteria: The extent to which you:
Orientation Cycle 3
Self-Assessment Self-Assessment
123412344.1 Use a variety of instructional strategies that align with learning objectives and actively engage students.
123412344.2 Implement instruction based on diverse student needs and assessment
123412344.3 Use time effectively.
123412344.4 Use space and materials effectively.
123412344.5 Implement and manage instruction in ways that facilitate higher
order thinking.
STANDARD 5: The Teacher Assesses and Communicates Learning Results
The teacher assesses learning and communicates results to students and others with respect to students’ abilities to use communication skills, apply core concepts, become self-sufficient individuals, become responsible team members, think and solve problems, and integrate knowledge.
Performance Criteria: The extent to which you:
Orientation Cycle 3
Self-Assessment Self-Assessment
123412345.1 Use pre-assessments.
123412345.2 Use formative assessments.
123412345.3 Use summative assessments.
123412345.4 Describe, analyze and evaluate student performance data.
123412345.5 Communicate learning results to students and parents.
123412345.6 Allow opportunity for student self-assessment.
STANDARD 6: The Teacher Demonstrates the Implementation of Technology
The teacher uses technology to support instruction, access and manipulate data, enhance professional growth and productivity, communicate and collaborate with colleagues, parents, and the community, and conduct research.
Performance Criteria: The extent to which you:
Orientation Cycle 3
Self-Assessment Self-Assessment
123412346.1 Use available technology to design and plan instruction.
123412346.2 Use available technology to implement instruction that facilitates
student learning.
123412346.3 Integrate student use of available technology into instruction.
123412346.4 Use available technology to assess and communicate student learning.
123412346.5 Demonstrate ethical and legal use of technology.
STANDARD 7: The Teacher Reflects On and Evaluates Teaching and Learning
The teacher reflects on and evaluates specific teaching and learning situations and/or programs.
Performance Criteria: The extent to which you:
Orientation Cycle 3
Self-Assessment Self-Assessment
123412347.1 Use data to reflect on and evaluate student learning.
123412347.2 Use data to reflect on and evaluate instructional practice.
123412347.3 Use data to reflect on and identify areas for professional growth.
STANDARD 8: The Teacher Collaborates with Colleagues/Parents/Others
The teacher collaborates with colleagues, parents, and other agencies to design, implement, and support learning programs that develop students’ abilities to use communication skills, apply core concepts, become self-sufficient individuals, become responsible team members, think and solve problems , and integrate knowledge.
Performance Criteria: The extent to which you:
Orientation Cycle 3
Self-Assessment Self-Assessment
123412348.1 Identify students whose learning could be enhanced by collaboration.
123412348.2 Design a plan to enhance student learning that includes all parties in
the collaborative effort.
123412348.3 Implement planned activities that enhance student learning and engage
all parties.
123412348.4 Analyze data to evaluate the outcomes of collaborative efforts.
STANDARD 9: The Teacher Evaluates Teaching and Implements Professional Development
The teacher evaluates his or her overall performance with respect to modeling and teaching Kentucky's learning goals, refines the necessary skills and processes and implements a professional development plan.
Performance Criteria: The extent to which you:
Orientation Cycle 3
Self-Assessment Self-Assessment
123412349.1 Self-assess performance relative to Kentucky's Teacher Standards.
123412349.2 Identify priorities for professional development based on data from self- assessment, student performance and feedback from colleagues.
123412349.3 Design a professional growth plan that addresses identified priorities.
123412349.4 Show evidence of professional growth and reflection on the identified priority areas and impact on instructional effectiveness and student
STANDARD 10: The Teacher Provides Leadership Within School, Community and Profession
The teacher provides professional leadership within the school, community, and education profession to improve student learning and well-being.
Performance Criteria: The extent to which you:
Orientation Cycle 3
Self-Assessment Self-Assessment
1234123410.1 Identify leadership opportunities that enhance student learning
and/or professional environment.
1234123410.2 Develop a plan for engaging in leadership activities.
1234123410.3 Implement a plan for engaging in leadership activities.
1234123410.4 Analyze data to evaluate the results of planned and executed
leadership efforts.
Analysis of Self-Assessment Data
  1. Review your self-assessment for each Kentucky Teacher Standard, especially noting all the indicators you rated as (1) limited or (2) some.
  2. Carefully read each of the ten tasks presented in the TPA Handbook to get a clear understanding of the performance expectation for each task and the standard(s) addressed by each task.
  3. Use the insights gained from reviewing your self-assessment data and carefully reading the TPA tasks to begin to:
  4. Identify your strengths in terms of tasks and related standards.
After reviewing my self-assessment I have found my strengths to be Standards 1, 6, and 9. Standard 1 is a strength because I have always had a very good understanding of content knowledge. My understanding of technology content partly comes from growing up with technology devices that are used to teach today's students to be 21st Century learners. Not only do my personal experiences strengthen my knowledge, but I find myself constantly watching videos and reading articles to give me a better understanding of new technology that can be used to teach students. These readings and videos also help in the understanding of technology that is used in classrooms today. The next standard that I consider to be strong is Standard 6. I consider Standard 6 to be a strength because I am a technology teacher and students use computers for every lesson. I have the students use a computer for every aspect in my classroom. I have students use computers to take notes, complete assessments, and for assessments. I consider this a strength because I give all students experience with technology that they would use in life during and after school. The last standard that I find a strength is Standard 9. I consider Standard 9 one of my strengths because I take all of my experiences as a learning experience. I take the experiences of more established and experienced teachers and use them to help shape my own teaching style. I also take what I learn outside of the classroom and implment it into my teaching. I look at all professional develpoment as a way to enhance students' learning as well as my own. In reflecting on my teaching skills, these three standards are the standards that I find as strengths.
  • Identity areas for growth (tasks and related standards for which you might need support or assistance to be successful) and types of professional development you will need.
After revieing my self-assessment, I found some area of growths for me to be Standards 5, 8, and10. To improve in Standard 5 I have been looking for opprotunities for students to assess their work. I am also always looking for exemplary work to show students. To strengthen Standard 8, I need to make the opprotunity to meet the collaborative and resource staff in the building and district so that appropriate services are always being provided for every student. Finally, to strengthen Standard 10, I am in the process of designing a leadership program for the school and community. I am also working with the senior class on their activities. Another area that I am in the process of looking at is committees that would be advantageous to join.
Task E
Assesses and Manages Professional Growth
Intern Name:Ryan Meenach / Date: 4/20/12 / Cycle: 3
Prior to Cycle 1 Committee Meeting
1. Identifying strengths and Areas for Growth
Using the analysis of your self-assessment, student performance data, and feedback from your resource teacher, work with your resource teacher to identify your strengths and areas for professional growth related to the Kentucky Teacher Standards.
  • Strengths
Standard 1
Standard 4
Standard 6
  • Areas for Growth
Standard 3
Standard 5
Standard 7
2.Identifying Priority Areas for Growth
From the identified areas for growth, identify two or three priority areas – areas for growth that if addressed would most improve your ability to facilitate student learning and meet the Kentucky Teacher Standards.
  • Priority Area 1
Classroom Management
  • Priority Area 2
  • Priority Area 3
Considering the context of your school, data about your students and the analysis of your self-assessment data, what types of professional development do you think you need?
I feel that I need professional development in designing assessments for a wide range of students. By doing this, I feel that students will be self-motivated. I also want professional development on reflections. I fee that I refelct well, but developing new and differnet ways will help improve my lessons.
Cycle 1 Committee Meeting
Your committee will meet with you to reconcile the strengths and priority areas the members identified in Cycle 1 with those you have identified. At that time, you will determine appropriate professional growth activities for Cycle 2. Using the Professional Growth Work Plan template, develop a work plan for each identified Priority Area for Growth. Your work plans must be sent to your committee for review and approval.
Task E
Professional Growth Plan
Intern Name:Ryan Meenach / Date: 4/20/12 / Cycle: 3
Professional Growth Work Plan
(Each work plan must be approved by your committee before implementation.)
Priority Area for Growth: Classroom Management / Standard(s) # Stand. 3
Professional Growth Objective:
I will explore ways to imporve classroom management.
Activities / Timeline / Assistance/Resources Needed
Reading "The Highly Engaged Classroom" / Through out the Year
How will progress in addressing this area for growth be assessed?
This book will help me plan my lessons so that my classroom runs smoothly. It will also help me get students more engaged in the lesson. By accomplishing these things, my classroom will have fewer disruptions and the flow of the lesson will help increase student learning.
Professional Growth Work Plan
(Each work plan must be approved by your committee before implementation.)
Priority Area for Growth: Assessment / Standard(s) #: Stand. 5
Professional Growth Objective:
I will explore different ways to use formative assessement to improve student learning.
Activities / Timeline / Assistance/Resources Needed
Reading the book "Classroom Assessment for Student Learning" / Through out the year
How will progress in addressing this area for growth be assessed?
This book will help me with planning and creating original assessments. Coming up with my own lessons will help me give students a voice in what they learn and how they learn.
Professional Growth Work Plan
(Each work plan must be approved by your committee before implementation.)
Priority Area for Growth: Reflection / Standard(s) # Stand. 7
Professional Growth Objective:
I will investigate new ways of reflection to improve my lesson.
Activities / Timeline / Assistance/Resources Needed
Student Lead Conferences (PD Training) / 1/13/12
How will progress in addressing this area for growth be assessed?
This PD training will help me with reflections, not just for myself but also for my students. This training will cover how to use students' reflections as feedback about my lessons. This trainning will also teach me how to get students' parents more involved.
Cycle 2
Progress Update
Provide evidence in your progress update that your PGP activities are having a positive impact on student learning. If it is too early for your growth activities to yield evidence or student learning/achievement, provide evidence of how the activities have had an impact on your instruction.
While reading my two books, I found myself using many techniques that I had read about. From the book, "Classroom Assessment for Student Learning", I have found myself using future test questions as bellringers, so my students can connect what they are learning that day back to the summative assessment. From the book, "The Highly Engaged Classroom", I have found myself using information from Chapters 3 and 4 by incorporating things students would find engaging. I have been using student feedback to tweak my lesson from class to class in order to improve how I teach so that my students can learn as much as possible. I feel that using ideas from this training and these books have been very beneficial. I have seen my students' grades improve at a steady rate. Students that were struggling with concepts are now understanding things because I have been trying to use their interests and feedback.
Cycle 3
Final Self-Assessment
  • Discuss the progress made in addressing each Priority Area for Growth identified in your work plans. Did you achieve your professional growth objectives?
I feel that throughout his year I have grown as a teacher. At the beginning of the year my priority areas were classroom management, assessement, and refelection. I feel that by using the resources provided to me, I have improved in all aspects of my teaching. My classroom management has improved by planning the majority of my lessons on thing that many students would find interesting. By planning lessons that sutdents find interesting, I find that the students stay engaged with the lesson and spend lesson time off task. Inturn this helps with my classroom management. In the area of assessement, I feel that I have improved in designing my own effective assessement. At the start of the year I relied on the book assessement too much. After reading the book, "Classroom Assessement for Student Learning", I started developing my assessment. This book helped me by showing new ways to check for understanding, such a smiple raise of had after coving an objective. For reflection, the PD training that I attended was most helpful in using feedback to improve on my lesson. In the beginning I listened to and read student feedback but only looked at what was positive, now I am going back and looking at what students would change. When I have made a change that a student suggested, I've seen that students enjoy my lessons more and their grades have also improved. Overall, I feel from the start of the year to now I have meet my professional growth objectives. I feel that I still have much more room to grow and will continue to pursue growth.
  • Using the Kentucky Teacher Standard Self-Assessment, conduct a Cycle 3 assessment of your performance level on each standard. Compare this final assessment with your Orientation self-assessment and identify specific areas of growth.
I think that this year I have grown in all asspects of teaching. In standard One, I felt that I knew my content knowledege very well. After this year if think that I have learned so much more about my content. For Standard Two, I felt that at the beginning of the year I could design a lesson well, but I still had room to grow. Throughout the year, I feel that I have improved when designing lessons. Standard Three was one of my priority areas for growth. I thought that I was good at maintaining the classroom enviroment. As the year went on I saw improving my assessments and refelction helped with maintaining my classroom. For Standard Four, I have seen my skill grow over this year with the inclusion of knowledge I gained through professional development trainings. At the beginning of the year, I did not feel that I was skilled in the area of Standard Five. As the year went on and I gained the knowledege of how to commuicate with others, I feel I gained the skills that I needed. I feel that Standard Six has always been an area of strength for me. I use technology in all my lessons and so do the students. I feel that I was adequated in the area of Standard Seven but could always imporve in this area. As this year comes to a close, I feel that I have improved on this standard in many ways, but I still feel that I could improve. I really feel that I was not well prepared in the area of Standard Eight but with this year I have impoved on this standard and I think with more practice I can imporve even more. For Standard Nine, I think that with pratice I have learned to identify my weaknesses and with help can find ways to improve them. I had never done Standard Ten before, but after completeing my leadership task I feel that I could be involved in more activites and complete them to improve my school and community relations.