• The candidate flyertemplate is in Microsoft Word, so it’s easy to personalize on any computer without special programs. Fonts used (Arial + Arial Black) are available on any computer
  • The template is in black & white so it’s cheap to print. Print it on NEON paper so it stands out.
  • There are two flyers per page. Make sure to cut them in half, or to ask the printer to do so. Print the two pages doublesided, to create flyers with English on one side + Spanish on the other.
  • To edit text, just click on the text in that section to change it. If the font size on the template is too big or small for what you need to say, simply select the text you want to change and adjust the size up at the top. Make sure to fill out all of the following fields: your name, your NC’s name, your personal statement, election date/time/place. Do this for top AND bottom sections on both pages.
  • If you send this to a print shop, save the completed template as a PDF before submitting it, to preserve the formatting and ensure it prints correctly.
  • PHOTO: size is 2.4” x 2.4” square. Your photo does not need to be black and white, but make sure your image has good contrast between your face and the background, so it will look good in black and white. If you don’t have a headshot, crop larger images so they only show your face, and choose photos where you look friendly and approachable.
  • HELP YOUR VOTERS: registering to vote in an NC election is not the same as being registered to vote for national elections! You must register separately to vote in NC elections, and do it every year. If you want people to vote for you, you need to make it easy. When you put a flyer in someone’s hands, tell themhow to sign up to vote & what to bring, such as a rental agreement; utility bill; or school ID. HELPFUL HINT: if your NC has online voting, point voters right to the online voting portal. Do so by replacing the last sentence in the Who Can Vote section with: “Learn more + vote online at” or “aprendermás + votación de internet:”
  • TRANSLATION: if you don’t speak Spanish and don’t have help, use Google Translator ( to prepare your personal statement. Make sure to paste the translation you get back into the box on the left and retranslate it back to English, to make sure it says what you intended. If it doesn’t, hit the back arrow to pull up your original; fix it; and try again until the retranslation comes out correctly.