Social-Emotional Foundations for Early Learning (SEFEL)
Yearly Program Review (YPR)
Local Education Agency (LEA) name: Year joined NC SEFEL:
Review date:Total years as a SEFEL site:
Total number of SEFEL coaches as of review date:
Total number of preschool classrooms in LEA:
Total number of classrooms implementing SEFEL (receive TPOTs):
Implementation Leadership Team members:
LEASelf-Assessment Core Element / Key Implementation Steps / Brief Description of Criteria
(Refer to SEFEL Practice Profile for detailed description and instructions for rating) / LEA Rating
1=Developmental Variation 2=Expected Implementation / Comments
Research Based Instruction & Practices /
- Establish a leadership team
- Team has broad representation
- Team has administrative support
- Team has regular meetings
- Target number of meetings from Implementation Plan (Item #1.1): ___
- Actual number of meetings held: ___
- Team has established a clear mission/purpose
- Team reviews the signed assurances and submits the assurances, spending plan, implementation plan, and professional development plan
- Targeted number attended the annual SEFEL Summit
- Target number from Implementation Plan (Item #1.2): ___
- Actual number that attended: ___
- Team reviews and revises the plan at least annually
Communication & Collaboration /
- Establish stakeholder buy-in
- Stakeholders receive information and give feedback
- Stakeholders are aware of the program and supportive
- Stakeholders receive updates and data
Communication & Collaboration /
- Facilitate meaningful family involvement as a means of improving services and results for children
- Family input is solicited as part of the planning process
- SEFEL information is shared in multiple ways
- Family involvement is supported
- Families are involved in planning for individual children
Communication & Collaboration /
- Communicate behavior expectations for preschool classrooms
- Behavior expectations for all preschool classrooms are developed
- Expectations apply to both children and staff
- Expectations are developmentally appropriate
- Expectations are shared with families
- Expectations are posted
Research Based Instruction & Practices /
- Teachers use evidence-based strategies for teaching and acknowledge the implementation expectations for preschool classrooms, as indicated by level of fidelity on the Teaching Pyramid Observation Tool (TPOT)
- Targeted number of classes reached fidelity on the TPOT by end of school year
- Target number from Implementation Plan (Item #5.1): ___
- Actual number at fidelity: ___
- Targeted total number of classrooms received SEFEL coaching by end of school year
- Target number from Implementation Plan (Item #5.2: ___
- Actual number that received coaching: ___
- Targeted total percentage of preschool classes received coaching by end of school year
- Target percentage from Implementation Plan (Item #5.3): ___
- Actual percentage: ___
- Your LEA uses Instructional Practices checklists with all classrooms
- Teachers collect and submit child level and classroom data
Problem-Solving for Improvement /
- Use established procedures for responding to challenging behaviors
- A team-based process for addressing challenging behavior is developed
- A resource person with behavioral expertise is identified as team member
- Strategies for partnering with families are identified
- Strategies for responding to problem behavior in the classroom are developed
- A process for problem solving with other teachers is developed
- A process for responding to crisis situations is developed
Research Based Instruction & Practices /
- Establish and implement a professional development plan for classroom staff
- LEA implements a professional development plan
- Targeted number of new teachers received training in Effective Teacher Practices Supporting the North Carolina Foundations for Early Learning and Development(Modules 3-11).
- Target number from Implementation Plan (Item #7.1): ___
- Actual number that received training: ___
- Targeted percentage of teacher assistants received training in Effective Teacher Practices Supporting the North Carolina Foundations for Early Learning and Development(Modules 3-11).
- Target percentage from Implementation Plan (Item #7.2): ___
- Actual percentage that received training: ___
- Strategies for acknowledging staff are identified
- Staff receive professional development in formative assessment
- Staff receive professional development in the curriculum the LEA uses and in related curriculum assessment
- Staff pass the online curriculum reliability measure, if applicable
- Targeted number of new classrooms received SEFEL coaching by end of school year
- Target number from Implementation Plan (Item #7.3): ___
- Actual number of newclassrooms that received coaching: ___
- A sustainability plan is implemented for teachers who are at fidelity
Research Based Instruction & Practices /
- Establish an implementation and professional development plan for coaches
- Targeted number of new LEA coaches were trained in Mindful Coaching
- Target number from Implementation Plan (Item #8.1): ___
- Actual number that attended Mindful Coaching training: ___
- Targeted number of new LEA coaches were trained in TPOT
- Target number from Implementation Plan (Item #8.2): ___
- Actual number that attended TPOT training: ___
- Targeted number of new coaches administered the TPOT with an experienced coach
- Target number from Implementation Plan (Item #8.3): ___
- Actual number that paired with experienced coach: ___
- Targeted number of coaches attended Practice-Based Coaching Using the TPOT training
- Target number from Implementation Plan (Item #8.4): ___
- Actual number that attended Practice-Based Coaching Using the TPOT training: ___
- Coaches deliver coaching according to recommended coaching standards
- Coaches meet fidelity on inter-rater reliability with another TPOT certified coach
- Coaches use Teacher-Coach Agreements and coaching logs
- Coaches present at meetings and Professional Learning Community Meetings (PLCs)
- Targeted number of coaches attended regional meetings/webinars
- Target number from Implementation Plan (Item #8.5): ___
- Actual number that attended: ___
Research Based Instruction & Practices /
- Establish a plan for monitoring implementation and outcomes
- Implementation team meets regularly to review and analyze data
- Data are used for ongoing monitoring and improvement
- Monitoring information is shared with stakeholders
- Implementation plan is updated/revised as needed based on data analysis
Key Implementation Steps and Criteria adapted from the Early Childhood Program-Wide PBS Benchmarks of Quality by Lisa Fox, Mary Louise Hemmeter, and Susan Jack (2010). University of South Florida.
Revised November 2016