Social-Emotional Foundations for Early Learning (SEFEL)

Yearly Program Review (YPR)

Local Education Agency (LEA) name: Year joined NC SEFEL:

Review date:Total years as a SEFEL site:

Total number of SEFEL coaches as of review date:

Total number of preschool classrooms in LEA:

Total number of classrooms implementing SEFEL (receive TPOTs):

Implementation Leadership Team members:

Self-Assessment Core Element / Key Implementation Steps / Brief Description of Criteria
(Refer to SEFEL Practice Profile for detailed description and instructions for rating) / LEA Rating
1=Developmental Variation 2=Expected Implementation / Comments
Research Based Instruction & Practices /
  1. Establish a leadership team
/ Yes / No
  1. Team has broad representation

  1. Team has administrative support

  1. Team has regular meetings
  • Target number of meetings from Implementation Plan (Item #1.1): ___
  • Actual number of meetings held: ___

  1. Team has established a clear mission/purpose

  1. Team reviews the signed assurances and submits the assurances, spending plan, implementation plan, and professional development plan

  1. Targeted number attended the annual SEFEL Summit
  • Target number from Implementation Plan (Item #1.2): ___
  • Actual number that attended: ___

  1. Team reviews and revises the plan at least annually

Communication & Collaboration /
  1. Establish stakeholder buy-in
/ Yes / No
  1. Stakeholders receive information and give feedback

  1. Stakeholders are aware of the program and supportive

  1. Stakeholders receive updates and data

Communication & Collaboration /
  1. Facilitate meaningful family involvement as a means of improving services and results for children
/ Yes / No
  1. Family input is solicited as part of the planning process

  1. SEFEL information is shared in multiple ways

  1. Family involvement is supported

  1. Families are involved in planning for individual children

Communication & Collaboration /
  1. Communicate behavior expectations for preschool classrooms
/ Yes / No
  1. Behavior expectations for all preschool classrooms are developed

  1. Expectations apply to both children and staff

  1. Expectations are developmentally appropriate

  1. Expectations are shared with families

  1. Expectations are posted

Research Based Instruction & Practices /
  1. Teachers use evidence-based strategies for teaching and acknowledge the implementation expectations for preschool classrooms, as indicated by level of fidelity on the Teaching Pyramid Observation Tool (TPOT)
/ Yes / No
  1. Targeted number of classes reached fidelity on the TPOT by end of school year
  • Target number from Implementation Plan (Item #5.1): ___
  • Actual number at fidelity: ___

  1. Targeted total number of classrooms received SEFEL coaching by end of school year
  • Target number from Implementation Plan (Item #5.2: ___
  • Actual number that received coaching: ___

  1. Targeted total percentage of preschool classes received coaching by end of school year
  • Target percentage from Implementation Plan (Item #5.3): ___
  • Actual percentage: ___

  1. Your LEA uses Instructional Practices checklists with all classrooms

  1. Teachers collect and submit child level and classroom data

Problem-Solving for Improvement /
  1. Use established procedures for responding to challenging behaviors
/ Yes / No
  1. A team-based process for addressing challenging behavior is developed

  1. A resource person with behavioral expertise is identified as team member

  1. Strategies for partnering with families are identified

  1. Strategies for responding to problem behavior in the classroom are developed

  1. A process for problem solving with other teachers is developed

  1. A process for responding to crisis situations is developed

Research Based Instruction & Practices /
  1. Establish and implement a professional development plan for classroom staff
/ Yes / No
  1. LEA implements a professional development plan

  1. Targeted number of new teachers received training in Effective Teacher Practices Supporting the North Carolina Foundations for Early Learning and Development(Modules 3-11).
  • Target number from Implementation Plan (Item #7.1): ___
  • Actual number that received training: ___

  1. Targeted percentage of teacher assistants received training in Effective Teacher Practices Supporting the North Carolina Foundations for Early Learning and Development(Modules 3-11).
  • Target percentage from Implementation Plan (Item #7.2): ___
  • Actual percentage that received training: ___

  1. Strategies for acknowledging staff are identified

  1. Staff receive professional development in formative assessment

  1. Staff receive professional development in the curriculum the LEA uses and in related curriculum assessment

  1. Staff pass the online curriculum reliability measure, if applicable

  1. Targeted number of new classrooms received SEFEL coaching by end of school year
  • Target number from Implementation Plan (Item #7.3): ___
  • Actual number of newclassrooms that received coaching: ___

  1. A sustainability plan is implemented for teachers who are at fidelity

Research Based Instruction & Practices /
  1. Establish an implementation and professional development plan for coaches
/ Yes / No
  1. Targeted number of new LEA coaches were trained in Mindful Coaching
  • Target number from Implementation Plan (Item #8.1): ___
  • Actual number that attended Mindful Coaching training: ___

  1. Targeted number of new LEA coaches were trained in TPOT
  • Target number from Implementation Plan (Item #8.2): ___
  • Actual number that attended TPOT training: ___

  1. Targeted number of new coaches administered the TPOT with an experienced coach
  • Target number from Implementation Plan (Item #8.3): ___
  • Actual number that paired with experienced coach: ___

  1. Targeted number of coaches attended Practice-Based Coaching Using the TPOT training
  • Target number from Implementation Plan (Item #8.4): ___
  • Actual number that attended Practice-Based Coaching Using the TPOT training: ___

  1. Coaches deliver coaching according to recommended coaching standards

  1. Coaches meet fidelity on inter-rater reliability with another TPOT certified coach

  1. Coaches use Teacher-Coach Agreements and coaching logs

  1. Coaches present at meetings and Professional Learning Community Meetings (PLCs)

  1. Targeted number of coaches attended regional meetings/webinars
  • Target number from Implementation Plan (Item #8.5): ___
  • Actual number that attended: ___

Research Based Instruction & Practices /
  1. Establish a plan for monitoring implementation and outcomes
  1. Implementation team meets regularly to review and analyze data
/ Yes / No
  1. Data are used for ongoing monitoring and improvement

  1. Monitoring information is shared with stakeholders

  1. Implementation plan is updated/revised as needed based on data analysis

Key Implementation Steps and Criteria adapted from the Early Childhood Program-Wide PBS Benchmarks of Quality by Lisa Fox, Mary Louise Hemmeter, and Susan Jack (2010). University of South Florida.

Revised November 2016