Euro-Mediterranean Statistical Co-operation Programme
Contract: ENPI/2010/234-479
Participants / Mr Abdelaziz BOURAHLA, Medstat III
Document’s identity:
Author / Abdelaziz BOURAHLA / Date / December 2012Recipient / DEVCO/ESTAT
1. Introduction
The MEDSTAT III - Energy sector organized, from 4 to 6 December 2012 in Bucharest (Romania), a study visit for the members of the Jordanian Working Group on Energy statistics. The foreseen objectives were to provide Jordanian participants the opportunity to gain knowledge about the Romanian system for Energy Statistics, regulations of statistics and related obligations of reporting and benefit from the experience of renewable energy (wind and solar) companies and high efficient cogeneration power generation plants in Romania, and transfer this knowledge to the staff of Jordan.
As planned, the study visit was held in Bucharest, at the premises of the National Statistical Institute (INS) Romania, and included plenary sessions, meetings with experts from national Companies for Electricity production of which Wind and Photovoltaic plants.
2. Participating project partners
The study visit was attended by representatives of
· Department of Statistics (DOS): two officers working on energy statistics,
o Mr Mazen KHALEEFEH - National coordinator
o Mr Fares FAWARRAH - Statistician
· Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (MENR)
o Mr Abdel-Motaleb AL-NUGRUSH - Head of Statistics and Information Division - Deputy Coordinator
o Mr Osama ODEH - Statistician
· National Energy Research Center (NERC): one officer working on energy efficiency,
o Mrs Sawsan BAWARISH - Project officer
· National Electric Power Company (NEPCO): one officer working on electricity statistics,
o Mr Essam OTHMAN - Statistician
3. Overview of the study visit
The study visit consisted of three days and was organised according to the following agenda:
Day 1 – Tuesday, December 4th 2012
1. Presentation of the Romanian Energy Statistics System
· National producers of energy statistics
· Data collection and management
· Main users at national & international levels
· National working group members
2. Presentation of Romanian annual energy surveys:
· questionnaires,
· definitions of main concepts and variables,
· classification scheme,
· sampling frame and sample characteristics,
· data collection method,
· data capture and storage,
· data editing and imputations,
· outliers detection,
· estimation and grossing-up procedures.
3. Presentation of the Jordan experience
· Department of Statistics "Industry & Energy Division"
· Ministry of Energy & Mineral Resources
Day 2 - Wednesday, December 5th 2012
1. Presentations
Presentation of Romanian annual energy balance:
a. primary and secondary energy commodities (including renewable energy),
b. commodity flows:
i. supply,
ii. transformation,
iii. Final energy consumption, etc.
Presentation of joint IEA - Eurostat - UNECE Annual Questionnaires
Presentation of Energy Consumption in Households Survey.
2. Field visit to wind producer : EDP Renováveis Company
Day 3 - Thursday, December 6th 2012
Field visit to concrete projects on energy production:
· Solar producer: Renovatio Solar
· Thermal power plant: SC Electrocentrale Bucuresti SA (ELCEN) - S.E. Bucuresti – Bucharest South CHPP
4. Contents of the study visit :
a. Visited institutions
· National Institute of Statistics (INS)
Official statistics in Romania is organized and coordinated by the National Institute of Statistics, specialized body of central general government, legal entity, subordinated to the Government and coordinated by the minister who coordinates the Government General Secretary.
The National Institute of Statistics is run by a president with the rank of state secretary and 3 vice-presidents who coordinate: the European integration, national accounts, national statistical system's coordination and dissemination of statistical information; economic and social statistics; IT activities and statistical infrastructure.
Contact Details:
Ind.Adriana Magdalena Opris
Bd. Libertatii 16, Bucuresti Sector 5, ROMANIA
Fax: +4021 312 4875 / 318 1851 / 318 1873
Tel. +(4021)3181812/1495
Mobile: +(4)0722261011
· EDP Renováveis (Multinational company)
EDPR began operations in Romania in 2008, through the acquisition of several wind projects in different stages of maturity. In 2010 EDPR completed the construction of its first project in Romania - Pestera - totaling 90 MW out of 285 MW of installed capacity. Based in Bucharest, EDPR continues to expand in the country, with an additional 579 MW in wind projects across the country in the pipeline.
EDPR announced that it has started constructing its 39MW PV project in Romania. Working with its local partner, the Renovatio Group, EDP Renováveis expects for construction to be completed by Q1 2013.
Romania is looking to increase its installed solar capacity with the Romanian National Renewable Energy Action Plan stating that solar PV capacity is expected to reach 260MW by 2020. EDPR’s project is located in the southern part of the country, where the irradiance is supposedly highest in Romania.
EDPR takes green certificates from the government which aids in reducing the electricity tariff for customers in order to stay competitive in the market.
Contact Details:
EDP Renewable Romania
Rosetti Tower Office Building
Maria Rosetti St, 6 - 3rd floor
Sector 2, Bucharest
40 212010890
· SC Electrocentrale Bucuresti SA (ELCEN) - S.E. Bucuresti – Bucharest South CHPP
Field of activity: Electricity generation and sale as well as generation, transmission, distribution, dispatching and sale of heat.
Electricity: ELCEN delivers electricity for the National Power System.
Heat: ELCEN supplies heat to RADET Bucharest and RADET Constanta.
The visited plant is 400 MW Combined Cycle Cogeneration Unit, with the following features: 1 X 297 MW gas turbine; 1 supplementary firing heat recovery steam generator, generating three pressure levels steam, 1 X 103 MW condensation extraction steam turbine.
The Romanian government provides financial support for the company because of compliance with high energy efficiency generation, and an annual energy efficiency audit is performed by the government to guarantee that the plant is still producing energy efficiently.
Contact Details:
Constantin Ioanitescu
Director Dezvoltare
Splaiul Independentei 202 E
060021 Bucuresti, 6 Romania
Fax: +4021-3166593
· Renovatio Solar (Multinational company)
RENOVATIO SOLAR, part of Renovatio Group, is a company that produces high-end photovoltaic panels in its own production unit located in Satu-Mare, Romania. The company is also an EPC service provider (engineering, procurement and construction), of turnkey solutions and services associated to the photovoltaic industry.
The panels can be easily incorporated in practical domestic electricity generating systems or can be used in large-scale photovoltaic parks.
Contact Details:
Gheorge Sandru
Corporate Financial Controller
Mobile: +40722539089
Tel: +40318053636
Fax: +40314100191
b. Energy Statistics and Questionnaire Systems
The National Statistics Institute (INS) in Romania is responsible for all data submissions under the Regulation (EC) No: 1099/2008.
Romania is divided in 41 administrative regions (counties) in addition to Bucharest area. There is a statistical office in each of these counties plus one office for Bucharest. They are responsible for data collection.
The responsibility of INS concerns: methodologies, questionnaires, nomenclature, IT support, data compilation, data checking and the data dissemination.
Also INS is responsible to prepare data for:
· Short term Gas Statistics (SEG Gas), Short term Electricity Statistics (SEG Electricity), Oil Statistics (JODI) (annex D)
· Solid fuels, Electricity, Monthly Oil and Natural Gas Statistics (MOS) (annex C)
· The five IEA-EUROSTAT-UNECE joint questionnaires (annex B)
Concerning the monthly statistics (SEG Gas, SEG Electricity and JODI questionnaire for M-1: submitted 1 month after the reference month), the INS is performing a monthly survey on industrial production, based on PRODCOM list of products. The number of units that are surveyed is approximately 22 000. All energy commodities’ production units are included. Romania has available figures for production of gas, oil and oil products and electricity at M+30 days. For JODI (M+25) the available data are reported at that time and the missing information is estimated based on previous month data. If necessary, the data for current month are corrected in the next month reporting.
The monthly import-export data are estimated at M+25 based on the volume of data exiting at that time, and corrected in the following months.
For the monthly Energy Statistics (Solid fuels, Electricity, MOS for M-3: submitted 3 months after the reference month), this designated surveys are carried out monthly. Approximately 200 units are involved in 5 surveys (coal production, coal consumption, refineries, natural gas production, main activity electricity and heat production). The data are provided to Eurostat with monthly production and consumption data for: Coal, Oil & Oil products, Natural Gas and Electricity. Romania implemented specific questionnaires which have been improved through a project financed from PHARE budget in 2004. Due to the quality of the results of this project, the data could not be used to estimate the energy consumption.
Romanian annual energy statistics
The collection of annual energy statistics is based on the following questionnaires:
- E01 - main energy questionnaire covering a full balance sheet for all energy commodities; sent to all consumer units from the list (approx. 13500);
- E02 - special questionnaire addressed to the producers (main activity and auto-producers) of electricity and heat; sent to approx. 1500 units;
- Additional information (for checking procedures):
- P- Special questionnaire for the refineries (12 units); the questionnaire is similar to tables 1, 2a and 2b of the Joint Oil Questionnaire.
- in conclusion there are:
o Units that receive (E01+E02) or (E01+E02+P) questionnaires ;
o Energy consumers who receive only E01;
And from the following sources:
- PRODROM: annual industrial production survey; this survey is dedicated to production of commodities (including energy commodities) according to PRODCOM codes; these codes are aggregated and compared against the data presented in E01; in the energy balance, data regarding primary production and transformation output (except for electrical and thermal energy) are taken from this survey;
- INTRASTAT and EXTRASTAT: data regarding the import/exports of energy commodities are included in the energy balance;
- BUNKERS: data are obtained from administrative sources (Ministry of Finances);
- AGR1A and AGR1B: data regarding production and consumption of energy commodities in agricultural activities. The structure of these surveys and their related questionnaires pursue the similar approach with the E01 & E02 questionnaire. Data are obtained from national farms. More detail should be provided later by the INS ;
- HOUSEHOLD Survey: data regarding the population consumption of fire wood
Main steps for producing the energy balance sheet at national level
First, the INS establishes the nomenclature of the reporting units:
a) Exhaustive survey (approximately 8200 units)
- enterprises producing primary or transformed energy commodities
- industrial consumers with more than 250 employees
- transport, trade and services consumers with more than 50 employees
b) Sample survey for all the economic and social activities (approximately 5300 units)
The sample frame size is about 13500
· The sample frame is sent to county statistical offices for comments
· The questionnaires are printed and sent to enterprises
· Units fil -in the data; deadline: 3-4 months after the end of the reference year
· The county statistical office:
o collects and edits the data
o run the checking programmes
o gets in contact with the units
o solves the errors
o sends the data to the INS in Bucharest
o deadline: end of April
The INS receives the data from all the counties and
· Compiles the data from the different types of questionnaires
· The national data are compared with:
o Other data coming from different statistical surveys
o With the previous year’s data
o Other macro-economic indicators available
o Other administrative data available
· The grossing up procedures are applied
· Other data are incorporated (households consumption, bunkers)
· Specific and very detailed checking (quality, coherence, consistency)
Further, the INS:
§ Produces the national energy balance sheet
§ Efficiency checking for all types of transformation
§ Produces a dedicated publication
§ Disseminates the energy data to: Parliament, Government, the Ministries, Other Public Administration Institutions, Research Institutes, Mass media, Other users
c. Presentation of Energy and Industry statistics in Jordan
An oral presentation was made by the DOS participants about the Jordanian energy statistics system. It concerns mainly the DOS- Industry survey and related questionnaire. Additional information was provided by the representative of Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resource about the compilation of national Energy Balance. Also, a booklet about the 2011 Energy Balance using national format, and NEPCO annual report for electricity production were distributed.
5. Conclusion
Degree of success of the visit
According to the overall participants’ remarks and evaluation questionnaire feedback, this MEDSTAT III-Energy sector study visit contented the Jordanian partners. The participants consider that it is too difficult to apply the Romanian methodology in preparing Energy Balance and recommend the following:
- The Jordan Government should provide more incentives for the use of renewable energy, as the Romania government does by giving green certificates to renewable energy generation companies and supporting high efficiency cogeneration power companies.
- Jordan should update the energy balance methodology by including energy consumption by activity, not only by sector, and should use codes for each activity to facilitate the quantification of energy consumption.
- When the energy baseline and indexes are obtained for each activity this would create a guide for estimating the potential for energy saving in energy audit studies.
For the next steps, in addition to the presentation of the study visit outcomes during the next working group meeting, the participants to this Romanian study visit from the National Energy Research Center, National Electric Power Company, Department of Statistics, and Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources intend to perform a regular meeting and to work on applying what was learned in the study visit.