DATE: March 4, 2010
TIME: 3:00 – 4:30
LOCATION: New Office of Instruction Conference Room 420 – 4th Floor Core
Members Present: Humberto Sale, Gil Rodriguez, Ryan Pedersen, Kathy Cullar, Carol Hernandez and Margaret Hertstein.
Item #
/ Topic/Activity / NOTES1. / Announcements – / o Tawny Beal led the effort to put together the application for the BRIC TAP Grant that was due on March 1st. There were three categories of interest for LMC; Institutional Effectiveness; Equity; Assessment. BRIC TAP stands for:
Bridging Research Information and Culture
Technical Assistance Program
o The RP conference is in April. They need to offer more on the planning side, there are many choices for research.
o Humberto will publish the ARCC (Accountability Report for Community Colleges) on the research website.
o CUE - Center of Urban Education has been working with a group of LMC leaders to address LMC data from an equity perspective – a group of first-time students is tracked and observed on various measures. A few include assessment in English and Math placement,enrollment in basic skills, and certificate/degree attainment in a two year period. Parts of this work will be published in INSIGHTS,the Research Office’s Newsletter.
2. / Research Council – No report today.
3. / SGC-Charges / o Assess and review the annual planning process, including use of Sharepoint. – Subgroup will work on this.
o Revise the Institutional Effectiveness report format and complete the report by FA10. – Subgroup will work on this.
o Review the program review Planning process, Resource Allocation process and Institutional Effectives Report to strengthen the relationships in terms of meeting the Educational Master Plan goals. – Subgroup will work on this.
4. / Subcommittees / Subcommittees will work on their areas and report to the RP committee at the monthly meetings.
Here is the list of members for each subcommittee:
o Program Review and Planning: Gil, Gail, Ryan and Erlinda
o Institutional Effectiveness: Humberto, Ruth, Karl, Carol
o Planning Processes: Richard, Gil, Humberto, Margaret
o Communication: Margaret, Kathy
Spring 2010 Meeting Dates: April 1
May 6
Meeting adjourned at 4:30 pm