Neighbourhood Plan Working Group
Minutes of the 11thmeeting held on 10 March 2016 at the Guildhall
1 Present
Group members
Cllr Tony Fyson MBE (Chairman)
Cllr Robert Lyon
Cllr Francis Hawke
Stevie Rogers
Kathy Stansfield
Wally Fleet
Pierre Landell-Mills
Cllr Jonathan Hawkins
2 Apologies
Cllr Richard Cooke
Gail Ham
3 Minutes of the meeting of 26 January were agreed by those present
4 Matters arising
The application for funds for the questionnaire has been completed and sent to ‘Locality’ by Tony Fyson. The cost had increased from £3,579 to £3,664. The application falls within the next financial year. We can claim up to £9,000 in total.
In the next 3 weeks minor amendments to the questionnaire wording need to be sent to SHDC who are doing the printing and additional photos sourced.
Better links need to be established with Townstal Community Partnership via Cllr Steve Smith.
Tony Fyson will send out again the notes on topic groups and the names of the chairmen.
5 Draft Outline Work Programme
This was circulated.
• Tony Fyson said that the outline programme in the Locality application form is slightly different from that advised online and circulatedand the timings are likely to shift. He will reconcile the two documents and add dates.
• Questioned about the town boundary, Tony Fyson reiterated that the NP boundary is the parish boundary. The West Dart development lies outside the town boundary but is fixed because it is part of the Local Plan approved by SHDC.
• As part of the community engagement process, the questionnaire will be printed in April and sent to each household and to all businesses. About 6 weeks had been allowed for return of the questionnaires – this may be too long.
• There was some discussion about how best to reach businesses in Dartmouth, possibly via a list of those paying business rates. Better links need to be established with the BID which has so far shown little interest, and perhaps the Business Forum. Rob Lyon agreed to write to them urging their participation.
• The Draft Outline Work Programme allows for public consultation on the draft plan in January 2017
In July the Working Group will need to count the preferences in the returned questionnaires. Topic Chairmen will then look at them in more detail and get ideas to discuss in their own meetings.
• The aim is for the draft plan to contain a short document (2000 words and illustrations, 4 sides A4) from each Topic Group. The draft plan will be published for consultation for a minimum of six weeks. This will include public meetings organised by the Topic Group Chairmen.
6 Topic Group Leader Roles
• Refer to the existing Development Plan – what does it say about your topic.
• Revisions to the SHDC Development Plan are being made which need to be taken into account – see SHDC’s ‘Our Plan’ online.
• Identify crucial statistics/facts relevant to your topic.
• Draw in the respondents to the questionnaire.
• Display information graphically – maps, diagrams etc. We may be able to buy some assistance for this.
• Bear in mind that everything we produce goes to the Inspector.
• Topic Group conclusions are likely to conflict – reconciling and prioritising these is is part of the process to be achieved by the NP Working Group.
Tony will re-send the draft briefing note for Topic Groups (11 June 2015)
7 Date of next Working Group meeting Tuesday 19 April.