Congratulations to the winners and thank you to all who participated in 2009! The results of the Declamation Contest are listed here in the order of language, contest and category, place, student’s name, teacher’s name, school name, and city/state.



1: Antony Bigelow / Lei Liang / AR Johnson / Augusta, GA
2: Kym de la Cruz DeSilva / Lei Liang / Academy of Richmond Co. / Augusta, GA
3: Krisha de la Cruz DeSilva / Lei Liang / Academy of Richmond Co. / Augusta, GA

Chinese IB
1.GoolueXie / Lei Liang / AR Johnson / Augusta, GA
3: Catherine Chee / Helene Robinson / Southside HS / Greenville, SC

Chinese IIA
1: Ashley Baladad / Lei Liang / AR Johnson / Augusta, GA
2: Hyun Jong An / Xian Wu / Northview HS / Johns Creek, GA
3: Brittany Finley / Lei Liang / Academy of Richmond Co. / Augusta, GA

Chinese IIB
1: Kelly Tsao / Carmen Brannon / DW Daniel HS / Central, SC

Chinese IIIA
1: June Moon / Xian Wu / Northview HS / Johns Creek, GA
2: Christina Chiu / Xiomara Jones / Southside HS / Greenville, SC

Chinese IVA
1: SravyaDurbha / Kendra Robinson / Southside HS / Greenville, SC

Chinese Native:
1: Zheng Zhao / Xian Wu / Northview HS / Johns Creek, GA
2: Eileen Wong / Kendra Robinson / Southside HS / Greenville, SC
3: Eric Wu / Susanne Oeren / Southside HS / Greenville, SC


French IA-1
1: Kristen Evatt / Martha Parris / Walhalla HS / Walhalla, SC
2: Lara Herman / Tanner Tucker / James Island Charter HS / Charleston, SC
3: Monish Firasta / Kathy Porto / McIntosh HS / Peachtree City, GA

French IA-2
1: Kathleen Newman / Kathy Porto / McIntosh HS / Peachtree City, GA
2: ChisomAwachie / Mrs. Riet / Sandy Creek HS / Tyrone, GA
3: Anna Guitton / Marie-Claude Chaney / Davidson Fine Arts / Augusta, GA
French IA-3
1: Nicole De Lima / Catherine Miller / James Island Charter HS / Charleston, SC
2: Rachel Chastine / Christiane Brackett / Fayette Co. HS / Fayetteville, SC
3: Laura Jameson / Carmen Brannon / DW Daniel HS / Central, SC

French IB
1: Tabitha Odom / Marie-Claude Chaney / AR Johnson / Augusta, GA
2: Caroline Bisbee / Terry Meredith / Aquinas HS / Augusta, GA
3: Ashley Levin / Marie-Claude Chaney / Davidson Fine Arts / Augusta, GA

French IIA-1
1: Samira Issa-Boube / Margaret Topp / Fayette Co. HS / Fayetteville, GA
2: Gregory Lafortune / Miss Giannatasio / Sandy Creek HS / Tyrone, GA
3: Karl Schober / Mary Anne Wall / Eastside HS / Taylors, SC

French IIA-2
1: Anika Noorali / Marie Scott / Starr’s Mill HS / Fayetteville, GA
2: Leah Van Syckel / Mary Anne Wall / Eastside HS / Taylors, SC
3: Demetria Dial / Margaret Topp / Fayette Co. HS / Fayetteville, GA

French IIA-3
1: ImanEdgers / Wendy Stephens / Spring Valley HS / Columbia, SC
2: Kendra Little / Catherine Francisse / Northview HS / Johns Creek, SC
3: Emily Plocha / Marie-Claude Chaney / Davidson Fine Arts / Augusta, GA

French IIA-4
1: Sona Tailor / Wendy Stephens / Spring Valley HS / Columbia, SC
2: Emma Gibson / Tanner Tucker / James Island Charter HS / Charleston, SC
3: Simran Kaur / Marie-Claude Chaney / AR Johnson / Augusta, GA

French IIA-5
1: Kelley Kennedy / Phyllis Pittman / Blythewood HS / Blythewood, SC
2: Kelly Tsao / Carmen Brannon / DW Daniel HS / Central, SC
3: ShagrilaParvin / Amie Muir / Whitewater HS / Fayetteville, GA

French IIB
1. Caroline Cooney / Charlotte Dabbene / St. Joseph’s Catholic / Greenville, SC
2: Kager Lee / Herbert Caudle / Cross Creek HS / Augusta, GA
3: Tariq Cannonier / Marie-Claude Chaney / AR Johnson / Augusta, GA

French IIIA-1
1: Noah Liebman / Carmen Brannon / DW Daniel HS / Central, SC
2: Autumn Henderson / Margaret Topp / Fayette Co. HS / Fayetteville, SC
3: Katie O’Brien / Terry Meredith / Aquinas HS / Augusta, GA

French IIIA-2
1: Kaitlin Carpenter / Wendy Stephens / Spring Valley HS / Columbia, SC
2: Hazel Davis / Valerie Hughey / Starr’s Mill HS / Fayetteville, GA
3: Neri Vela Lopez / Martha Parris / Walhalla HS / Walhalla, SC

French IIIA-4
1: Zahra Manji / Christiane Brackett / Fayette Co. HS / Fayetteville, SC
2: Tony Ly / Kristina Holst / Rock Hill HS / Rock Hill, SC
3: Matthew Dix / Charlotte Dabbene / St. Joseph’s Catholic / Greenville, SC

French IIIB
1: Bernadette Wersinger / Charlotte Dabbene / St. Joseph’s Catholic / Greenville, SC
2: Lauren Martin / Herbert Caudle / Cross Creek HS / Augusta, GA
3: Nicholas Zobrist / Kathy Porto / McIntosh HS / Peachtree City, GA

French IVA-1
1: Molly Cook / Kathy Porto / McIntosh HS / Peachtree City, GA
2: IffieAwachie / Stephane Allagnon / Sandy Creek HS / Tyrone, GA
3: Victoria Moreira / Sarah Holder / McIntosh HS / Peachtree City, GA

French IVA-2
1: Shelby Coffey / Kathy Porto / McIntosh HS / Peachtree City, GA
2: Heidi Mueller / Virginie Mitchell / Christ Church Episcopal / Greenville, SC
3: Ashely LaTour / Marie Scott / Starr’s Mill HS / Fayetteville, GA

French IVA-3
1: Katherine DelleDonne / Marie Scott / Starr’s Mill HS / Fayetteville, GA
2: Diem Nguyen / Kristina Holst / Rock Hill HS / Rock Hill, SC
3: Eric Massar / Catherine Miller / James Island Charter HS / Charleston, SC

French IVA-4
1: Katie Kessinger / Terry Meredith / Aquinas HS / Augusta, GA
2: Victoria Brickenden / Sarah Holder / McIntosh HS / Peachtree City, GA
3: Mary Sulkowski / Jillian Tarkany / Bishop England HS / Charleston, SC

French IVB
1: Stephanie Grah / Helene Robinson / Southside HS / Greenville, SC
2: SravyaDurbha / Kendra Robinson / Southside HS / Greenville, SC
3: Ben Cole / Kendra Robinson / Southside HS / Greenville, SC

French Native
1: Edmund Sutton / Helene Robinson / Southside HS / Greenville, SC
2: Yasmin Mwamba / Wendy Stephens / Spring Valley HS / Columbia, SC
3: Cecile Grapotte / Virginie Mitchell / Christ Church Episcopal / Greenville, SC


German IA
1: Iain Espey / Gabriella Giminez / Home School / Six Mile, SC
2: Margaret Wang / Bryan Kirby / Christ Church Episcopal / Greenville, SC
3: Cameron Greene / Candace Dixon / Whitewater HS / Fayetteville, GA

German IB
1: Brianna Xu / Susanne Oeren / Southside HS / Greenville, SC
2: Broderick Sims / Stephane Allagnon / Sandy Creek HS / Tyrone, GA

German IIA-1
1: Ashley Sabripour / Susanne Oeren / Southside HS / Greenville, SC
2: Eric Wu / Susanne Oeren / Southside HS / Greenville, SC
3: Kaleigh Snead / Constance Witte / DW Daniel HS / Central, SC

German IIA-2
1: Jamie Gillespie / Kathleen Dickel / DW Daniel HS / Central, SC
2: Nelson Rice / Constance Witte / DW Daniel HS / Central, SC
3: Ben Watson / Amanda Thompson / Starr’s Mill HS / Fayetteville, GA

German IIIA
1: Rebecca Cibulskis / Kathleen Dickel / DW Daniel HS / Central, SC
2: Dominic Sieron / Randy Ferguson / Riverside HS / Greer, SC
3: Nick Brackett / Candace Dixon / Whitewater HS / Fayetteville, GA

German IIIB
1: Courtney Henfield / Stephane Allagnon / Sandy Creek HS / Tyrone, GA
3: Tiffany Zimniak / Michaela Claus-Nix / South Forsyth HS / Cumming, GA

German IVA-1
1: Seth Greenstein / Constance Witte / DW Daniel HS / Central, SC
2: Lindsay Quandt / Amanda Thompson / Starr’s Mill HS / Fayetteville, GA
3: Daniel Francis / Kathleen Dickel / DW Daniel HS / Central, SC

German IVA-2
1: Travis Richardson / Amanda Thompson / Starr’s Mill HS / Fayetteville, GA
2: Tyler Geer / Constance Witte / DW Daniel HS / Central, SC
3: Victoria King / Kathleen Dickel / DW Daniel HS / Central, SC

German IVB
1: Lyssa Beck / Stephane Allagnon / Sandy Creek HS / Tyrone, GA

German Native
1: Max Wolff / Susanne Oeren / Southside HS / Greenville, SC


Italian IA
1: Brittany Caron / Tanner Tucker / James Island Charter HS / Charleston, SC


Japanese IA
1: Stephanie Chiu / Kendra Robinson / Southside HS / Greenville, SC
2: Edmund Sutton / Helene Robinson / Southside HS / Greenville, SC
3: Catherine Chee / Helene Robinson / Southside HS / Greenville, SC

Japanese IIA
1: Eileen Wong / Kendra Robinson / Southside HS / Greenville, SC

Japanese IIIA
1: SravyaDurbha / Kendra Robinson / Southside HS / Greenville, SC

Japanese IVA
1: Max Wolff / Susanne Oeren / Southside HS / Greenville, SC

Japanese Native
1: Saori Shimada / Noralee Robert / Mauldin HS / Mauldin, SC
2: Ashley Jackson / Helene Robinson / Southside HS / Greenville, SC
3: Emiko Kakimoto / LaviniaPlumblee / St. Joseph’s Catholic / Greenville, SC


Latin I-1
1: Danielle Phillip / Susan Phillips / AR Johnson / Augusta, GA
2: Lauren Howard / Cristian Ugro / Spring Valley HS / Columbia, SC
3: Emily Eskuit / Pepper Swafford / Whitewater HS / Fayetteville, GA

Latin I-2
1: Brittany Fortuna / Martha Anne Boseski / Blythewood HS / Blythewood, SC
2: Diego Cuestas / Connie Bryant / McIntosh HS / Peachtree City, GA
3: Imani Hanley / Cristian Ugro / Spring Valley HS / Peachtree City, GA

Latin II
1: Nathan Pearson / Connie Bryant / McIntosh HS / Peachtree City, GA
2: Austin Eubanks / Susan Phillips / AR Johnson / Augusta, GA
3: James Dee / Susan Phillips / AR Johnson / Augusta, GA

Latin III
1: Natalia Cuestas / Connie Bryant / McIntosh HS / Peachtree City, GA
2: Amy Hase / LaviniaPlumblee / St. Joseph’s Catholic / Greenville, SC
3: Andrew Ewing / Cristian Ugro / Spring Valley HS / Columbia, SC

Latin IV
1: Taylor Murphy / LaviniaPlumblee / St. Joseph’s Catholic / Greenville, SC


Russian IIIA
2: Eric Wu / Susanne Oeren / Southside HS / Greenville, SC


Spanish IA-1
1: Imani Jenkins / Krista Himes / Davidson Fine Arts / Augusta, GA
2: Michael Goldsmith / Lourdes Nieves / Whitewater HS / Fayetteville, GA
3: Nisa Floyd / Kristi Davis / Fayette Co. HS / Fayetteville, GA

Spanish IA-2
1: Courtney Jordan / Salima Bacchus / Cedar Shoals HS / Athens, GA
2: Caitlyn Duffy / Melissa Drummond / St Paul the Apostle Catholic / Spartanburg, SC
3: HaleemaManzur / Karen Dean / Whitewater HS / Fayetteville, GA

Spanish IB
1: Christina Miyares / Melissa Drummond / St Paul the Apostle / Spartanburg, SC

Spanish IIA-1
1: VeronikaRzucidlo / Sally Dowling / Cedar Shoals HS / Athens, GA
2: Grace Goodheart / Kim Newman / Whitewater HS / Fayetteville, GA
3: Nadjuma Jean-Simon / Kristi Davis / Fayette Co. HS / Fayetteville, GA

Spanish IIA-2
1: Alyson Smith / Sally Dowling / Cedar Shoals HS / Athens, GA
2: Haley Tennant / Marcela Sample / Starr’s Mill HS / Fayetteville, GA
3: Brian Steinberg / Ann Marie Wesneski / Spartanburg Day School / Spartanburg, SC

Spanish IIA-3
1: Leslie Perez / Marcela Sample / Starr’s Mill HS / Fayetteville, GA
2: Lunden Williams / Lauren Altizer / Whitewater HS / Fayetteville, GA
3: Emory Cannon / Julie Bullinger / Christ Church Episcopal / Greenville, SC

Spanish IIIA-1
1: Marina Lopes / Walter Crawford / Fayette Co. HS / Fayetteville, GA
2: Larissa Mize / Evelyn Ray / Riverside HS / Greer, SC
3: Katelyn Bill / Madeline Rodriguez / Starr’s Mill HS / Fayetteville, GA

Spanish IIIA-2
1: Ayana Graham / Kris Muir / Whitewater HS / Fayetteville, GA
2: Brent Huang / Madeline Rodriguez / Starr’s Mill HS / Fayetteville, GA
3: Kathryn Thirey / Martha Valenciano / Johns Creek HS / Johns Creek, GA

Spanish IIIA-3
1: Janie Rhodes / Beverly Moore / Riverside HS / Greer, SC
2: Emily Bryant / Tara Helwig / Cedar Shoals HS / Athens, GA
3: Jacqueline Roshelli / Kaylene Perez / McIntosh HS / Peachtree City, GA

Spanish IIIA-4
1: Kylie Burts / Beverly Moore / Riverside HS / Greer, SC
2: Madeline Mattox / Jeanne Kotrady / Christ Church Episcopal / Greenville, SC
3: PriyaVenkatesan / Martha Valenciano / Johns Creek HS / Johns Creek, GA

Spanish IVA-1
1: Cameron Greene / Mike Donaldson / Whitewater HS / Fayetteville, GA
2: Alexandra Howell / Brooke Lloyd / McIntosh HS / Peachtree City, GA
3: VeronikaBethea / Gloria Ham / Spring Valley HS / Columbia, SC

Spanish IVA-2
1: Scott Lauderdale / Maria Wells / McIntosh HS / Peachtree City, GA
2: Ashley Gibson / Lector Zamore / McIntosh HS / Peachtree City, GA
3: Tre Holloway / Stephanie Platt / James Island Charter HS / Charleston, SC

Spanish IVA-3
1: Clara Nibbelink / Salima Bacchus / Cedar Shoals HS / Athens, GA
2: Anurag Deeconda / Gloria Ham / Spring Valley HS / Columbia, SC
3: Zachary Dawson / Maria Wells / McIntosh HS / Peachtree City, GA

Spanish IVA-4
1: Anise Crane / Salima Bacchus / Cedar Shoals HS / Athens, GA
2: Kevin Stein / Ms. Catherman / Greenville HS / Greenville, SC
3: Alisa Baghdasaryan / Martha Valenciano / Johns Creek HS / Johns Creek, GA

Spanish IVB
1: Felipe Franca / Salima Bacchus / Cedar Shoals HS / Athens, GA
2: AgataRzucidlo / Salima Bacchus / Cedar Shoals HS / Athens, GA
3: Raven Alvarez / Gloria Ham / Spring Valley HS / Columbia, SC

Spanish Native
1: Wendy Avila / Salima Bacchus / Cedar Shoals HS / Athens, GA
2: Esperanza Sierra / Melissa Drummond / St Paul the Apostle / Spartanburg, SC
3: Martha Rodriguez / Nan Brightwell / Oconee Co HS / Watkinsville, GA