2015 – 2016




Asst. Prof. Dr. Serdar AYAN

TERM I / : 28.09.2015-06.01.2016
MID-TERM EXAMS / : (16.11.2015- 27.11.2015), 24.12.2015
MAKE-UP EXAMS / : 11.01.2016-22.01.2016
: 01.02.2016 - 05.02.2016
TEXT: / :Leadership in Organizations, 8/EGary A. Yukl, State
University of New York, Albany, Prentice Hall,2013
CREDITS / : Three Hours / Thursday 11:15 – 13:45
OFFICE HOURS / : Tuesday12:30-13:00, Thursday 10:00- 11:00 or by appointment
/ Room: 211
ECTS Credit / : 4

E-mail :

WEBSITE : kisi.deu.edu.tr/serdar.ayan

Student Resources For Text Book :


Leaders of organizations today face many types of challenges. These challenges include the need to design organizations that are capable of coping with rapid change and the greater complexity created by globalization and our increased interconnectedness, the need to understand and shape organizational cultures and to motivate employees, the need to understand and manage politics and conflict between individuals and organizational units, the need to understand and manage diversity, and so on. Such challenges, and how management can deal with them, are the subject of this course.

Being a successful leader in an organizational context depends on one’s ability to understand, and respond effectively to, the context within which one works. The purpose of this course, thus, is to provide you with a more comprehensive understanding of organizational systems so that you can be both a more informed observer of them and a more effective participant in them.

The objective of this course is to help you develop the skills to analyze and address leadership challenges and opportunities. In order to accomplish this goal, we will introduce you to some of the central ideas and frameworks in the field of Management and will help you understand how to apply these ideas and frameworks to analyze managerial and organizational situations.

The course has two major components. The first is “macro” in nature. It focuses on organizational level issues and problems, such as how an organization should be designed (e.g., centralized or decentralized?), and what strategy it should follow (e.g., where, when, and how should we compete?). We will also look at organizations as political entities and in terms of culture and control systems. The second part of the course focuses on individual and small group issues such as how to evaluate and reward people, use teams effectively, and make effective decisions.

We will use cases and exercises as the material on which to practice analyzing and solving management problems.


There will be one midterm, one final exam, film analysis and case studies covering the prior lecture and reading material. Midterm and final exams will be composed of essay type questions that encourages the critical thinking in organizational behaviour discipline.

Evaluation system is as follows;

Midterm Exam ( 1 )20 %

Film Analysis20 % ( %10 + % 10 )

Final Exam60 %

TOTAL 100 %


Students are expected to prepare a written report based on a film to be chosen by the instructor. The report should explain how management concepts apply to issues in the film by giving examples from the film.

The cases provide concrete examples of the abstract concepts and principles discussed in the book. Most of the cases you have to identify examples of appropriate and inappropriate behavior by the manager described in the case.


All students are expected to attend classes punctually and regularly. Access to the final exam will be granted to students who attain an attendance in excess of 70 %.

The content of the syllabus can be changed by the instructor at any time by informing the related department’s head.


1. Northouse, P. G. (2013). (6th ed.) Leadership: Theory and Practice. Thousand Oaks:CA: Sage Publications.

2. Bennis, W. G. & Thomas, R. J. (2002). Geeks and geezers: How era, values, and definingmomentsshape leaders. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Publishing.

3. Daloz Parks, S. (2005). Leadership can be taught: A bold approach for a complex world.Boston:

Harvard Business School Press.

4.Drucker Foundation (Ed.). (1999). Leading beyond the walls. San Francisco: JosseyBass.

5.Fullan, M. (2008). The six secrets of change: What the best leaders do to help theirorganizations

survive and thrive. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

6.Wheatley, M. J. (2004). Finding our way: Leadership for an uncertain time. SanFrancisco: Berrett-Koehler.


1 / 01.10.2015 / Introduction to Course
2 / 08.10.2015 / History of the Management
3 / 15.10.2015 / Organizational Behaviour
4 / 22.10.2015 / Introduction: The Nature of Leadership
5 / 29.10.2015 / NATIONAL HOLIDAY
6 / 05.11.2015 / Managerial Roles and Decisions
7 / 12.11.2015 / Leadership Behaviors
8 / 19.11.2015 / MIDTERM EXAM 1
9 / 26.11.2015 / MIDTERM EXAM 1
10 / 03.12.2015 / Traits and Skills of Leaders
11 / 10.12.2015 / Contingency Theories of Effective Leadership
12 / 17.12.2015 / Strategic Leadership
13 / 24.12.2015 / MIDTERM EXAM 2
14 / 31.12.2015 / NEW YEAR HOLIDAY
15 / 07.01.2016 / Review of the Chapters