KippenPrimary School Parent Council
Minutes of meeting Thursday 5th September 2013, 6pm
Present: Elma Reilly, Alice Boyd, Annett Schmautz, Morna O’May
Teachers: Mrs Cassidy, Mrs Logan, Mrs Street, Mrs Stirling, Mrs Mier, Miss Hughes, Mrs Brodie.
Parents: Melanie Beeley, Michelle McPhee, Mhairi-Louise Shanks, Catriona O’Donnell, Mr & Mrs Goodall, Claire Snowie, Michelle Skinner, Victoria Mailer, Irene Munro, Angie McEachern, Suzie Struthers, Tara Bell, Jennifer Brennan, Lynne Goodwin, Laura Hadley-Stove, Sheena Bell, James Clarke, Fiona Buchanan
Other: David McPherson
Apologies: Karen Fallen
1.The draft minutes from the previous meeting were approved and signed off.
2. Introduction of new Parent Council
Elma introduced the new Parent Council and a leaflet was made available outlining the role of the Parent Council.
3. Introduction to KippenPrimary School by Mrs Cassidy (Headteacher)
Mrs Cassidy thanked the Parent Council for their continued support and explained the important role that the PC plays in school life including fundraising in order to enhance the learning experience of the children. Mrs Cassidy explained that the PC request a ‘wish list’ from the school and then work towards that when organising their fundraising activities.
Mrs Cassidy then went on to give a brief overview of the SIP ( School Improvement Plan) and also displayed it on the wall for everyone to have a look at, this can also be viewed on the school website at
Mrs Cassidy gave some examples of the work that is currently taking place in line with the SIP, eg children are involved in the decision making processes by being involved in pupil council and other groups. The school has now introduced the ‘real book approach after an introduction to this from Fiona Buchanan last year. Miss Campbell and a group of parent helpers audited the ‘real books’ already available as group/class readers in school, identified gaps, purchased additional books and banded and catalogued them according to levels. These are now used for literacy circles and groups are given a choice of book from the appropriate range within their level. This is working well. The next plan is for Mr Rose to do shelving in the lower area of the school to accommodate the many books. Mrs Brodie was asked to give an example of how she was using the books in class and she explained that the children have been enthusiastic and hard working in this area.
The staff the introduced themselves and their role in the school:
Mrs Streetis a job share Principal Teacher who works half of the week and deputises for the Head Teacher Monday, Tuesday all day and Wednesday morning. Mrs Streetis also supporting the new teacher to the school, Miss Hughes.
Mrs Stirling has P3/4. She is also overseeing the grounds / outdoor area, a start has made with this and more work is planned for this year. Mrs Stirling’s topic this term is ‘community’ and she is working with the P3/4s to first of all learn about the class, then the village and thenStirling.
Mrs Mier has P2/3. Her class topic is ‘children around the world’. In addition her area of responsibility this year is the website team.
Miss Hughes has P5/6. Her area of responsibility is the grounds team and her class topic is ‘extreme weather’.
Mrs Brodie has P7 this year, they are currently working on their topic, ‘healthy me’. Mrs Brodie’s area of responsibility is the Eco team.
Mrs Logan has P1 and also is job share Principal Teacher for the other half of the week and deputises for the Head Teacher Wednesday afternoon, Thursday and Friday all day. She is currently employed the rest of the week as a temporary class teacher. She also works along with Mrs Mier and the website team, this year they are hoping to have a bigger website teamand are asking for more helpers. The P1 class topic is ‘The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch’
Mrs Cassidy will be working with the pupil council and will find it useful to have their input.
4. Class Representatives
Alice explained that most of the class reps were now in post following the AGM in May. The vacant positions are two P1, one P3, one P6 and two P7. Alice thanked Sheena Bell (P6) and Irene Munro (P7) for offering to take on the roles. Angie MacEachern is stepping down as P3 rep and Lynne Goodwin volunteered for this position. Melanie Beeney and Michelle McPhee offered to take on the P1 roles. Anne Milligan is also stepping down. The second P7 role remains vacant. Alice thanked Angie and Anne for all their support and she also thanked all the new and continuing class reps for filling the positions.
5. Kippen Youth Initiative
David McPherson from the Kippen Youth Initiative explained to the meeting that the Kippen Youth Club runs in the Reading Rooms on a Monday and Friday evening, 7pm-9pm. Monday is for S2 and above, Friday is for P7-S2. This is run by volunteers along with Stirling Council youth workers. Presently there are approximately 25 children attending. David explained that the youth club is in need of more parent volunteers to work alongside the youth workers in order for the club to continue. Irene suggested that a rota of helpers may be an option rather than relying on just one or two parents to help every week. Alice mentioned that obtaining an email contact list for all the parents may be a good starting point in devising a rota. Angie also indicated that it may be an idea to put information about the Youth Club and the help required on the school website. Angie will liaise with David about this.
6. Grounds Team
Annett reported back on the work of the grounds team and explained that another work day was being planned along with Mrs Stirling. Annett will identify a suitable Sunday and ask for parent and children helpers to come along and help with the gardening. The last gardening Sunday worked very well with a large turn out of helpers coming along.
Annett also explained that the PC had recently applied for a grant of £1260 to fund some of the works in the grounds, we should hear about the outcome of this shortly. Thanks to Angie for identifying this fund and drawing it to our attention.
7. Financial Report
The Parent Council holds approximately £1000 at present. It was agreed that some of this should be used to contribute towards the Christmas outing to the pantomime. After a discussion around the increased costs in transport it was agreed that £700 would be donated towards this in order to maintain the parent contribution to the same level as previous years.
8. Fundraising Events proposed for 2013/14 .
- Fashion Show is scheduled for Sunday 15th September in the Village Hall
- Lorna McFarlane is organising a Hoedown on 26th October in Village Hall.
- Alice is currently working with the school to organise the Christmas Card order featuring the children’s artwork.
- The Christmas Concert in the Church is planned for December 19th, we will be looking for volunteers to help organise the concert and concert participants to take part. It was mentioned that this date may clash with the Village Pantomime, Morna will check this out.
- Sponsored Event – as the PC now has a Just Giving page with Gift Aid status this should make it relatively straightforward to raise funds through a sponsored event. Suggested sponsored activities included sponsored walks, sponsored bounce, treasure hunt / geocashing – James Clarke is going to look further into what would be involved in a geocashing event. A sponsored event would probably take place in the Spring.
- Angie also suggested a Spring Raffle. It was agreed that this was a good idea and will be discussed further.
9. Any Other Business
- The Halloween Disco is scheduled for Thursday 24th October. The Disco team, Annett and Mhairi-Louise, will be looking for parent helpers on the evening.
- The school library was discussed as there is currently a shortage of helpers for this on A Wednesday afternoon. Mrs Logan requested from Annett a list of attendees to be made available to her so that staff can be fully informed. Annett explained it was increasing difficult to get library helpers. She said she has had complaints from parents who hoped to work in the library when their own child was due to visit, and the age group has been changed on the day. Mrs Logan and Mrs Cassidy explained that flexibility is required as things in school can change due to a wide range of other influences. Mrs Logan suggested a fortnightly library and asked Annett to organise a list with dates of fortnightly library and pass this to her. Mrs Logan will communicate with the library team to inform them whether lower or upper school will be using the library. The Library team will let Mrs Logan know which parent helpers are due to come in. Angie suggested putting a notice on the school website requesting helpers.
- Victoria Mailer discussed Fundamentals (previously Tops Sports) and the need for volunteers to be PVG checked. Victoria has been discussing this with Active Stirling and the cost of a PVG would normally be £60. Victoria asked if this could be something the Parent Council could administer. Morna confirmed that if the Parent Council were able to process them as a registered charity recruiting volunteers this would be free. However, this needs to be discussed further with Active Stirling and CRBS to clarify exactly what we would need to have in place and how we would deal with confidential information. Morna and Victoria will discuss further with Active Stirling.
- Safe Parking – Elma outlined the work that had been done last year to produce a Safe Parking policy, and to get this message communicated to everyone. Paul Kelly was thanked for producing the parking signs that are now at the front of the school.
- Elma asked after Mr Rose and commented on all the work that he has done for the school. Mrs Cassidy and all the staff wholeheartedly agreed and mentioned a few of the jobs he has recently done in the school. He gives his time freely to help the Primary School and he is able to do so many jobs that the school would just not be able to afford otherwise. All agreed that he was invaluable asset to the school.
- Breakfast Club – Jo Walker asked for the following information about Breakfast Club to be put to the meeting –
We would really like to raise awareness of the club and make the wider parent body aware of what it takes to keep it going!
Financially we are in a good position and have funds available to make up any income shortfalls due to fluctuating numbers. Last year we broke even and we saw 25% of the school role make use of the club either on a regularor anad hoc basis. And that is the whole point of the club, we are there when needed . The club is operated by the Council but relies on a voluntary parental Rota. This can be problematic as those parents that tend to use the club are usually working and therefore not available for the Rota.
We would therefore like to put out a general appeal to the wider parent body. Firstly, please make use of the Breakfast Club, even if it is only once or twice a term. It is a great place for children to meet up before school, especially during the winter months. They will be supervised in a safe and warm environment - surely preferable to dropping off early in the playground? Parents are also welcome to stay for a cup of tea or coffee and there is no need to pre book or register - JUST TURN UP. The more children that attend the more fun it will be for them. Secondly pleasecan we appeal for more parents to assist with the Rota. Again if we can get just 5 or 6 more parents who can offer 1 or2 mornings a term it would be a tremendous help. The duty is not onerous. Just an hour of your time from 8am to 9am with free tea or coffee thrown in!
Possiblya lot of the newerparentsto the school are not aware of how hard many of the parents of some of the older and past pupils have fought over the years to ensure that the club continues, in the belief that it is a real asset for the school. The club has now been operating almost 11 years and is one of the few surviving Breakfast clubs in the area. However, we are now facing a real challenge to ensure that the club continues. The appeal is for assistance with the Rotaand the message is 'use it or lose it' .
If anyone can offer help with the Rota they could let the PC or any Breakfast Club people know .
Mrs Cassidy reinforced this message saying that it was a fantastic facility. There has been pressure not keep it as it may be seen as a luxury item. The Club does need to use catering staff as well as parent helpers. Parents are encouraged to make use of the facility.
- Finally Elma thanked all the staff for all their hard work and support throughout the year. She also thanked all the parents for their help and support towards the Parent Council.
10. Next Meeting Date
The next meeting was set for Thursday 21st November at 6pm.
Kippen Primary School Parent Council is a registered charity in Scotland (SCO43545)