
Microscopic Examination of Currency

Introduction: U.S. Currency is designed with many subtle "microprinted" objects to deter counterfeiting. These "micro print" patterns are shown here for theOne,Five,Ten, andTwenty denominations.

The One Dollar bill.

There are not as extensive measures to prevent counterfeiting these bills but there are still some interesting things to look at.

The base on the pyramid on the back side has an inscription of Roman numerals. What is this number and what does it represent?


The eagle on the back is holding arrows and an olive branch with a symbol above its head.Each of these are related; the arrows, the olive branch, and the symbol.
What does the number of items in each set relate to?


Finally, examine the Pyramid. Don’t examine the eye, but rather, determine how many levels are shown in the base?


The Five Dollar bill also has some interesting hidden items:

First, examine the left and right borders on the front of the bill. Do you notice anything odd? Try examining these side borders with your microscope to expose the following repeated pattern.

The Five also has "micro text" printed near Lincoln's name.

Finally, take a look at the roof of the Lincoln Memorial on the back of the Five Dollar bill.

Several state names are printed there.

Can you find all of them? How many are shown?

Why do you think these are the states listed?


There are two states listed with names that are different from their current names. List them


Newer Ten Dollar bills have several interesting aspects:

First, look at the bottom left corner on the front of your ten dollar bill. At first glance the "10" appears as if it has lines across it. In reality theses "lines" are rows of the word "ten" up and down the 1 and Zero.

Next, the "tens" also have a unique color and loop pattern on the front of the bill in the bottom right corner.

In addition, the tens also have a string of "micro text" just above the name: Hamilton, printed on the front of the bill.

Using your microscope, see if you can find each of these, and search for additional hidden print or objects.

The Twenty Dollar bill has some interesting embedded objects as well, several are visible to the unaided eye.

First, the back of the 20 has numerous little 20s (watermarks) scattered around the bill. Here are a few.

Another interesting feature is the blueish watermark band that runs along the front of the bill. At first glance, it appears that it is a blue band with "Twenty USA, Twenty USA" running across the right side of the bill. The first sequence appears as though it is a "3-D Block" pattern. Upon further inspection, a bit more is revealed.

Finally, the Twenty Dollar bill also holds a "micro text" imprint similar to theTenandFive.

Try and find it (it's in a bit different location than the other bills). Where is it located?


Here is what it looks like.

Examine paper currency for additional security measures (interwoven fibers, magnetic strips, etc...) List any you find here:


