FCHS Student Council Agenda
December 11, 2014
Time: 8:59 a.m.- 9:24 a.m. /
Department / Component / DRI / Status
Opening / 1.  Celebrations
2.  Recognitions / Cody Burke
Teacher Support / 1.  Department Focus-English
2.  Boosting Teacher Morale Teacher Letter/Card Sign up to be responsible-Needs to be completed before Christmas Break / Jera Applegate
New Idea / 1.  Highlight Student of Week for each class
2.  Officers will interview student, and create a bio / John Johnson
Admin Update / News/Announcements from Mr. Leet
·  Best SC EVER!
·  Re-Vamp-Intervention-get more students into AP Courses
·  Lack of Motivation-What do we do?
COMING in January
·  Plus/Delta Data was given to teachers-and they are going to give us feedback
·  Leet will be at SC meeting first meeting of the New Year
·  Meet with Separate Classes to present New Year Vision / Aerin Cho-Meets with Leet 3rd period on Friday’s
Community Service Ideas / What does student council want to do for our first community service project?
·  Landscaping services for elderly
·  Walking dogs
·  Christmas Caroling
·  Nursing Home
·  Elementary Schools
·  Christmas Cards for Soldiers
·  Cookies for Soldiers
·  Shoveling Driveways / Morgan Stephens
Homeroom Feedback / Look Over Feedback-Where should we start?
·  Improve class ranking based on course load and grades, not just grades.
·  Rewards days for CCRs, good behavior, testing, etc.
·  More breaks
·  Bullying awareness/solving
·  Half-Days need to be returned
·  Pep-Rallies
·  More time in-between class
·  Attendance Policy
·  Lunchroom doors
·  More electives
·  Driver’s Ed
·  Intermural Sports
·  Flex time for re-takes, restroom, library
·  More grab-and-go stations
·  Germ-X and Classroom available in all classrooms
·  Dance Team / Katie Pfeffer
Closure / Questions/Concerns / Allie Hill

Distribution: FCHS Webpage

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