Mrs. Maxwell’s

Physical Education Rules and Expectations

Physical Education is the means to allow you the opportunity to participate in a variety of activities. This class will allow you to improve your physical fitness level and teamwork skills while relieving the tension of academic and other stressors.


Any color t-shirt, long sleeve, hoodie (no pinnies, no tank tops)

Any color shorts (appropriate length) or sweatpants – (No yoga pants, no spandex)


Athletic sneakers only (No Uggs, boots, etc. allowed)


Be on-time (3 Point deduction for tardiness)(entrance to gym and squad)

Note required from teacher with time and reason for lateness

Locker room

Change quickly (5 minutes) 3 pt. deduction if late.

You are responsible for your valuables. Purchase a lock. Do not share locks.


Once you leave the locker room you must sit in your assigned squad. Failure to do this will be a deduction in 3 points for the day.

If you are not changing due to a medical reason or if you do not have your PE uniform put your belongings in thelocker room and immediately sit in your squad for roll. After roll is taken you may move to the designated area on the bleacher. You may be asked to assist in the lesson such as timer or score keeper.

Squads are necessary for quick attendance, instructions and safety.


No cell phone is allowed in the gym facility unless instructed.

No cell phone is allowed in the gym facility unless instructed.

1st offense: Warning and asked to lock in locker. (one time during year)

2nd offense: 3 point grade deduction

3rd offense and more: Security will be called to confiscate phone

*No video or photo use of cell phones in locker rooms

Fitness Center

Use equipment with care and safety.

Replace all equipment used to the proper location.

Report broken equipment to PE teacher.

Do not go into the fitness office unless instructed.


Wait in gym until bell or dismissed by teacher.

Leaving early with permission will result in a discipline write up, detention.


Participate to your full potential-If you are not sweating your grade will reflect

Motivate yourself and others

Be safe

Use appropriate language and actions

Follow directions

Students who participate in athletics are expected to be leaders in PE class.

Athletes who do not participate in PE will not be eligible to play in competition on that day.


10 points per class

Participation = 8 pts. (0-8 depending on level of participation)

Appropriate dress = 2 pt

Point deductions will occur but are not limited to:

Cell phone on person or in use without permission

Lateness (arrival to class and/or squad)

Leaving early from class without permission-will also result in a write up

Inappropriate use of equipment

Entering PE closets without permission

Entering locker rooms without permission

Half court shots, will also result in a write up

No class makeups for not being prepared

Sick or injured:

You must have a note from a parent or guardian to be excused from activities due to sickness or injury. You must have a doctor (not a parent) note to be excused from class activities for a period of three or more days. No note = Zero

If you have a cast on any body part you will not be permitted to participate in any activities until the PE staff/school nurse receives a doctor note releasing you from treatment and verifying you are able to return to physical activity. No note = zero

PE Make-ups

PE make-ups can be made up after school in the fitness center. Each make-up class is30 minutes and needs to be made up before the end of the quarter. You may not make up a class for being unprepared for PE. Make-ups are permitted for missed class due to absences or medicals(students are responsible for making up 50% of days missed due to a medical reason. You are given two absences. Absences exceeding two per quarter will need to be made up. (Examples of absences are: Home sick, nurse visit, guidance visit).

*****At no time will a student be able to have school work out. All book bags and school related items must be kept in the locker room. No exceptions!

Swimming requirement

  • Graduation swimming requirement will consist of 1 day a week for all of

2nd and 3rd quarters

  • Full piece bathing suit or tank top over 2 piece are required for participation
  • Students must participate in 75% of swimming classes to pass for each quarter
  • Parent excuse notes cannot excuse students from this requirement
  • Make up swim classes will be available at the end of 2nd quarter during midterms

and 3rd quarter.

  • Demonstration of critical safety and skill swimming elements is required to pass swimming unit