Life Science 7

Mr. Fierst 2017/2018

Major Topics to be covered:

  1. Monarch and Silkworm/Life Cycle Project
  2. Scientific Method/Scientific Inquiry/Scientific Processes
  3. Cells
  4. Genetics
  5. Biological Populations Change Over Time
  6. Matter
  7. Human Systems
  8. Ecology

Classroom Expectations:

You are expected to be in your assigned seat when the bell rings. Most days, there will be an opening activity (warm-up or “bell-ringer”). You are expected to have your notebook open and be working on the warm-up. This is a way to get your mind into “Science” mode after whatever class you just came from. Working on the warm-up activity will be part of your Participation grade (see Grading section below).

Respect: for the teacher, yourself, others, and property. All classroom rules can fit under this major heading. More specific details and lab safety will be discussed in class.

Students are expected to come to class prepared EVERY DAY. This includes bringing your Science notebook and a pencil. A planner is strongly encouraged to help keep you organized. Often you will also need a ruler, colored pencils, glue stick, and scissors for some activities.

An outline of what we are doing each day of the week will be posted on the board. You can also find this information on my Web page on Kellogg’s SharpSchool Website.

Daily Work:

I try to incorporate as many hands-on activities and labs as possible. However, a certain amount of background information and basic knowledge is necessary before we can experiment. Therefore, we WILL be taking notes in class. Making observations and writing down what you observe are a critical part of Science. Every student will be required to maintain a neat and concise notebook.

During labs and activities, you will be required to work safely, often with a lab partner or small group. Each student is responsible for contributing to the work of the group, as well as cleaning up after a lab or activity.


Grades will consist of homework (no more than one homework assignment per week), classwork, labs/activities, quizzes, tests, and a quarterly participation grade. Throughout the quarter, if a student is not participating in a lab or activity (including the warm-up) or is off-task, deductions will be made from the quarterly participation grade. The standard Kellogg grading scale will be used based on a student’s total points for the quarter. Work that is not turned in will be graded as an F. A small amount of extra credit will be available throughout the year. You may do as much extra credit as you like, but you can only earn a maximum of 10 points each quarter. Extra credit is meant to provide a small bump to your grade (such as to get you to an A- from a B+); it is not meant to substitute for homework you decided not to do.


Generally, midway through a unit an open-notes quiz is given on the unit (so TAKE GOOD NOTES!). A unit exam is given at the end of each unit (no notes). I often allow students to re-take exams (but not quizzes), but you must make personal arrangements with me to do so.


There will be two projects worth a substantial part of your grade during the year. The first will be completed first quarter, and will require you to raise a Monarch butterfly from an egg and maintain a journal documenting its growth and development.

For the second project, every student will be required to do a Science project during second quarter. You are not required to enter your project in the Regional Science Fair, but you can get extra credit for doing so. The Science Project will be designed and researched in class, but the experiment will be done at home. You will be required to present your results to the class.


If you know you will be absent ahead of time, see me and I can give you the assignments you will miss, or you can check my website on SharpSchool. You are responsible for getting notes you missed from a classmate. Upon your return, you will have two days to make up any missing work. Just because you are gone does not mean you are not responsible for doing the work.

Office Hours:

I am always available and willing to help before and after school if I am not in a meeting (mostly Mondays). The best way to reach me is by e-mail.


Kellogg Middle School (room 424)