Unit 4 Week 5 Day 1: Peter’s Chair


High Frequency Words: picture, remember, room, stood, thought

Comprehension: character, setting, plot

Grammar: adjectives for how many

Vocabulary :Amazing Words: jealous, relatives, sibling, secret, porridge, collector, flourish, seriousness

Selection Words: cradle, crocodile, idea, curtain, biscuits, cookies

Background Knowledge / Review
Last week we talked about special celebrations that can be treasures. This week we’re going to read and talk about treasures we can share at home.
What treasures can we share at home?
ELL Poster #23
(Read the poster talk-through to introduce the poster. Point to thefish and plantson the poster as you read about them in the poster talk-through.)
Video: We Got a Brand New Baby—classic Sesame Street clip of a sister singing her thoughts about having a new baby brother
(Amazing Words
jealous, relatives, sibling, secret) / ELL Poster #23
Sometimes brothers and sisters are jealous of each other.
Jealous means you wish you had what someone else has. (definition)
Say it with me. Get ready...Jealous means you wish you had what someone else has.
What does jealous mean? Jealous means you wish you had what someone else has.
The boy was jealous of his brother’s new bike.
The girl was jealous of her new baby sister.
The relatives came to see the new baby.
Relatives are people who belong to the same family. (definition)
Say it with be. Get ready…Relatives are people who belong to the same family.
What are relatives? Relatives are people who belong to the same family.
Our relatives get together on Thanksgiving.
Do you have a lot of relatives?
This boy and girl are siblings.
A sibling is your brother or sister. (definition)
Say it with me. Get ready….A sibling is your brother or sister.
What is a sibling? A sibling is your brother or sister.
Do you have any siblings?
How many siblings do you have?
This family doesn’t have any secrets.
A secret is something you don’t tell very many people. (definition)
Say it with be. Get ready…A secret is something you don’t tell very many people.
What does secret mean? A secret is something you don’t tell very many people.
It’s hard to keep a secret.
They kept the surprise party for mom a secret.
High Frequency
picture, remember, room, stood, thought / Here are this week’s high frequency words.
This word is picture. What word? picture
Everyone, spell done. p-i-c-t-u-r-e
What word did you spell? picture
The family is looking at Grandpa’s picture.
They have many pictures in their house.
This word is remember. What word? remember
Everyone, spell remember. r-e-m-e-m-b-e-r
What word did you spell? remember
Dad will tell stories he remembers.
Do you remember when you were little?
This word is room. What word? room
Everyone, spell room. r-o-o-m
What word did you spell? room
The family is in the living room.
There are many pictures in that room.
This word is stood. What word? stood
Everyone, spell stood. s-t-o-o-d
What word did you spell? stood
Dad stood up to point to the picture.
We stood up to stretch our legs.
This word is thought. What word? thought
Everyone, spell thought. t-h-o-u-g-h-t
What word did you spell? thought
We thought the pictures were special.
We thought Grandpa was lots of fun.
Second Time
When I touch under the word, say the word in your head.
When I tap under the word, everyone will say the word aloud.
(Practice the word list until they read the list without errors and give unpredictable individual turns. Not everyone will have an individual turn.)