Health Final Exam Review

Chapter 1 & 2

1. Controllable risk factors for heart disease include

Physical Activity smoking, weight

2. Knowledge of health information needed to make good health decisions is

Health Literacy

3. The risk behaviors that cause the most serious health problems today include

Sedentary Lifestyles, sexual activity and behaviors, alcohol drug and tobacco use

4. What is the single leading preventable cause of death in the United States?

Tobacco use

5. What is the major cause of death for teens?

Car accidents

6. Many of the leading causes of death among teenagers and adults can best be prevented through

Lifestyle changes

7. What is a life skill?

Tool for building a healthy life

8. A goal is

Something that you work towards, and hope to achieve

9. Prior to the twentieth century, what were the leading causes of death?

Infectious diseases

10. What is the cause of most health problems today?



Match each item with the correct statement.

a. / physical health / e. / lifestyle disease
b. / wellness / f. / emotional health
c. / risk factor / g. / spiritual health
d. / sedentary

_F___ 11. ability to control and appropriately express feelings

_D___ 12. not taking part in physical activity on a regular basis

_A___ 13. aspects of health related to the body (fitness, nutrition, drug use)

_C___ 14. anything that increases the likelihood of injury, disease, or other health problems

_G___ 15. ability to find peace with yourself and with those around you

_B___ 16. state of well-being that comes from a good balance of the six components of health

_E___ 17. a disease caused partly by unhealthy behaviors and partly by other factors

Chapter 3 & 4

18. People with high self-esteem

Can easily talk with people

19. You can improve your self-esteem by

Celebrating strengths, using positive self talk, accepting yourself

20. Which of these symptoms does not indicate depression?

Intense anger about an injustice

21. Which is not a way to improve your listening skills?

Thinking about something else

22. Miscommunication can result in

Argument, hurt feelings, unsatisfying relationships

23. Angelina has just won first place in an ice-skating competition. She likes to share her good feelings and enjoyment of ice skating by volunteering some time every week to teach handicapped children how to skate. According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, Angelina is at the level known as


24. Stress is caused by

Behavior stressors, lifestyle stressors, thinking stressors

25. Freezing up before speaking in front of an audience is a response to


26. The best way to defend yourself from stress-related illness is to

Exercise, get enough sleep, eat right

27. Saying positive things to yourself in order to develop a more positive attitude is called


28. A behavior that does not indicate that a person may be thinking about committing suicide is

Taking care of their appearance

29. Many people who attempt suicide

Do not really want to die but are crying for help

30. Some situations that might lead to suicidal thoughts and/or behavior include

Loss of relationship, drug use, unplanned pregnancy


Match each item with the correct statement.

a. / “I” message / d. / aggressive communication
b. / accepting yourself / e. / self-concept
c. / self-talk

C___ 31. saying things to yourself

_A___ 32. a good technique for communicating assertively

_D___ 33. hostile and unfriendly in expression

_E___ 34. a measure of how you view yourself

_B___ 35. an important way to improve self-esteem

Chapter 6, 7, & 8

36. What statement best describes how diet can influence health

In order to optimize health a person must take right amount of nutrients and energy

37. The carbohydrate that circulates in your blood and provides energy for your cells is a

A single sugar called glucose

38. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans

Guidelines to improve health, intended to reduce nutrition related diseases, review and use recommendations from others.

39. Parents can help children meet their nutritional needs by

Follow food guide pyramid to accommodate nutritional needs of child.

40. Teens’ diets

Tend to be low in calcium, iron, riboflavin

Matching 1

a. / heredity
b. / body composition
c. / bulimia nervosa
d. / basal metabolic rate
e. / overweight
f. / anorexia nervosa
g. / obesity
h. / weight management

_B___ 41. the proportion of body weight that is made up of fat tissue compared to lean tissue

_C___ 42. an eating disorder based on a cycle of bingeing and purging food

_E___ 43. being heavy for one’s height

_F___ 44. an eating disorder in which the person refuses to eat because of a fear of weight gain

_h___ 45. sensible eating and exercising habits to keep healthy

_G__ 46. weighing 20 percent more than one’s recommended weight

_A___ 47. the passing down of traits from parent to child

_D___ 48. the minimum amount of energy required to keep body alive when in a rested state

Matching 2

a. / protein / e. / vitamins
b. / carbohydrate / f. / water
c. / fat / g. / nutrition
d. / minerals / h. / fiber

_ -G___ 49. the science or study of the ways in which the body uses food

__F__ 50. carries nutrients to cells, helps regulate body temperature

___E_ 51. keys that turn on many chemical reactions in body

___D_ 52. helps regulate chemical reactions: 5% of body weight

__H_ 53. complex carbohydrate that helps with digestion

__A__ 54. builds and repairs all body tissues; made of amino acids

__C__ 55. the body’s quick energy reserve

__B__ 56. energy giving nutrient which includes sugars and starches

Chapter 9 - 12

57. Drugs can enter your body

Injection, ingestion, Transdermal

58. Prescriptions are required for some drugs because

Doctors must approve strengths, illness and amounts of drugs .

59. Problems that can occur as a result of drug use include

Allergic reactions, side effects, drug interactions

60. Alcohol is considered a drug because

Cause a change in a person’s physical and emotional state

61. Which of the following is a negative effect that alcohol can have on a family?

Violence, unpredictable behavior, children being neglected

62. Some teens are lured into drinking alcohol because

Peer pressure, wish to mask emotional pain, thinks alcohol will improve image

63. Which of the following is a controllable risk factor for alcoholism?

Age drinking begins

64. Benefits of being tobacco-free are that

Avoid high risk disease, no addictions, save lots of money

65. The changes in the brain seen in marijuana users are similar to those seen in

Long term alcohol users

66. In men, anabolic steroids cause

Shutdown of normal testerone production

67. Flashbacks are one of the dangerous side effects associated with


68. One of the serious dangers of heroin is

It’s highly addictive

69. The best way to avoid drugs is to

Stay away from people who use drugs and places

where drugs are used.

Diseases and Disorders

70. Which of the following is an infectious disease?


71. What is the body’s last and most complicated line of defense against infection?

Immune system

72. Heart attack, atherosclerosis, stroke, and high blood pressure are all different kinds of

Type 1 diabetes

73. Hereditary diseases

Caused by abnormal chromosomes, inherited from parents, may involve single gene or more or a chromosome


Match each item with the correct statement.

a. / communicable disease
b. / bacteria
c. / virus
d. / vaccine
e. / white blood cells

_B__ 74. a single-celled organism that can cause disease.

__C_ 75. the smallest pathogens

_A__ 76. a disease that is usually passed from one person to another

_D__ 77. an injected substance that causes you to become immune to a disease

_E__ 78. cells in the blood whose primary job is to defend the body against disease

a. / lifestyle disease
b. / high blood pressure
c. / benign tumor
d. / smoking
e. / cancer

Match each item with the correct statement.

__E_ 79. disease caused by uncontrolled cell growth

__D_ 80. a risk factor that increases an individual’s chances of developing cardiovascular disease

__A_ 81. a disease that is caused partly by unhealthy behaviors and partly by other factors

__C_ 82. abnormal but usually harmless mass of cells

__B_ 83. a condition in which there is a higher than normal amount of stress on the walls of the blood vessels

Ch. 18-21 - Human Growth and Development

84. When a sperm joins with an egg, it is called


85. The STD that is growing at the fastest rate in U.S. 15-to-19-year-olds is


86. You can decrease your chances of getting an STD by


87. Which of the following best describes AIDS?


88. Which of the following areas of the world have the greatest number of people living with HIV/AIDS?


89. Which of the following are the primary targets of HIV?


90. Which activity below puts a teen at risk for contracting the HIV virus?


WHO IS HIV Positive


Match each item with the correct statement.

a. / Menstruation
b. / Ovaries
c. / fallopian tube
d. / Estrogen
e. / Uterus

_D__ 91. a hormone produced by the ovary

_C__ 92. the female organ that transports an egg from the ovary to the uterus

_B__ 93. female reproductive structures that produce eggs

_E__ 94. the hollow muscular organ that provides a place for the baby to grow before birth; also called the womb

_A__ 95. the breakdown and discharge of the uterine lining out of the vagina

Match each item with the correct statement.

a. / hepatitis
b. / gonorrhea
c. / syphilis
d. / chlamydia
e. / HPV

__B_ 96. caused by bacteria that attack genital mucous membranes

__A 97. an inflammation of the liver

__C_ 98. a chronic, infectious, sexually transmitted disease that is characterized by a chancre during the initial phase

__E_ 99. can cause genital warts and cervical cancer

__D_ 100. bacterial STD that affects the reproductive tract and is most common in teens