29 October 2008
SUBJECT: Privately Owned Weapon (POW) Information
1. Purpose: To provide guidance for registration, storage, and transportation of POWs.
2. Reference: Fort Bragg Regulation 190-12, Privately Owned Weapons and Ammunition Control and Prohibited Items, 01 DEC 04.
3. Facts:
a. Registration: Registration is required within 5 days from the time an individual begins to reside/stay on post, or from the time the firearm is purchased or acquired. If an individual resides off post but needs to store their weapon on post for more than 5 days, then they must register and store the POW in an acceptable location.
b. Storage: POWs will be kept in an acceptable location IAW FB Reg 190-12, regardless of length of stay. Firearms and ammunition will be stored in a secured locked container or gun rack, with precautions taken to ensure they are inaccessible to unauthorized personnel. If an individual resides off post they may store the POW off post or in their unit arms room. If an individual resides on post, in family housing, then the POW may be kept at their house or the service member’s unit arms room. The Soldier’s commander has discretionary authority to require the POW be stored in the unit arms room. If an individual resides in the barracks the POW will be stored in the unit arms room. If an individual is in transient quarters (TDY) the POW will be stored in the affiliated unit arms room or, for a short duration, at the PMO. To store the POW at the PMO the individual must notify the desk sergeant prior to bringing the weapon on post. Once at the PMO the desk sergeant will complete a DA Form 4137, FB Form 1717 and a DA Form 4002. The weapon and all documents will then be placed in an evidence locker. To withdraw the weapon from the PMO the evidence custodian must be present.
c. Transportation: POWs may be directly transported to/from authorized storage, hunting areas, firing ranges, or gun repair shops. Personnel may traverse Fort Bragg with no on-post stops. To transport on post, the POW must be unloaded and placed in an area inaccessible to passengers in the vehicle with the ammunition transported in a separate compartment. If no area is inaccessible then it must be transported in a case and in open view with the ammunition stored separately.
d. Concealed Carry: Unauthorized on Fort Bragg unless individual is a law enforcement officer in the performance of his duties.
e. Number of weapons incidents: 22APR08-16OCT08: 63, includes all offenses committed involving a POW.
CPT Jennings/IMSE-BRG-ESM/910-396-4401