Rule Comparison
3 min sudden victory for varsity only
Time: 25 min
Deputy -- High School only
Three second - good defense N/A
Used to start each half and after each goal
Penalty Area
Player receiving a yellow or red card must leave the field and sit or kneel in the penalty area for 2 minutes – coach can have access.
Player’s team will play short- handed below the restraining line in both its offensive and defensive ends.
Goal Circle
May follow through on a shot into the circle.
No going through the sphere
Time: 25 min running
Deputy –Not Allowed
Major Foul
Three second - good defense - YES
1. Closely guarded/marked
2. The defense has both hands
on her stick.
3. The defense is in position to
legally check if checking were
Umpire will give an audible and visible 3 sec. count
No draw when up by 4 or more goals. May be waived by coach of the trailing team
Penalty Area
Player receiving a yellow or red card must leave the field and sit or kneel in the penalty area for 2 minutes – coach can have access.
Player’s team will play short- handed below the restraining line in both its offensive and defensive ends.
Goal Circle
May NOT follow through into the circle on a shot.
Modify Checking only. The entire stick must be below the shoulder and the check must be down and away
Time: 20 min running
Deputy – Not Allowed
Major Foul
Three second - good defense - YES
1. Closely guarded/marked
2. The defense has both hands
on her stick.
3. The defense is in position to
legally check if checking were
Umpire will give an audible and visible 3 sec. count
No draw when up by 4 or more goals. May be waived by coach of the trailing team
Penalty Area
Player receiving a yellow card must leave the field and sit or kneel in the penalty area for 2 minutes – coach can have access.
A substitute will take her place. Team does not play down.
Goal Circle
MayNOTfollow through into the circle on a shot.
No checking
Player’s Stick
Modified pocket
May be shorter than 35 1/2 in.
Rule Comparison
1/2 Rules
Field Size 60-70yds x 30-40yds
Number of Players 7
Play- 2 Quality Pass Attempts before shooting
Coaches:- Allowed on Field
Overtime: None
Time: 20 min running
Deputy – Allowed* since 1/2 do not play with Goalies.
Three second - good defense - YES
1. Closely guarded/marked
2. The defense has both hands
on her stick.
3. The defense is in position to
legally check if checking were
Umpire will give an audible and visible 3 sec. count
No draw when up by 4 or more goals. May be waived by coach of the trailing team
Penalty Area
Player receiving a yellow card must leave the field and sit or kneel in the penalty area for 2 minutes – coach can have access.
A substitute will take her place. Team does not play down.
Goal Circle
MayNOTfollow through into the circle on a shot.
No checking
Player’s Stick
Modified Pocket
May be Shorter than 35 1/2 in.
3/4 Rules
Field Size- 60-70yds x 30-40yds
Number of Players 7 plus Goalie
Play- 2 Quality Pass Attempts before shooting
Coaches:Not Allowed on Field
Overtime: None
Time: 20 min running
Deputy –Not Allowed
Major Foul
Three second - good defense - YES
1. Closely guarded/marked
2. The defense has both hands
on her stick.
3. The defense is in position to
legally check if checking were
Umpire will give an audible and visible 3 sec. count
No draw when up by 4 or more goals. May be waived by coach of the trailing team
Penalty Area
Player receiving a yellow card must leave the field and sit or kneel in the penalty area for 2 minutes – coach can have access.
A substitute will take her place. Team does not play down.
Goal Circle
MayNOTfollow through into the circle on a shot.
No checking
Player’s Stick
Modified Pocket
May be Shorter than 35 1/2 in.
Key Rules for 1st-4th
Teams will play 2-3-2, with only 5 players allowed in the attack or defensive end at one time, using the center line as the retraining line.
Defense:Encourage player to player defense: No Double team except inside the 8M arc. Officials will try to call shooting space-please help teams avoide the “wall” when defense players all run to front of goal. Will be penalized as 8M free position.
On an 8m free position, a player may shoot provided there is a goalkeeper or amodified goal (i.e. shooting net) is being used. If there is not a goalkeeper or it is anopen net, then the 8m free position shall be indirect (Major Foul).
Two quality pass attempts on attack side before shooting (do not have to be catches). Quality Pass - exchange of the ball through the air from one teammate to another. No handoffs. Pass must be initiated in the attack zone (over the center line). Quality is defined as pass attempt to another girl, not throwing ball just down field or doing handoff to another girl.