Birthday Book Club
Here is a fun way to celebrate your birthday by donating a book to the school library! Watch our shelves fill with new books that you will love! Just follow the directions on the next page, and a book will be in the library with your name and birth date in it!
Anyone can participate in this program: parents, aunts, uncles, grandparents, etc. You can do your share to help the WoodCreek Library grow. The library staff and volunteers look forward to sharing the excitement of your child’s birthday and other special events in this thoughtful way.
If you and your child would like to participate in this program, please complete the attached form and follow these directions:
1. Please send a check for $20.00 (to assist with the cost of the book) and the completed form to the library. The check should be made payable to WoodCreek Elementary School.
2. At least two to three days before your child’s birthday, we will have him/her come to the library and select a book.
3. A book plate will be placed in the book indicating that the book was donated in your child’s name in honor of his/her birthday.
4. During the week of your child’s
birthday, the donation will be recognized on the morning announcements. If your child has a birthday outside of a school day, we will celebrate the birthday as close to the actual date as possible.
5. Your child will also receive a
Birthday Book Club bookmark to enjoy.
6. If your child has a summer birthday,
please consider choosing a date during the school year to honor him/her. A popular date is 6 months into the year-- a half-birthday.
Please complete the form below and return it to the library with a check for $20.00 as soon as possible.
Student’s name:______
As soon as the form is returned, your child’s name will be placed on our birthday calendar and your child will be recognized on the appropriate day. Please include a check for $15.00 made payable to WoodCreek Elementary School.
Birthday Book Club