IT Strategic Plan Open House – Planning (v2)

27 November 2012


·  Date and time: Wednesday, December 5th, 10:30 – 12:00

·  Location: DC 1302

·  Location booking time: 10:00 – 12:30

·  Preparations

o  Printing – Find a location to print worksheet handouts near DC 1302 [Pat/Meltem]

o  Pens or pencils – Bring 20 to the event [Meltem]

o  Snacks – think of ideas! [all]; get ball-park figure for cupcakes [Meltem]

o  Paper form for activity (see item 4 of agenda) [Natalie/Andrea]

Agenda for Open House

  1. Summary of IT Strategic Plan to date [Dave/Andrea]
  2. Walk through Strategy Map [Dave/Andrea]
  3. Activity for audience – Open up floor for feedback on Strategy Map
  4. Example of early findings, identifying sample “things to do” because of gaps, strengths to build upon, risk areas, etc. (These will be identified by the Task Force in a workshop. [Andrea])
  5. Activity for audience – exercise on the prioritization process
  6. What should be the criteria for selecting priorities in the strategic objectives and in a large set of desired outcomes? Remember, this is an IT Community/University-wide strategic plan! Work in a group of ~6 in your row or behind you.
    Here are answers we might expect … we will let the audience come up with their own before revealing these. We will remind them of the Strategy Map and the strategic objectives.
  7. Are there mandatory changes/priorities - from the Ont Government, the uW President/Provost, audit or other "edicts"? These would be the highest priority.
  8. MCR results (6 pillars, 3 key goals and 5 enabling goals, 3 SMA activities, 5 Life cycle projects)
  9. What provides the best potential "bang for the buck" to the widest number stakeholder types at the university? These would seem the second highest priority area.
  10. Which provide new opportunities, e.g., new trend in technology that could be beneficial, new governance to manage IT better, show IT leadership, etc.?
  11. What provides unique opportunities/issues to resolve, e.g., a faculty-specific or a specialized set of initiatives? These would tend to be the lowest priority for the University-wide strategy.
  12. Work in groups of ~6 along your row, or behind you, to come up with the top 5 things to do, that is, the top priorities, and why. Are the “things to do” Policy/Standards, Governance, Initiatives?
  13. Hand out forms for this exercise
  14. Have groups report their findings and reasons
  15. Collect forms
  16. Summary of next steps (identifying initiatives, prioritization, identifying how to measure progress, writing report, refining report with input, etc.)

Promotion – Natalie/Pat

Send as invitation from Dave and Andrea.

·  Bulletin (Wednesday or Thursday of week of Nov. 26th, reminder on Monday Dec. 3rd) [Natalie]

·  Imprint (Article coming for Friday Nov. 23rd, maybe ad on 30th) [Natalie]

·  Send notice to all governance groups [Andrea]

·  Send notice to various mailing lists [Pat/Natalie]