
Per.____ Date ______

ABSENT Make-up Lab: Article Analysis


1. Your article must be on the topics directly related to the current lab you are replacing. Refer to the problems and science standards in the lab, when deciding which article to choose.

2. It must be a current event article, at least a full page in length, and not a summery, no encyclopedia type articles. No Wikipedia. Get my approval before completing form.

3. Do not cut and paste anything into your analysis from the article. This is considered plagiarism.

4. Attach the original article or a photocopy/print out of the article behind the analysis.

5. Complete your analysis in the format shown below.

6. Once you complete the article analysis correctly, you will receive an “NA” for your lab grade. This means that the lab does not count against your grade. It will replace your zero and your overall grade should improve.

Lab to be Replaced
& Date(s) your were absent
Science Standard that Article Covers (copy directly from my science standards webpage)
Explain how your article addresses science standards of the lab you are replacing
Title of Article
Author (of the article)
Date of Article
Source (specific cite/ place your found the article)
Summary of the Article
Answer the 5 questions below. Write in complete sentences. Give as much detail as possible.
Choose 5 words from the article that are new to you. Highlight the words on the article. Write the words and definitions as they are used in the article. If there are no new words in the article, pick 5 words that are scientific and very important to the article.
New Vocabulary Words Definition
Opinion and Personal Reaction
Five or more sentences on your opinion of the article content. Is there any information you found especially interesting and why? If it is a controversial topic, did you agree or disagree? How is this article important to our world? Is there additional information that you think should have been included in the article? Do you have any additional questions? Make sure your answer is well thought out and in complete sentences.