Pioneer Fire Protection District’s Monthly Fire Chief Report

Date of Report: June 1st, 2015

Part-I.) Emergency Calls Categorized: May Year to Date

Medical Aids & Motor Vehicle Accidents: / 33 / 133
Other Fires (Vehicle Fires, mutual aid fires and misc) / 6 / 24
Vegetation Fires: / 2 / 6
Structure Fires (Commercial & Residential): / 1 / 2
Public Service Assist/Other (FI, FA’s & Emerg Standbys): / 49 / 183
HazMat Incidents & Fire Menace Standbys (*FMS): / 0 / 2
Run Totals: / 91 / 350

*Run totals do not reflect calls ran outside of Pioneer Fire District*

Part-II.) Special Note:

I have sent each employee a preliminary summary of the accident involving Squad 35, I have yet to receive all the information from CHP. An updated report will be available for July if any additional information is needed.

Part-III.) Personnel:

All shifts and crews attended a multi company river rescue drill at the Lotus Park this last month. The drill went very well, all crews received refresher swift water rescue training. The El Dorado County Training Officers did a great job. The shifts are all attending a live fire wild land drill at the Bachi Ranch this week.

We are also auditing required training for all staff, this includes physicals, physical agility testing and driver operator evaluations. We have hired one Reserve Firefighter and are actively recruiting to fill the two open spots. The current staff are working some extra shifts to keep station 31 staffed as much as possible.

Firefighter Paramedic Isaac English successfully completed his 12 month probation in May, we congratulate him on his accomplishments.

I completed my state certified fire officer certification in May and am awaiting the certificate from the State Fire Marshalls Office.

Part-IV.) Buildings & Grounds:

The parking lot at station 38 will be getting resealed this month and we are going to attempt adding additional lighting to the front parking lot for safety. These projects are subject to cost and staff time.

Part-V.) Fire Apparatus:

We are awaiting to hear from the insurance adjusters on Squad 35, I have asked Director Wood to take the lead on the adjuster portion as he is a subject matter expert in this area. Both Allen and I will work with the insurance company and report any action required to the board.

Part-VI.) El Dorado County Fire Chief’s Association & County JPA:

The local Forest Service Unit Chief reported that the Forest Service will not be sending their engines to medical aids, they have stated this is not in their mission. This is unchanged from last year, as always, Pioneer crews will respond to all calls for service within district boundaries. There was no JPA meeting in May, only a Chiefs meeting.

Part-VII.) Miscellaneous:

·  We are still waiting to hear from PERS, the process has been expedited and we expect to hear from them any day.

·  The auditors will be at station 38 the first week of June and we should have the audit complete this month.

·  All comprehensive physicals for line staff will be complete this month.

·  All staff training for red cards has been complete, these cards are required for out of area response to wild land fires.

·  I will be out of town from June 4th to June 11th, Captain Selig will be in charge until my return.