Employer: Inverness Badenoch and Strathspey Citizens Advice Bureau

Responsibleto:Bureau DeputyManager

Working Hours:21hrs per week

Office Base:Raigmore Hospital or Inverness City Centre with regular visits to Aviemore and Nairn


The Patient Rights (Scotland)Actwas passedin February2011.TheActcreated the Patient Advice andSupport Service(PASS) topromoteawareness ofpatient rights and responsibilities,andprovide advice andsupport to thosewishingtogive feedbackor comments, or raiseconcernsor complaints aboutNHScare received.

Purposeof the Post:

Patient Adviserswork with the Citizens Advice bureau/xin theirlocal health boardarea.ThePatient Adviserprovides advice and informationto clients who wish togive feedbackor comments,or raiseconcernsor complaints to the NHS, support bureauxvolunteers, producequarterlystatistical reports, carryout marketing and liaisewith external organisations. They also provide advice on any issue that may be impacting on a patient’s health.

Main Responsibilities

Adviceand Information

ThePatient Adviserwill provideinformation, adviceand support

  • aboutthe services thatthePASS provides
  • and,where appropriate, representationservicesfor clients wishingtomake complaints, raise concerns or give feedbackwhere the case is technically complexand/or requires a high level ofsupport.
  • and,where appropriate, direct clients to
  • other reliablesources ofadvice and support
  • organisationsprovidingrepresentationand advocacyservices
  • aboutthe rights and responsibilities ofpatients(notablytheforthcoming Charter of Patient Rights and Responsibilities)
  • andmaintainexpertisein relevant legislation/guidancee.g. NHS, welfare rightsin order todoso.
  • provide an advice and casework service to persons accessing the PASS service who have an issue that may be impacting on their health

Supporting BureauxAdvisers

Providetrainingandsupportto,or supportbureautrainersto trainbureaux advisers/volunteers to

  • gainanawarenessand understanding of therights and responsibilities of NHSpatientsandpromote thesetoclients
  • deliver information andadvice toassist clientstogive feedback or comments, or raise concernsor complaints tothe NHS


  • Maintaindetailed statistics ofindividual casestoproducequarterlystatistical reportsfor HealthConcerns and ClientProfilesfor
  • the local NHS Board
  • Citizens AdviceScotland (CAS)
  • Providecase studies for 5-10% ofcases to indicatetrends, issues, departments,staff groups,etcfor thelocal HealthBoard.


Publicise thepatient advice and support service toensure clients, health professionalsandhealthcareprovidersaremade aware of andknowhowto access the service by

  • Developinganddeliveringa marketingstrategyin collaboration with CAS and the local healthboard,including
  • distributionofrelevantmarketingmaterial tolocal CAB offices, theNHS andappropriatelocalorganisations
  • attendanceat relevantlocal events, conferences and seminars
  • liaison with local newspapers and radiotoadvertise and raise

awareness of theservice

  • attendanceatmeetings andtrainingsessionswith NHS colleagues to promotethePASS
  • promotion ofPASSonCAB websites, whereappropriate
  • Workingwith NHS colleagues to developandimplement local marketing strategies tocomplement those organised nationally.
  • Provideinputand casestudiesas requestedbyCASfor pressarticles, consultation responses, etc


  • Establish (ormaintain)anddevelopgood working relationships with local
  • statutoryorganisations
  • voluntaryorganisations andcommunitygroups.
  • Attendlocal meetings to representthebureauin relationtothe PASS

Other dutiesand responsibilities

  • Ensurethat allwork conformstotheBureau’spolicies andprocedures
  • Attend team/staff meetings as required
  • Abidebyhealth and safetyguidelines and share responsibilityfor own safety andthat of colleagues
  • Carryout otherduties,as specified bythe Manager and required bythe demands of the service

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Person Specification- PatientAdviser

Experience /
  • Preparationandpresentation
  • Experience of conducting negotiations ina non- confrontationalmanner
  • Writingformal lettersand preparingreports, plans and proposals
  • Experience in givingadvice on arange of subjectsto members ofthepublic
  • Experience in working
  • Experience of delivering trainingsessions
  • Experience of delivering presentations

Skills and attributes /
  • Abilityto communicateand
establishgood relationships with arange of people.
  • Abilityto workwithoutclose supervision, prioritise own work and meetdeadlines
  • Abilityto deal with difficult situations in acalm, effective non-confrontationalmanner
  • Abilityto communicate effectively, bothorallyand in writing
  • Abilityto network with other groups within the community
  • Abilityto navigate, work within and adheretoa defined procedure (iethe NHS (& Social Service) Complaints procedure)
  • Abilitytogather and accuratelyrecord statistics
  • Abilityto represent the
  • Abilityto work as partof a teamand on own initiative
  • Understandingof the needs of people who maybe vulnerable, distressedor under stress
  • Abilityto promotethe service to different groups of people,eg NHS staff, voluntary groups and the public

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Knowledge /
  • A workingknowledge of
email,theinternet, Microsoft software andin particularof inputtingand retrieving data fromExcel. /
  • Knowledge ofNHS
organisations,medical terminology& procedures
  • Knowledge oflocal voluntaryorganisations
  • An understandingof howlife circumstances can impactona person’shealth & well- being
  • A knowledge ofwelfare benefits

Values and
attitudes /
  • An understandingand
commitmenttotheaims and principles of the CABservice andtothepolicies and procedures of the Bureau.
Other /
  • A willingness toidentifyand
undertakerelevant training
  • Abilitytowork flexibly and to travel toavarietyof locations within the area andcarryout home visits, asrequired

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