How Do Online Recommendations Work? / Page 1

How Do Online Recommendations Work?

The purpose of this document is to provide a view into the Online Recommendations—boththe process and the screens that the Applicant, the Recommendation Provider, and you will see.

The Recommendation process has three stages.

  1. Applicant enters contact information for the Recommendation Provider
  2. Recommendation Providercompletes the online recommendation
  3. The recommendation can be viewed as part of the application.

STAGE 1 Applicant enters contact information for the Recommendation Provider

Applicant Recommendations Overview Page

After the Applicant has submitted the Graduate College portion of the application, they will see the program requirements page link (in this case it is Educational Technology-EdD. That page will include instructions for obtaining recommendations, or note that none are needed. They are asked to click the Recommendations link, which opens this Overview page.

Applicant Recommendation User Instructions page

Click +ADD A PROVIDER to bring up the next page.

Applicant Enter/Edit Recommendation Provider Page

In addition to contact and relationship information for the Recommendation Provider, the applicant marks whether they wish to waive their right to view this recommendation. The applicant may also enter a personal message to the recommender.

Click Save to bring up the next page.

Applicant Recommendation User Instructions page – Updated with Provider

Once a Recommendation Provider is created, the applicant can log back in to the online application and check on the status of each recommendation request.

If necessary, the applicant can proceed to the Recommendations screen to edit the contact information, resend the request email, and even delete the recommendation request and create a replacement. A Note is included with instructions in case a recommendation provider prefers to mail a paper version of the recommendation.

Email Sent to Recommendation Provider

Immediately upon creating the contact information, the system sends an email to the recommendation provider. The email includes information about the applicant, and their waiver of the right to review, as well as the personal note from the applicant.

Click Create your password and start your Recommendationlink to bring up the next page.

STAGE 2 Recommendation Provider completes the online recommendation

Recommendation Provider Login Page (Create Password)

The first page the recommender sees asks them to enter a password that they could use to renter the recommendation if it is needed.

Click Submit to bring up the next page.

Recommendation ProviderGet Started Page

Recommendation ProviderName and Contact Information Page

Information is transferred in to these fields from the applicant-entered contact information.

Click Next to bring up the next page.

Recommendation Upload Page

This is the heart of the recommendation. The Recommendation Provider uses the Upload Document button to attach the Recommendation Letter or Form. In addition, the Recommendation Provider is asked to check if the applicant’s program has special instructions regarding the form or content of the recommendation. Each program is linked to a separate Recommendation Special Instructions page with this information.

Click Next to bring up the next page.

Recommendation Special Instructions page

This page includes special instructions for 20 programs. In most cases, such as Art Education, the instruction directs the Recommendation Provider to address certain topics in their Recommendation Letter. In a few cases, such as the Online MBA, there is a Recommendation Form for the Recommendation Provider to download, fill out, then return to upload on the Recommendation Upload Page.

Click here to review the special instructions.

Close this page or tab to return to the Recommendation Upload page.

Summary Questions page

This page asks all candidates a short set of summary questions about their qualities, and endorsement, plus an optional open ended comments question. Some programs do not require a recommendation letter, and rely on these brief questions instead.

Click Next to bring up the next page.

Summary Questions page

The Recommendation Provider may obtain a PDF of their entire recommendation.

Click Submit to complete the recommendation.

STAGE 3 The recommendation can be viewed as part of the application

As a program, when you access WebCenter, you will run a search on applicants to your program. But selecting the applicants and the Action of “Print Applications” you can retrieve the recommendation in the PDF with all of the other information for the application.

Recommendation PDF

The Recommendation PDF includes a summary of the Recommendation Provider entered information. Also, if a letter was uploaded, that will be automatically added to the PDF. Recommendation Providers may generate this PDF for themselves. In addition, the Program will generate this Recommendation PDF as a part of the PROGRAM PAR PDF, within applicant’s record.