November 9th 2017

Apologies: Noeleen Maloney PetrinaMills AnnShaw Charlotte Maguire

Chairperson, Sally Ann, welcomed everyone to the meeting. She expressed sympathies to Tracey O Fiach on the death of her mother.

Sally-Ann read the secretary’s minutes as Tracy Johnston was delayed. They were read and adopted.

Matters arising:

Text messages. It is estimated that the amount to send text messages is approximately e600 per month and so this is not feasible.

The next Pt meeting is for 5th years on Dec 7th Tracey O Fiach and Mary O Reilly will man the PAC table. A text message for voluntary contributions will go out with the Pt meeting reminders.

The awards night was very successful.

Shauna McCauley was the winner of the uniform draw.

The Music dept asked for 25 recorders costing e250 and this was agreed.

Another after study microwave was requested and this too was agreed. Tracey O Fiach will purchase one.

Also funding of e5 per student for the Cat 4 examinations resource was agreed.

Treasurers Report:

Tracy delivered the report to the committee.

Principals Report:

Ms Bell delivered her report.

Funding Requests: The PE dept have asked for funding for any or all of these;

300 for a Uni Hoc set, 750 for hockey sticks, 45 for down lines, 120 for tag rugby belts

The committee agreed to fund the hockey sticks for now and will get back to them on the other items.

The Home Economics dept have requested e500 for pvc aprons and kitchen equipment. This was agreed to.


Suggestions for speakers were; Shauna.ie who does student focused workshops and talks regarding living with people with mental health issues.

JohnLonergan. Although he has been in Mullingar before.

Any other suggestions were welcomed. We will ask Ms Hyland for her suggestions also.



Orla Tracey works as a nun in South Sudan; she was in Ireland recently and spoke about her work in her school there. A fundraiser for this project would be hugely beneficial and interesting to the PAC.

Music Concert. Sally Ann proposed we have another music concert/spring concert. It took place after the practical exams the last time and it was agreed that this would be suitable again. The choir, orchestra and piano players could collaborate.

The Raffle: This is a great fundraiser, earning e800 approx last year and we should go ahead with it again.

Cooking Demo; Mary suggested we organize a cookery demo asking a ‘big name’ to participate. Tracy j will contact The Allens and the’ Happy Pears’ to start and we will hope to consider this further after Christmas.

The next meeting is on December 7th 2017 at 7.30