Sample SiLC Exam Paper

Candidates are reminded that instructions on answering the questions are provided in the [SILC guide to registration] and that further information and guidance to assist in completion of the LCR is provided on the web site.

Question A

You are employed by an organisation that owns a site in Solihull. You have obtained a number of earlier reports and other data about the site (enclosed). Prepare a Land Condition Record (LCR) using this information.

Please use the following referencing system when completing the LCR:

LCR reference number: SiLC [candidate number]

Current land reference number: 1234

Project reference number: 112099

To assist in completion of the LCR, the boundary coordinates & centroid reference of the site can be taken as:

Boundary coordinates: SP; 1535 8090; 1535 8080; 1545 8075; 1550 8095; 1542 8095; 1542 8090

OS references of centroid: SP 1540 8088

Question B1

The site, which is located in south Birmingham, is to be redeveloped as a major sports venue with stadium and practice tracks and pitches. What type of remediation might be appropriate and why? What additional information would be needed to develop a site specific working plan and at what stage in the process would this be relevant?

Note to candidates: The answer should demonstrate awareness of remediation options and their evaluation, and the process of obtaining approval for remediation of a site. Candidates are also advised to give referencesfor any information or guidance to which they refer in their answer.

1000 words (excluding references)

Question B2

After completing the LCR in Question 1, you are given a copy of a site investigation report prepared by a consultant working for a potential site purchaser. This report is based on the Model Procedures for the Management of Land Contamination published by the Environment Agency (EA) and Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) (2004). What additional information might be available in this report, and how would you include it in the LCR?

Note to candidates: The answer should demonstrate an understanding of the principles of LCR compilation, as well as giving a clear description of where and what changes might be made.

A good answer will also include some background context relevant to the question.

1000 words (excluding references)