
4th 9 weeks artist choice

Assignment 1DrawingDueMonday, March 30th Points: 300

Choose a subject that is in motion – you can draw it from life, or take a picture and draw from the photograph. Your drawing should be all in pencil, and should fill your page. Your background should be subtle, the person or animal in the picture should be the main focus. Start with a light gesture drawing and build up from that. Your picture should be shaded completely and include a full range of values.

Assignment 2PaintingDueWednesday April 8thPoints: 300

On a canvas board at least 11” X 14” redraw your original drawing. Paint it using bold earth tones - colors should be realistic, but do not necessarily have to match the original colors of your subject. Pay careful attention to how the light hits your object. Mix colors carefully and sparingly. You may want to purchase your own palette with a lid for this assignment to save your colors. Please remember to be responsible and clean up your own mess.

Assignment 3ClayDueFriday, April 17thPoints: 300

Create a clay model of your subject. It does not have to be in the same pose, but it should be the same subject. For example, if your first drawing was of a person batting, this subject should also be of a baseball player. Think carefully about how your sculpture looks from ALL sides. Your sculpture should look like it is in motion.

Assignment 4Chalk pastelsDueFriday, May 15thPoints: 300

Create a new drawing of a new subject on 18” x 24” paper. Start with a light gesture drawing filling the page. Do not shade with your pencil. Once you have an outline of your subject and background add pastels for color. Blend directly on the page. Use bolder colors for your subject, let your background recede with more neutral colors. You may want to work outdoors for this project as chalk pastels are very messy.


Sketch Book Assignments

People StudyDue: March 30th

Do 20 – 30 gesture drawings of people around you. These should be quick drawings in pencil or pen, taking approximately 30 seconds each. Remember that the idea is to capture the position and movement of your subject. Draw the head, spine, and limbs first, then add details as time permits.

Animal StudyDue: April 13th

Do 20 – 30 gesture drawings of animals around you. These should be quick drawings in pencil or pen, taking approximately 30 seconds each. Remember that the idea is to capture the position and movement of your subject. Draw the head, spine, and limbs first, then add details as time permits.

ResearchDue: April 27th

Look up a painting by Degas. Tell me the Title, size, and medium of the work. Then write a paragraph describing the artwork and telling me how your current work mirrors Degas’.

Choice DrawingDue: May 4th

You may choose to draw whatever you wish in your sketchbook. Drawings (or collages) should fill the page and be either colored or shaded completely!