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E10 Per:

Persepolis the Film Viewing Questions

1. Why are some parts of the film in color? What do the black and white parts signify to the viewer? What is Satrapi trying to do symbolically?

2. Record three differences you noticed, either things left out or changes made.




3. Pick one of the differences from above. Do you agree with the change? Why do you think Satrapi would make this change?

4. Where does she first live in Vienna? After several moves, where does she end up living?

5. How does Marji make friends? What does she learn from her new friends?

6. Why does she struggle to fit in and enjoy her time in Vienna?

7. What happens at the party? Why does she leave? Who “visits” her? Is she taking this person’s advice? Explain.

8. What are some of the ugly stereotypes about Iranians?

9. Who’s Fernando? Why doesn’t it work out?

10. Who’s Markus? How does love change her? How does she re-imagine Markus after the breakup?

11. After surviving a war and oppressive regime, what is it that nearly kills Marji?

12. How long do her parents go without hearing from her?

13. What does Marji make her parents promise not to do if she moves back to Iran?

14. What does Marji learn about the war from her father?

15. Explain what Marji means when she says she felt like a stranger in Vienna, and now she feels like a stranger in Iran.

16. Marji goes to see a therapist. What’s her diagnosis?

17. Who visits her after the diagnosis? What does this person tell her? What happens after the conversation?

18. What’s ridiculous about her figure drawing and art history classes?

19. Marji has another encounter with the Guardians of the Revolution. How does she avoid being punished for wearing makeup? How does her grandmother respond to the news?

20. Why does Marji get married? How does her mother react to her marriage? Why?

21. What does Marji’s grandmother say about marriage? What does Marji’s grandmother think is the real reason Marji’s upset?

22. What happens to Nima?

23. Why does Marji decide to go to France? What three things does she do before she leaves?

24. What is Marji’s mom’s message for her at the airport?

25. How does the film end? Why do you think Satrapi decided to close with this flashback?