Trinity News

(Friday 24th January 2014)

Message from the Headteacher.

It has been another busy week at school with lots of activities taking place. We have a new calendar on our website which will have up to date information about events. This information is also on the app. Have a look and see what there we are doing!

We are really pleased with the response to the consultation about the after-school club. It has been so positively received already that I am delighted to be able to let you know that we are aiming to start the club after half-term. Initially this will be a trial but hopefully a permanent fixture like the breakfast club. Further information will follow next week.

As usual, please contact us if you have any queries or concerns.

Sarah Chaloner

World Book Day Dressing Up!

We have had to change the date of the ‘dressing up’ day to Thursday 6th March which is the actual World Book Day. The theme we have chosen is Heroes and Villains to give all the children inspiration for their outfits!! If you are around school on that day you may even see the staff dressed up too!!

Reading Projects.

We are launching the ‘Read for My School’ project with KS2 next week. This was a project which we linked to for extending children’s reading in Year 5 and 6 last year. This year they have extended it to all of KS2. There is also a similar project for younger children (3-8 year olds) called the ‘Mr Men and Little Miss Reading Adventure’. Further information will follow about both of these.

No Nut Policy.

Please can you remember that the school has a strict no nut policy for packed lunches/snacks as well as school lunches. This is due to the number of children with nut allergies and the risk to them of anaphylactic shock. We have noticed that some children are now bringing sandwiches with chocolate and nut spread in them. Please ensure you do not send this into school as it does contain nuts and is a potential hazard for those children with allergies.

Chinese New Year Theme Lunch.

To celebrate the start of the Chinese New Year we will be offering a Chinese menu to children on Monday 3rd February. They will be able to choose from delicious Sticky Chinese Boneless Ribs with Rice or a tasty Quorn Chow Mein with Stir Fry Vegetables. Packed lunch option of Tuna Pasta Salad will still be available.

Special Mentions

Week ending / Week ending
Year 1:
Year 2:
Year 3:
Year 4:
Year 5:
Year 6:

Best attendance for week beginning

Best attendance for week beginning