August 23, 2007

The Business Advisory Council Meeting was held on August 22, 2007 at 8:00 a.m. at Hatboro-Horsham High School. The following people were in attendance:

Joe DeBelle Lathian Systems

Carol DeBunda Penn State Abington

Donna Doherty Hatboro-Horsham

Sue Fox Hatboro-Horsham

Barbara Hagerty Penn-Delco

Carol Miller Hatboro-Horsham

Ted Mulroy Hatboro-Horsham

Stephanie Shaeffer Abinton Memorial

David Shinton Hatboro-Horsham

Dave Sowers Hatboro-Horsham

Alice Stahl Hatboro-Horsham

Dick Weisgrau Suburban Chamber

Welcome to Participants/Introductions

Carol Miller initiated the meeting after breakfast at 8:20 a.m. by welcoming those attending and thanking everyone for their participation. Each of the attendees introduced themselves and the organization that they represented.

Updates from Previous Meetings

Carol Miller indicated that since the last meeting, Business Education currently has a bill House Number #1712—published in detail through the PBEA website: http://www.pbea.info/documents/HB%201712.pdf . This was a focus of the last Business Advisory Meeting and appears to be moving along successfully. Carol Miller asked for everyone to encourage their local representative to vote on behalf of this bill.

New Courses

Each course was introduced and explained. Sue Fox went into detail regarding the Seminar and Internship curriculum and reported to the business representatives that they should be in touch with Janet DiCenzo from the Montgomery County Workforce Board. She has information regarding programs available to businesses for their involvement with affiliated work study programs. In addition, Sue reported that she was involved and received $40,000 for the 720 Grant from Pennsylvania for the next three years. Dave Sowers indicated that he wanted to extend the existing Entrepreneurship ½ credit course and show students how to develop themselves as business owner/operators. He’s excited to teach this new course and develop curriculum. Ted Mulroy vocalized his excitement for the new Introduction to Business course. It gives the students an overview of what offerings they may chose later on and gets them acclimated into the high school. Carol Miller asked the representatives about the MOUS certification and what version of Microsoft they recommend. Dick stated that he wasn’t certain of the certification. Carol DeBunda mentioned that she would look into Penn State and find out that information. Carol DeBunda in a voice mail message did indicate that Penn State does offer credit under certain situations and documentation regarding this will be forwarded to Carol Miller. Dick and Joe mentioned that they had heard about numerous problems with Vista and 2007 operating system. Donna had clarified that we were more concerned with Office 2007, not the operating system. Dick and Joe both indicated that it would be helpful for students to have updated information, but that they would be pleased with students having knowledge of the software package and then being able to train them on specifics within their company. Even more important is the exposure to both Mac and PC’s. With the involvement in the C4F program, educators stated that Hatboro-Horsham students are definitely exposed to both. Dick went further to say that he would be happier with an applicant that could communicate well rather then have a strong technology background.

Items from Participants

Carol Miller asked the representatives outside of the district how they felt about the communication they are seeing. Dick stated that he had difficulty in the e-mail communication that he sees. Carol DeBunda commented on one individual that she phoned who had a music voicemail that she felt was unprofessional. Barb indicated that she felt that instruction should begin at a younger age explaining the difference between informal communication between peers and formal communication with professionals. Everyone agreed that it has become a problem and Dick indicated he almost sees a generation situation that is progressing in the workplace. Not certain what a solution is—but all agree that reinforcing this message is important.

Alice indicated the importance of supervisors and teachers role modeling this behavior. Joe reinforced this with the importance of not just conveying the message, but being passionate about it. The conversation progressed into some of the misuses of PowerPoint. Communication during presentations is equally important. Professionalism is expected. Students coming in and gentlemen assuming it is OK to take off their jacket and loosen their tie and shirt in a professional situation is not OK. Students need to understand the importance of conveying a message over a brief period of time. PowerPoint should not be the entire message, but merely the topics. The presenter should be able to expand and instruct beyond this. Dave Shinton mentioned how he recalls being able to give a sixty second commercial about yourself during an interview. All agreed that this is important. Sue Fox mentioned that much of this is covered in the Seminar course currently taught and that students are making some of their initial contacts through shadowing and interning experiences.

Joe said that students should be taught “Team Work”. Most employers are asked to leave due to not being able to work with others. After the meeting, Barbara had mentioned the importance of conducting “team building” activities within the classroom to foster this concept. In addition to Teamwork, Dick stated that supervisors want information in a team environment and presented in a concise method. Reports should not be more then one-page.

In order to keep to the agenda time period, Carol Miller asked if focus on the last two items could be addressed. She mentioned a feature on ABC news with Lisa Thomas about “Helicopter Parents” which addressed the topic of students being able to figure out things on their own. Stephanie remarked that she sees this often with volunteers at the hospital, particularly those seeking experience leading to pre-med. Many parents phone on behalf of their students and she says it’s the same message that the hospital conveys explaining that the request has to come from the individual doing the experience. Carol DeBunda indicated that she sees it as well and it has truly become an issue. Dick stated that the last item he feels is the most important and one that he speaks often about in seminars and as a consultant: the art of negotiating. Students should understand what their needs are as well as the needs of the other party and move from this point.

Carol Miller noted that time was important for everyone and that she hopes all will continue to be involved with Hatboro-Horsham School District and our students. She thanked everyone for their valuable input and for attending this morning.

The meeting adjourned at 10:00 a.m.

Bus. Adv. 11/07/06 Page 3