• When your body adapts to your exercise load, you should INCREASE the load slightly
  • Three stages of a safe exercise program are: warm-up and stretch, workout, and cool-down and stretch
  • Physical activity done in short, fast bursts is anaerobic
  • The best way to lose body fat is to use diet and exercise
  • In an exercise program, you should follow the principal of progression, which states that you should OVERLOAD gradually
  • Resistance training primarily builds strength and muscular endurance
  • The ability to change the position of your body and to control the movement of your body is called coordination
  • Circuit training includes 10-20 exercise stations
  • A group of repetitions is a SET
  • The acronym F.I.T.T. (FITT PRINCIPLE) , as it refers to fitness, stands for FREQUENCY, INTENSITY, TIME, TYPE
  • Hand-eye coordination is most important in hitting a softball or baseball versus any other activity involving your lower body
  • Jogging on the track is a form of cardiovascular training
  • The 4 physical fitness tests we tested on were: pushups; curlups; 800 yard run; standing broad jump
  • In order to receive maximum points in the pushup test as student must complete: Boys- 45 Girls – 25
  • The pushup test measures upper body strength
  • The half mile run should provide you with an idea where you are regarding your cardiovascular fitness level
  • Situps are a great way to improve your core strength
  • When doing curlups it’s a good idea to have your partner hold your feet in place


  • To set a volleyball properly, a player should use the fingertips
  • In the underhand volleyball serve, these are all good techniques:

Transfer the weight from the back foot to the front foot/ Hold the ball in the non-dominant hand, across and in front of the body/ Contact the ball with the heel of the hand

  • Keeping the forearms, wrists, and elbows straight is a good technique in bumping volleyball
  • In setting a volleyball, you should flex the knees and elbows prior to the hit
  • A sequence of bump, set, spike/ Pass the ball to the setter in the middle position/ Use the spike whenever possible, are all good offensive strategies in volleyball



Defending: Everyone can be defensive players, so they want to prevent the other team from scoring, and maintain non-contact basketball-style defense. The official handball rules do allow some body contact, but it is not recommended for beginning players.

Attacking: The attacking player’s task is to find a way over around or through the defensive players. This is done by using strategies similar to those for basketball, incorporating the concepts of the “give and go”, screen, pick and roll, and overload. The offense may run set plays, but a freewheeling style usually dominates.

Possession Players: Each team or teacher will decide the opposing team’s possession. This player must touch the ball (with full possession, no hitting or slapping of the ball) before the team can score. A pass and catch must occur before the possession player can distribute the ball.

Goalies: These are the lone defenders whose main responsibility is to defend the goal. (They can use their hands to defend the goal and can only move around the crease; can leave crease if passed to by teammate, but must retreat back to goal once play is over)


3-3-3 Rule: A player is allowed 3 steps with the ball before or after dribbling, but while stationary may hold the ball for only 3 seconds.

Shooting/ Scoring: A player can score by using two hands- no bounce before entering the goal (without the player entering the crease) or using one hand– bounce before entering the goal (without the player entering the crease).

Throw-ins: If the ball goes out of bounds by one team, the closest player to the ball on the other team must throw it in using two hands and throw the ball over their heads. If the player uses one hand they will lose possession of the ball (must keep feet on the ground as well).

Staying outside of goalie crease: Each player must make sure he/stays outside of goalie creases’ on same team or opposing; can never enter unless your team’s goalie is not present in the crease.


  • NAVIANCE is the internet program is used at MTHS to help you prepare for and apply to colleges
  • Overall, the initial goal in Freshman Seminar is to create a sense of community
  • The best, most effective, mature way to solve a problem “Work it out” with no aggression while using a problem solving approach
  • To reduce stress you should: Take a break from whatever is causing you stress, Talk things out , Exercise regularly  you should not procrastinate the work you have to do – it will only cause more stress
  • Social Awareness, Self-Awareness, Self-Management, Relationship Skills, and Responsible Decision Making are the five areas of emotionalintelligence that we learned and worked on this year throughout Freshman Seminar.
  • Empathy means recognizing how another person is feeling, taking that persons perspective and feeling what that person feels.
  • People experience the same range of emotions, but differ in the frequency of which the emotion occurs.
  • You can feel multiple emotions at once.
  • In dealing with a negative emotion it is best to find a positive outlet and talk about your feelings in order to constructively deal with negative situations.
  • Having an alternative thought instead of a negative automatic thought can help make a negative situation become more logical, realistic, and could help in having a more positive outcome in different scenarios.

Pig Ball

  • A player must serve from behind the foul line and all serves must be underhand.
  • The walls of the gymnasium are in play during a volley.
  • Each team has 3 hits on their side before the ball must clear the center line.
  • If a team hits the ball into the basketball hoop, then that team automatically wins.
  • A team must win by at least 2 points to end the game of Pig Ball.
  • The ceiling is out of play.
  • The ball can be played on a bounce and is not dead until it bounces twice on one side.
  • The ball is not allowed to be spiked with a closed fist when inside the red lines.


  • It is necessary to apply resistance to the flywheel (bike) while performing sprints.
  • Hand position 2 is used for seated flats and seated climbing.
  • Hand position 3 is used for standing climbing.
  • The cadence range you should use for sprints on a hill is 60-80 rpm.
  • A properly adjusted seat height will produce an almost 180 degree bend in the knee at the bottom of the pedal stroke.
  • The toe strap should fit tightly around the foot.
  • When adjusting the handle bars you should keep them even and/or slightly higher than the seat.
  • When standing next to the bike, you should adjust the seat level to around your hip.


  • The serve must be over the net, over the no-volley zone and diagonal.
  • Only the serving team may score a point.
  • Each team must play its first hit off of the bounce.
  • The Double Bounce Rule means that the must bounce twice (once on each side) before volleys can occur in a game.
  • Hitting the ball before it bounces is called a volley.
  • The serve must be hit underhand.
  • The non-volley zone extends back 7 feet on each side of the net.