for Thoughtful and Purposeful Instructional Planning

Purpose of this Tool: To provide a focus on standards based instruction when developing a unit. This tool also provides an overview of the components of Differentiated Instruction and B.E.S.T. to be considered when planning instruction.

Unit: Cycles of Matter

Stage 1: Priority Standards within this unit
(HINT: these will be 1-2 standards that have the greatest endurance)
SC.8.L.18.1 – Describe and investigate the process of photosynthesis…
SC.8.L18.2 – Describe and investigate how cellular respiration breaks down food to provide energy and releases carbon dioxide.
SC.8.L.18.3 – Construct a scientific model of the carbon cycle…
SC.8.L.18.4 – Cite evidence that living systems follow the Laws of Conservation of Mass and Energy.
Learning Goals (Help the student and teacher understand the goal/intent of the standard. Learning goals sometimes break the priority goal into smaller chunks.)
Photosynthesis and cellular respiration are connected processes that form the carbon cycle.
·  Photosynthesis utilizes light, water, and carbon dioxide to produce food for plants, while releasing oxygen.
·  Cellular respiration utilizes oxygen to break down glucose in order to release energy. Carbon dioxide and water are byproducts of this.
·  Photosynthesis and cellular respiration are connected in the carbon cycle.
·  Matter is constantly cycled through the environment; it is never created nor destroyed, but changes forms frequently. / Do
·  Investigate the effects of various factors on photosynthesis, including light intensity, temperature, and the presence of carbon dioxide.
·  Investigate the connection between photosynthesis and cellular respiration.
·  Demonstrate the connection between photosynthesis and cellular respiration in a model of the carbon cycle.
Stage 2: Evidence/Assessments (pre-assessment, formative and summative):
Teacher questions
Cornell note summaries
Exit slips
Pot-lab discussions
Critical thinking and analysis lab questions
Making connections poster
Final summative unit test
Materials/Resources (text, media, digital, manipulatives): / Purpose(s):
computers / Accessing notes and completing virtual labs
Lab sheets / Student accountability, formative assessment
Exit slips / Formative assessments
Poster paper and coloring supplies / Creating carbon cycle poster, formative assessment
Unit test / Final summative assessment

Stage 3: Learning Plan (What learning activities are most appropriate for my students to engage in to master the priority standards throughout this unit?)

Q1: Why? Anticipatory Set / Ideas for Formative Assessment
ÿ  Video Clips:
ÿ  Story:
ÿ  Poem: / ÿ  Inspiration/motivation/quote
ÿ  Walk/field experience
ÿ  Essential question
ÿ  Other / ÿ  Thumbs up
ÿ  K-W-L
ÿ  Circle Map
ÿ  Bubble Map
ÿ  Double Bubble
ÿ  Think-Pair-Share
ÿ  2 Column Notes / ÿ  4-3-2-1 Scoring Scale
ÿ  Non-graded quiz
ÿ  Self reflection
ÿ  Peer reflection
ÿ  Exit Slip
ÿ  1 Sentence Summary
ÿ  Poster
ÿ  Questioning/Discussion
Essential Question:
How are photosynthesis and cellular respiration connected?
Webb’s Depth of Knowledge
Level 1- Recall
Level 2- Skill/Concept / Level 3- Strategic Thinking
Level 4- Extended Thinking
School-Identified Focus
Q2: Concepts for Whole Group and Small Group (I Do)
What will I model, demonstrate, explain, provide mini-lesson for, etc.?
Photosynthesis cornell notes
Cellular respiration cornell notes
Marzano’s Strategies
ÿ  Identifying Similarities and Differences
ÿ  Non-Linguistic Representations
ÿ  Setting Objectives and Providing Feedback
ÿ  Homework and Practice
ÿ  Generating and Testing Hypotheses
ÿ  Questions, Cues, and Advanced Organizers
ÿ  Summarizing and Note Taking
ÿ  Reinforcing Effort and Providing Recognition
Opportunities for Differentiation
(mark with ê)
Q3: Concepts for Whole Group and Small Group (We Do)
How will I provide guided practice, discussion opportunities, hands-on practice, etc.?
Photosynthesis virtual lab
Cellular Respiration virtual lab / Content
Product / scaffolding and enrichment
different ways to access or practice content
different ways to demonstrate learning
based on
ÿ  Readiness
ÿ  Interest
ÿ  Learning Profile
ESE Modifications
Q4: Independent Practice and Observable Tasks (You Do)
If students have knowledge and understanding, what will they practice, perform, or produce individually or in cooperative groups related to standards?
Exit slip and post-lab discussion following each lab
Carbon cycle poster following completion of both labs / ESOL Strategies
Gardener’s Intelligences
ÿ  Verbal-Linguistic
ÿ  Visual-Spatial
ÿ  Interpersonal
ÿ  Logical-Mathematical
ÿ  Bodily-Kinesthetic
ÿ  Musical
ÿ  Naturalist
ÿ  Intrapersonal / Notes