Everest and Fort Hill LCP meeting

Tuesday 20th September 2011 at 2pm

Venue – EverestCommunityAcademy

Present:Jamie Perfect –EverestCommunityAcademy and Chair

Christine Thresher – EverestCommunityAcademy

Steve Willis – Hampshire County Council

Jenny Turner – Behavioural Support Team

Helen Palmer – MertonJuniorSchool Alison Story-Scrivens – CastleHillInfant School

Steve Morrison – Wessex Youth Offending Team

Terri Davis – MarnelJuniorSchool

Bernadette Cole – MarnelInfant School

June Balcome – Basingstoke and Deane

Chris Clayton – Winklebury Federation of Infant and JuniorSchools

Roenna Thurbon – Basingstoke and North Hampshire Foundation Trust (School nurse)

Maureen Covacic – Basingstoke Voluntary Services (BVS)

Jane Black – Honeycomb Children’s Centre

Karen Van Dyk – Southern Health Foundation Trust

Mark Blackwell – Locality Team

Apologies:Lesley Lawson – FortHillCommunitySchool

Julie Rose – EverestCommunityAcademy

Larissa James – MertonInfant School

Alison Baron – MarnelJuniorSchool

Item / Person to Action / Date to action by
1 / Welcome and introductions
2 / Election of Chair and Vice Chair
JP advised that he would like to stand down as Chair but would be happy to be Vice Chair to support the newlyelected person.
CT was duly elected as Chair.
3 / Vote on proposed new Chair of the BACS group
Tim Bosci (Head of Neighbourhood Development at BDBC) has been proposed as the new Chair of the BACS group. There were no objections raised on this proposal.
4 / Funding and Commissioning report
An update of the latest Everest and Fort Hill LCP funding report was handed out. SW advised that the commissioning unit at HCC are currently working on the tendering information across the County and matching it to the specification of need. The result of this should be available late December/early January with a view to the successful tenders taking up the roles in the New Year.
Part of the LCP role is to quality assess the work commissioned. Each successful bidder will have assistance and guidance from a support worker.
5 / Basingstoke Voluntary Sector report
MC advised that BVS are currently interviewing for Personal Development Workers to fulfil the agreed 5.5 hours counselling service at Fort Hill land Everest. It is hoped these staff will be ready to start by November. Jaynie Lewis will be our contact person for this project.
Following the successful event in July a pro-forma was sent to all the voluntary/community groups that have shown an interest in providing a service. The pro-forma will establish what they have to offer and will help with the commissioning service.
JBe advised that there is a document on the BDBC website with information on some of these providers.
6 and 8
6.4 / Funding Routes/New Structure of Engagement
JP advised that the structure of our LCP would be broken down into 3 categories
  • 0-10 focus group.
  • Identifying key families group
  • 11-24 commissioning group
The aim of having these sub-groups is so that schools, partners and agencies can engage with and be part of the group that they have the most impact with. It is envisaged that meetings will not be too frequent but they will focus specifically on the target group and feed back to the LCP thereby cutting down the length and wide remit of each LCPmeeting.
Action all: To advise CT which sub-group they would like to be on
JP and CT will rewrite the action plan to take the above into account. SW has already done some work on this.
Action JP and CT
Marnel Juniors submitted a request for funding from the LCP to support their Autistic Spectrum Disorder training day on 31st October. Two other local LCP’s are already supporting the event. The request is for a donation towards the cost of speakers and refreshments. Although the LCP group thought the idea a very good one there are currently no funds available to support it.
Action CT and SW to look at funds and reply to JT or A Baron
Action CT to look at other funding streams
It was suggested that anyone requesting funding completes an Impact Evaluation Form. These forms have been used in the past to apply for extended services funding.
CT advised that any funding requests must be submitted at least 3 months prior to the project taking place as funding now needs to be externally sourced.
Action CT to send template Impact Evaluation Form out with minutes / All
J Perfect and C Thresher
S Willis and C Thresher
C Thresher
C Thresher / 7th October
By next meeting
29th September
With minutes
7 / HampshireCounty Youth Conference
JP handed out a poster for the Hampshire County Youth Conference on 23rd November. They are looking for youth groups to give a short presentation on best practice examples.
Action All: Any ideas of best practice examples to CT / All / 21st October
9 / Attendance focus and campaign
This LCP initiative is proving successful. Schools are working with BDBC to promote this through the media, including the Basingstoke Gazette. The next stage is to include attendance and engagement at youth groups and after school clubs, such at the Streetz project.
10.6 / A.O.B
HP advised of a funding newsletter that is available and may be useful to the LCP for sourcing external funding.
Action CT to investigate
JBe advised that as Vice Chair of the ABC LCP she feels that the Chairs meetings should be opened up to include the Vice Chairs. There is a Chairs meeting on 21st Sept and JP will raise it then
Action JP
MC advised that the new ‘Purple Book’ is now available to download from the BVS website and is also available in print. The book (also known as The Community Learning Programme) has increased it’s information about adult and family learning to incorporate what’s happening across the Borough in schools, community centres and children’s centres as well as what BDBC and BVS has to offer.
Hard copies can be obtained from BDBC by calling 844844
SM from WYOT advised that he is new to the group and is keen to build up working relationships with LCP partners.
BC asked if the group could be provided with a list of partners around the table. This was the intention of the pen portraits but only 6 have been received to date.
CT to produce a list of ‘whose who’ and e-mail to the group
CC stated that we need to have more joined up thinking regarding funding applications. More discussion should be had regarding what sort of funding we can/would like to apply for. More partnership working is required to increase our chances of success / C Thresher
Jamie Perfect
C Thresher / By next meeting
Sept 23rd
14th October

Next meeting 8th November 2pm at Fort Hill Community School