Station One: Meaning of Scientific Notation

1) A really large number would have what type of exponent?

2) A really small number would have what type of exponent?

3) What does 5.6E12 mean?

4) Complete the table

Measured Quantity / Standard Notation / Scientific Notation
World Population in 2009 / 6,790,000,000 / a)
Time for a computer to perform a computation / b) / 3.0 x 10-10
Average fingernail thickness in inches / 0.015 / c)
Gallons of fresh water used in the US each year / d) / 2.5 x 1013
Diameter of a human hair / 0.000017 / e)
Mass of Mars in tons / f) / 7.08 x 1020

Station Two: Scientific Notation

1) Evaluate and make sure answer is in scientific notation.

a) (8 x 106)(1 x 10-3)b) (7.9 x 103)(2.6 x 105)

c) d)


2) According to many scientists, Argentinosaurus is the heaviest known dinosaur. It weighed 220,000 pounds. How much would 1500 Argentinosaurus dinosaurs weigh? Use scientific notation to calculate the answer.

3) A large Siberian tiger can weigh up to 305,000 grams. A small sand cat can weigh as little as 1500 grams. How many times greater is the weight of a Siberian tiger than the weight of a sand cat? Use scientific notation to calculate the answer.

Station Three: Product Property

  1. Explain why the following statement is true:
  1. Give another example of this property.
  1. Complete the following equation to show how you can find the exponent of the product when you multiply terms with like bases. Explain your reasoning.
  1. Simplify

a) / b)
c) / d)

Station Four: Power to a Power Property

  1. Explain why the following statement is true:
  1. Give another example of this property.
  1. Complete the following equation to show how you can find the base and exponent if an exponent is raised to another power. Explain your reasoning.
  1. Simplify

a) / b)
c) / d)

Station Five: Quotient Property

  1. Explain why the following statement is true.
  1. Give another example of this property.
  1. Complete the following equation to show how you can find the base and exponent of a quotient when you divide two powers with the same basewhere . Explain your reasoning.
  1. Simplify

a) / b)
c) / d)

Station Six: Zero Power Property

  1. Explain why the following statement is true.
  1. Give another example of this property.
  1. Complete the following equation to show the value when a base is raised to the power of zero.
  1. Simplify

a) / b)
c) / d)

Station Seven: Negative Power Property

  1. Explain why the following statement is true.
  1. Give another example of this property.
  1. George says and Tiffany says . Who is correct and why?
  1. Simplify

a) / b)
c) / d)

Station 8: What’s Wrong?

Every problem is incorrect. Identify the mistake, fix it, and explain what went wrong.

1) 2)

3) 4)


Math8Exponents and Scientific Notation Review StationsName ______#_____

Find your station number and answer the questions in the space provided.

Station 1: Meaning of Scientific Notation / 1
2 / 3
4a / 4b
4c / 4d
4e / 4f
Station 2: Operations with Scientific Notation / 1a
1b / 1c
1d / 1e
2 / 3
Station 3: Product Property / 1
2 / 3
4a / 4b
4c / 4d
Station 4: Power to a Power Property / 1
2 / 3
4a / 4b
4c / 4d
Station 5: Quotient Property / 1
2 / 3
4a / 4b
4c / 4d
Station 6: Zero Power Property / 1
2 / 3
4a / 4b
4c / 4d
Station 7: Negative Power Property / 1
2 / 3
4a / 4b
4c / 4d
Station 8: What’s wrong? / 1
2 / 3
4 / 5
Station 9: Check answers to the review / Did you do the review?
Did you check your answers?