THEME:ReptilesSUBTHEME: Caring and Sharing

5:50:COMING IN ACTIVITY: Colour and cut out the snake spiral.


6:05: GAME: Snake slide. (sacks) Joeys become a snake! In relay formation they put on the sack and slide up around a chair and back again.

6:10 GAME: Crocodile tails. Joeys tuck a tail in their shorts. Joeys move around the room trying to catch the tails of other Joeys.

6:15: Game: Goanna up a Tree – Many animals retreat to trees when threatened by danger. What might attack a snake or lizard like a goanna? Joeys move around the room. Leader calls ‘Danger!’ Joeys climb up a tree (chair) to escape the danger. Take a chair away each round. (Discuss that if humans remove the trees then the animals have less places to hide!)

6:20: GAME: Snakes in a tree. With hands behind their backs Joeys try to eat the snakes hanging from the tree.

6:25 CRAFT: Snakes on sticks. Joeys wrap a pipe cleaner around a stick and attach eyes with blue tack.

Fast finishers play “What’s the time Mr Crocodile?” In the other room

6:35 Read book – Please Mr Crocodile

6:40 Game: Play ‘Please Mr Crocodile”. One Joey is Mr Crocodile Joeys line up against the side wall (Bank of the river) and say “Please Mr Crocodile may we cross your raging river?”. Mr Crocodile says “only is you are wearing (a colour). Get all the Joeys across the river!

6:45: ACTIVITY: Discuss – How to treat a snake bite. Discuss how to keep safe if you see a snake. Calling 000

6:50: What has the snake eaten – Leader has a collection of objects in a long sock. Joeys pass the ‘snake’ around the circle and guess what he has eaten. When the sock all gone the way around, show the group what is inside.