University Postdoctoral Research Fellowship (UPRF)

Final Report Form

A report will be required within six months of the conclusion of the fellowship.

All entries on this form should be typed, as the form will automatically expand once text is entered. Please submit electronically to as hard copy to Research Services, M459.

Name of Chief Investigator
Project Title
Date of Fellowship commencement
Employment status on completion of your UPRF

Briefly summarise the aims and outcomes of the project in a form suitable for publicity purposes, and understandable to the intelligent lay person

If there have been any significant changes to, or problems with the project, please provide details

Please list publications resulting DIRECTLY from funding made available to you under this scheme. Use the table below to characterise the publications. For each item, please provide a percentage to indicate the influence of this UPRFin producing the publication.

Publication Authors, Title / Type of Publication (see below) / % of influence / Status
(A=accepted; S=submitted; P=in preparation)
Type / Publication / Type / Publication
A1 / Books - Authored Research / E4 / Conference Publications - Edited Volume of Conference Proceedings
A2 / Books - Authored Other / F / Audio-Visual Recordings
A3 / Books – Edited / G / Computer Software
A4 / Books - Revision/New Edition / H / Technical Drawing/Architectural & Industrial Design/Working Model
A5 / Books – Privately Published / I / Patents
B1 / Chapters in Books – Commercial Publisher / J1 / Other Creative Works - Major Written or Recorded Work
B2 / Chapters in Books – Private Publisher / J2 / Other Creative Works - Minor Written or Recorded Work
C1 / Journal Articles - Article in Scholarly Refereed Journal / J3 / Other Creative Works - Individual Exhibition of Original Art
C2 / Journal Articles - Other Contribution to Refereed Journal / J4 / Other Creative Works - Representation of Original Art
C3 / Journal Articles - Non-Refereed Articles / J5 / Other Creative Works - Catalogue
C4 / Journal Articles - Letter or Note / K1 / Entry in Encyclopedia, etc - Substantial Contribution
D / Major Reviews / K2 / Entry in Encyclopedia, etc -Entry Only
E1 / Conference Publications - Full Written Paper - Refereed Proceedings / L / Technical Report
E2 / Conference Publications-Full Written Paper - Non-refereed Proceedings / M / Other Public Output
E3 / Conference Publications - Extract of Paper / N / PhD, Master or honours completions, arising from this project

Please list research funding applications resulting DIRECTLY from funding made available to you under this scheme. For each item, please provide a percentage to indicate the influence of this UPRF in securing the funding.

Application Title, CIs / Funding Agency / % of influence / Status
(A=awarded; S=submitted; P=in preparation)

Please comment on any further impact this funding has had on your research career (e.g.development of new research collaborations, expansion into new research directions, upgrading of public profile…)

Name: Signature (if hard copy): Date:

Comments of Team Leader, Supervisor, or Head of School:

I am satisfied that ...... has performed productively over the term of his/her University Postdoctoral Research Fellowship.

Signature of Head of School / Date